Drawer view controller that easy to use!



Pod Version Pod Platform Pod License Swift

Drawer view controller that is easy to use!


CocoaPods (iOS 8+ projects)

KWDrawerController is available on CocoaPods. Add the following to your Podfile:

# Swift 3
pod 'KWDrawerController', '~> 3.7'

# Swift 4~
pod 'KWDrawerController', '~> 4.2'
pod 'KWDrawerController/RxSwift'        # with RxSwift extension


Simply drag and drop the DrawerController folder into your existing project.



import UIKit

import KWDrawerController

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {

    var window: UIWindow?

    func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
        let mainViewController   = MainViewController()
        let leftViewController   = LeftViewController()
        let rightViewController  = RightViewController()
        let drawerController     = DrawerController()

        drawerController.setViewController(mainViewController, .none)
        drawerController.setViewController(leftViewController, .left)
        drawerController.setViewController(rightViewController, .right)

        /// Customizing

        window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds)
        window?.rootViewController = drawerController

        return true



  1. Set DrawerController as the Custom Class of the Initial ViewController.

  2. Connect the DrawerEmbedLeftControllerSegue and/or the DrawerEmbedRightControllerSegue from DrawerController to your left/right controllers.

  3. Connect the DrawerEmbedMainControllerSegue from DrawerController to your main controller.

  4. Set the segue identifiers of both the inspector of DrawerController and the segues themselves.

Open / Close

/// Open

/// Close


optional func drawerDidAnimation(
    drawerController: DrawerController,
    side: DrawerSide,
    percentage: Float

optional func drawerDidBeganAnimation(
    drawerController: DrawerController,
    side: DrawerSide

optional func drawerWillFinishAnimation(
    drawerController: DrawerController,
    side: DrawerSide

optional func drawerWillCancelAnimation(
    drawerController: DrawerController,
    side: DrawerSide

optional func drawerDidFinishAnimation(
    drawerController: DrawerController,
    side: DrawerSide

optional func drawerDidCancelAnimation(
    drawerController: DrawerController,
    side: DrawerSide



DrawerTransition is a module that determines the rendering direction to move the Drawer. It is implemented by inheriting DrawerTransition.

  • DrawerSlideTransition


  • DrawerScaleTransition
    • Use is not recommended.
  • DrawerParallaxTransition


  • DrawerFloatTransition
    • When using the Transition, Overflow Transition should also use DrawerFloatTransition.


  • DrawerFoldTransition


  • DrawerSwingTransition


  • DrawerZoomTransition


Overflow Transition

Overflow Transition be used when Transition beyond the open range of the drawer.

  • DrawerSlideTransition
  • DrawerScaleTransition
    • This is natural when used with DrawerSlideTransition, DrwaerParallaxTransition, DrawerFoldTransition, and DrawerSwingTransition.


  • DrawerParallaxTransition
  • DrawerFloatTransition
    • When using the Overflow Transition, Transition should also use DrawerFloatTransition.
  • DrawerFoldTransition
    • Use is not recommended.
  • DrawerSwingTransition
    • Use is not recommended.
  • DrawerZoomTransition


Animator is a module that controls the speed of moving a drawer. It is implemented by inheriting DrawerAnimator or DrawerTickAnimator.

  • DrawerLinearAnimator
  • DrawerCurveEaseAnimator
  • DrawerSpringAnimator
  • DrawerCubicEaseAnimator
  • DrawerQuadEaseAnimator
  • DrawerQuartEaseAnimator
  • DrawerQuintEaseAnimator
  • DrawerCircEaseAnimator
  • DrawerExpoEaseAnimator
  • DrawerSineEaseAnimator
  • DrawerElasticEaseAnimator
  • DrawerBackEaseAnimator
  • DrawerBounceEaseAnimator


public var isTapToClose: Bool
public var isGesture: Bool
public var isAnimation: Bool
public var isOverflowAnimation: Bool
public var isShadow: Bool
public var isFadeScreen: Bool
public var isBlur: Bool
public var isEnable: Bool


