A simple customizable side menu written in SwiftUI.

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A simple customizable side menu written in SwiftUI.

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Copy this url: https://github.com/itisnajim/NSideMenu.git then in Xcode project, select File > Add Packages... and past it in the input with the placeholder 'Search or Enter package URL'


In your content view body add NSideMenuView like the code below:

    @StateObject var options = NSideMenuOptions()
    var body: some View {
        NSideMenuView(options: options){


You can Customize NSideMenuView via NSideMenuOptions initializer or through the object

    options = NSideMenuOptions(style: .normal, side: .leading, width: 220, showSkeletonStack: false, skeletonStackColor: .white, cornerRaduisIfNeeded: 16, rotaionDegree: 8,
    onWillClose: {
    }, onWillOpen: {
    }, onDidClose: {
    }, onDidOpen: {
    // or
    options.style = .slideAbove

NSideMenuOptions Properties

  • style: Presentation Style, of type enum with cases: normal, scale, slideAbove, slideAside and rotate, default: normal.
  • side: Menu side, of type enum with cases: leading and trailing, default: leading.
  • width: Menu content container width, of type CGFloat, default: 186.
  • showSkeletonStack: Main view content Skeleton Stack visiblity, of type Bool, default: false.
  • skeletonStackColor: Main view content Skeleton Stack color, of type Color, default: Color(UIColor.systemBackground).
  • cornerRaduisIfNeeded: when style is scale and Menu is visible this property will be applied on the Main view container corners, of type CGFloat, default: 16.
  • rotaionDegree: when style is rotate and Menu is visible this property will be applied on the Main view container rotation degree, of type Double, default: 6.
  • show: Menu view visiblity, of type Bool, default: false.

NSideMenuOptions Methods and Events

  • onWillClose: fired when 'show' property asigned to false or when calling toggleMenu Method.
  • onWillOpen: fired when 'show' property asigned to true or when calling toggleMenu Method.
  • onDidClose: fired when the side menu close animation did finish.
  • onDidOpen: fired when the side menu open animation did finish.
  • toggleMenu(animation: Animation? = .default): this method to toggle the side menu visiblity from open to close or from close to open.
  • showMenu(animation: Animation? = .default): this method to open the side menu
  • hideMenu(animation: Animation? = .default): this method to close the side menu


itisnajim, itisnajim@gmail.com


NSideMenu is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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  • Unable to tap menu button when set to .normal/.slideAside

    Unable to tap menu button when set to .normal/.slideAside

    First of all, thanks for this great component, saved me a lot of time!

    I've encountered a problem when style is set to .normal or .slideAside - I'm unable to tap a button in navigationBar to open the menu again. It works fine with .slideAbove.

    I'm using Xcode 13.2 and iOS 15.2.

    How to reproduce

    1. Use Example app
    2. Run in Simulator
    3. Change style to normal or slideAside (in the app menu)
    4. Close the menu (tap X)
    5. You're not able to tap button to open the menu again

    I guess it could be some layer covering half of the view? Let me know if you need anything to debug (video?), I'm happy to help!

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