A dead simple programming language.

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Networking checked


Checked is a dead simple programming language.

Variable declarations with type inference

func main() {
    let constantVariable = 5
    var variable = 1


func main() {
    let value = false
    if value {

    } else {



func myFunction(value: Float) {


Functions with anonymous parameters

func myFunction(_ value: Float) {



func myFunction(_ value: Bool) -> String {
    let result = if value {
    } else {
        "other string"

    return result


func myFunction(_ value: Bool) -> String {
    return if value {
    } else {
        "other string"

Complex type inference

func myFunction() -> Int64 {
    return 0

func main() {
    let variable = myFunction()

Getting started

Check out the samples.

swift run checked build samples/function-call/main.checked
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