  • 1.0 First Release.
  • 1.1 Bug Fix, Add animations.
  • 2.0 Refactoring.
  • 2.1 Bug Fix, Update animation.
  • 2.2 Fix animation, and some bugs.
  • 3.0 Written in Swift 3.0
  • 3.1 Fix Access Control issues on DrawerController.
  • 3.2 Fix Access Control issues on Transition.
  • 3.3 Fix Access Control issues on initializer.
  • 3.4 Remove debug log.
  • 3.5 Fixed bug where touch ignores is not applied for "Absolute Controller".
  • 3.6 Fixed an occurs issue while the drawer was open and layout changing.
  • 3.6.1 Fixed layout issue when rotate device.
  • 3.7 Fixed not updating issues on properties.
  • 4.0 Support Swift 4.
  • 4.1 Implement new flag that enables direction auto-switching.
  • 4.1.1 Support RxSwift(If you want).
  • 4.1.2
    • Fix issues on auto layout of child view controllers.
    • Replace naming.
    • Implement getViewController method.
    • Reduce cloning size.
  • 4.1.3
    • Fix crashed on load. (#12)
  • 4.1.4
    • Add state methods to delegate. (#16)
    • Fix access control issues. (#18)
    • Fixed DrawerFloatTransition bug. (#20)
    • DrawerController incorrectly manages lifecycles of child controllers. (#21 #22)
  • 4.1.5
    • Code and performance improvements and bug fixes. (#24 @rivera-ernesto)
  • 4.1.6
    • Fix transition bugs.
    • Fix gesture not working bugs.
    • Fix right drawer placement on iPads (#28 @rivera-ernesto)
  • 4.2
    • Support swift 4.2. (#31)

⚠️ Requirements

  • iOS 8.0+
  • Swift 3.0+

🔑 License

KWDrawerController is under MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Use in Objective-C project

    Use in Objective-C project

    Hi Kawoou,

    I'm using your framework through CocoaPods, I use it exactly as your instruction, but storyboard failed to init DrawerController and returns a plain UIViewController as the initial ViewController. Do you happen to know what's the issue here? Thank you so much in advance!

    2018-01-16 6 26 29 2018-01-16 6 26 35 2018-01-16 6 26 43 2018-01-16 6 26 48
    opened by andyden9 13
  • drawerController is null in viewWillDisappear and viewDidDisappear

    drawerController is null in viewWillDisappear and viewDidDisappear

    Extension property drawerController of UIViewController returns nil when I'm trying to access it in viewWillDisappear and viewDidDisappear methods of my view controller. Could you please explain this behaviour if it's correct or fix it if there is some bug?

    opened by Serproger 12
  • Slide animation bug

    Slide animation bug

    Hi, I am seeing a random bug that is reproducible only on a device (tested on iPhone 5S and 7) I am using your example, without any modifications. The issue is that sometimes, when I press the button to open the right drawer (transition is set to Slide), the drawer opens up fine, but sometimes the slide animation stutters and the side viewcontroller is offset to the left of the screen (notice that the main viewcontroller underneath it remains at its initial position)

    right wrong

    opened by bdobreav 5
  • Crashed on load

    Crashed on load

    Attempting to load the view of a view controller while it is deallocating is not allowed and may result in undefined behavior (<KWDrawerController.DrawerController: 0x7f9e23978a00>)

    screen shot 2018-01-29 at 2 01 48 am
    opened by jeffayan 5
  • When closing a side panel presented using DrawerFloatTransition, the primary view is sometimes re-presented offset to the left

    When closing a side panel presented using DrawerFloatTransition, the primary view is sometimes re-presented offset to the left

    When closing a side panel that has been presented using a DrawerFloatTransition, the main view controller is not always restored properly and is instead drawn offset to the left by approximately 30 pixels. This creates a visual defect in the UI. Subsequent open / close of the side panel will exacerbate the situation, eventually causing the primary view to become unusable.

    See images below:

    one two three

    opened by ttupper92618 3
  • Unknown class KWDrawerController in Interface Builder file.

    Unknown class KWDrawerController in Interface Builder file.

    First of all thanks for the great library.

    I am having an issue, when i set Custom Class to "KWDrawerController" via story board there is no build issue only the console show this message "Unknown class KWDrawerController in Interface Builder file."

    I have removed the libs via pods and installed many times but still the same issue.

    Hoping for quick response.


    opened by husnaintahir 3
  • Unable to get delegates to fire

    Unable to get delegates to fire

    Is there an example of using the delegates somewhere? I'm having trouble getting any delegate method to fire, and I badly need to be able to respond to drawer state as it changes.

    opened by ttupper92618 2
  • Using DrawerSlideTransition should resize the side view controllers to the available width

    Using DrawerSlideTransition should resize the side view controllers to the available width

    First off, really good work, it's a really clear project and easy to setup!

    I have a suggestion: when using a DrawerSlideTransition, since no background is visible (like DrawerFloatTransition for instance), it would be great if the child view controllers were resized to fit the available width.

    I have been able to make this by updating a bit DrawerContent.swift :

        internal func updateView() {
            let width = CGFloat(drawerWidth)
            contentView.frame.size.width = width
            drawerOffset = 0.0
            guard let superView = contentView.superview else { return }
            if drawerSide == .right {
                drawerOffset = superView.frame.width - width
            viewController.view.frame = CGRect(
                x: 0,
                y: 0,
                width: width,
                height: superView.frame.height

    This may not be perfect to obtain the needed behaviour, and this affects all other transitions. Would you know a way to achieve this behaviour with a custom transition or a an additional setting?

    I also noticed it's not possible de create custom transitions because the methods of DrawerTransition are not marked open.

    opened by dvkch 2
  • Observe state with delegate

    Observe state with delegate

    Thanks for the library! It would be cool if there was a delegate protocol to preform actions on the drawer state changing rather than having to pass a completion handler in. For example, the following stubs:

    func drawerController?(willOpenSide side: DrawerSide)
    func drawerController?(willCloseSide side: DrawerSide)

    I'd be happy to submit a PR.

    Thanks, Charles

    opened by 0xch4z 2
  • Need Info

    Need Info

    When embedded in navigationController to drawerController , drawerController height is bottom of the navigation bar . Can i know how to overlap for navigation bar for drawercontroller ?

    opened by DeevD 1
  • Remove the gestures for a certain drawer

    Remove the gestures for a certain drawer

    How do I remove the gestures for a certain drawer?

    I will have a drawer with the main menu on all pages, and a drawer with an module submenu for a certain module...

    and I want only the main menu to be triggered by gestures...

    opened by ccosnean 1
  • Using a .right side menu, at first attempt of openSide(.right) results in a left side opening

    Using a .right side menu, at first attempt of openSide(.right) results in a left side opening

    With any gesture or touch after this misplacement, problem will resolve and .right side opens properly. I tried to debug very hard to contribute the project, yet I could not solve the puzzle. My guess: there might be an invalide size/frame reading occur before the (.right)view became visible. Thank you for opensourcing this project I was using it for over a year without any issues, then the specs changed and customer wants a right hand side menu:)


    opened by ardarda 5
  • Q: Is possible add cornerRadius to main view controller?

    Q: Is possible add cornerRadius to main view controller?

    Good morning! First, thanks for this awesome lib!

    Someone can help me? Is possible add cornerRadius to main view controller when I click or swipe?


    opened by Lailan 2
  • No animation when replacing new controller to existing one in DrawerController

    No animation when replacing new controller to existing one in DrawerController


    I'm trying to change existing view controller by using setViewController(newController, for: .none) but it changes the controller without animation while the side menu is opened. Seems abit odd from user experience

    opened by kuoliangkwong 0
  • not working after pod install

    not working after pod install

    I installed it with pod ,used it with storyboard, it was not working, it displayed with DrawViewcontroller only. # Swift 4~ pod 'KWDrawerController', '~> 4.2' pod 'KWDrawerController/RxSwift' # with RxSwift extension

    But when I remove 'KWDrawerController' from podfile and drag the DrawerController folder to my project, it working well.

    Did i missed sth?

    opened by zhangyuepeng86 0
  • I can't trigger to open left or right side by button action.

    I can't trigger to open left or right side by button action.

    I followed instructions for storyboard and I set controllers correctly.

    class Example: UIViewController, DrawerControllerDelegate {

    override func viewDidLoad()  {
            self.drawerController?.delegate = self
            self.drawerController?.options.isAnimation = false
            self.drawerController?.setTransition(DrawerFloatTransition(), for: .left)

    When I try to trigger open left side with this code block, drawerController throws nil error and crash.

    if self.drawerController!.drawerSide == .none {
                    .disposed(by: disposeBag)
            } else {
                    .disposed(by: disposeBag)
    opened by GokmenAkar 7
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