Signature component for iOS in Swift

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UI EPSignature



Signature component for iOS written in Swift

Platform Swift 4.0 CI Status Version Carthage compatible License Twitter: @HaveYouMetPrabu


Screenshot Screenshot



EPSignature is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "EPSignature"

To integrate EPSignature into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "ipraba/EPSignature"
Manual Installation

Just drag and drop the files in Pod/Classes folder into your project


  1. User can draw the signature either by finger or by apple pencil
  2. Ability to save the signature as default signature which can be retrieved later
  3. Ability to load the saved signature
  4. Works on both orientations(portrait and landscape)
  5. Works on both iPhone and iPad devices
  6. Also can be embedded in any container view
  7. Can extract the signature as Image
  8. Draws smoothly

Initialization of EPSignatureViewController

let signatureVC = EPSignatureViewController(signatureDelegate: self, showsDate: true, showsSaveSignatureOption: true)
signatureVC.subtitleText = "I agree to the terms and conditions"
signatureVC.title = "John Doe"
let nav = UINavigationController(rootViewController: signatureVC)
presentViewController(nav, animated: true, completion: nil)

Note: You can also embed the signature view in any one of the container using the EPSignatureView

Properties of EPSignatureViewController

Properties Description
showsDate Bool value that allows to show the date while signing
showsSaveSignatureOption Bool value that allows the user to save the signature for future use
signatureDelegate Delegate listening for events
subtitleText Subtitle text for signature(Eg: Sign here)
tintColor Tint color for the view controller. Applies for barbuttons, switches and actionsheet

Properties of EPSignatureView

Properties Description
strokeColor Stroke color of the signature
strokeWidth Stroke width of the signature
isSigned Bool value checks whether the user has signed or not

EPSignatureViewController Delegates

func epSignature(_: EPSignature.EPSignatureViewController, didCancel error: NSError)
func epSignature(_: EPSignature.EPSignatureViewController, didSign signatureImage: UIImage, boundingRect: CGRect)

Note: boundingRect will contain the bounds of the signed image retrieved. Crop using this rect to make shorter and small signature images


EPSignature is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.



  • Orientation Issues

    Orientation Issues

    Hello and thanks for this library. To replicate the issue i am facing to the following: -> open app in portrait (device) -> sign & accept & tap done -> tap 'add my signature' again but now do that in landscape. -> Load default signature Now you will see that the image is not showing but if you tap Done it gets saved and it exits the view.

    Also if you sign in portrait and then rotate in landscape the signature gets stretched. If while stretched you try to sign again the signature returns to correct aspect ratio and but gets moved downwards.

    opened by mythodeia 5
  • Swift 4 Support

    Swift 4 Support

    I'm using EPSignature 1.0.3 as a dependency of my private Cocoa Pod. I've got several other dependencies in my pod spec file, all supporting Swift 4. I cannot get my pod spec through lint validation if I include EPSignature as a dependency.

    I'm getting the following errors when running pod spec lint command: - ERROR | [iOS] xcodebuild: EPSignature/Pod/Classes/EPSignatureViewController.swift:42:117: error: argument of '#selector' refers to instance method 'onTouchCancelButton()' that is not exposed to Objective-C - NOTE | [iOS] xcodebuild: EPSignature/Pod/Classes/EPSignatureViewController.swift:103:10: note: add '@objc' to expose this instance method to Objective-C - ERROR | [iOS] xcodebuild: EPSignature/Pod/Classes/EPSignatureViewController.swift:46:113: error: argument of '#selector' refers to instance method 'onTouchDoneButton()' that is not exposed to Objective-C - NOTE | [iOS] xcodebuild: EPSignature/Pod/Classes/EPSignatureViewController.swift:108:10: note: add '@objc' to expose this instance method to Objective-C - ERROR | [iOS] xcodebuild: EPSignature/Pod/Classes/EPSignatureViewController.swift:48:115: error: argument of '#selector' refers to instance method 'onTouchClearButton()' that is not exposed to Objective-C - NOTE | [iOS] xcodebuild: EPSignature/Pod/Classes/EPSignatureViewController.swift:144:10: note: add '@objc' to expose this instance method to Objective-C - ERROR | [iOS] xcodebuild: EPSignature/Pod/Classes/EPSignatureViewController.swift:60:123: error: argument of '#selector' refers to instance method 'onTouchActionButton' that is not exposed to Objective-C

    These errors are related to Swift 3 to Swift 4 conversion. Is there any expected time for EPSignature to support Swift 4?

    Thanks and congrats on your work

    opened by joaogithub 2
  • Needed . [dot] support

    Needed . [dot] support

    @ipraba, nice work! However, sometimes we need a dot with our signatures, currently, I am checking the Example in the Simulator, I can't add a dot. Please close this issue if it's working on the real device.


    opened by hemangshah 1
  • Getting the signature strokes without the extra whitespace?

    Getting the signature strokes without the extra whitespace?

    Currently there is a method that returns the bounds of the signature without the extra whitespace from the signature view. That is great, but why, then, did you not implement a method that would return the signature without the extra whitespace?

    opened by JinkProject 1
  • Fix README

    Fix README


    I got this error: unrecognized selector sent to instance, this is because onTouchDoneButton calls epSignature with arg name didSign.

    glad if no other developers misread and get that error.

    opened by otiai10 1
  • App crashes after trying to save signature

    App crashes after trying to save signature

    I don't know what happened/ is happening but when I wanted to save my sign app crashed automatically. Other controls such as cancel, delete current signature and trying to save blank image are working.

    Here's some screenshoots down below. Thanks

    Screenshot 2021-10-18 at 23 03 15 Screenshot 2021-10-18 at 23 03 25
    opened by 31d4r 0
  • Add support for Swift 4.2 and Xcode 10.1

    Add support for Swift 4.2 and Xcode 10.1

    • Update project files to adopt new default configurations in Xcode 10.1
    • Update Travis configuration to use Xcode 10.1
    • Update source to support Swift 4.2
    opened by jimmyti 0
  • Support to UI Rotation

    Support to UI Rotation

    ViewController listens to didRotate(from fromInterfaceOrientation: UIInterfaceOrientation) and tells View to reposition View scales and repositions bezierPath to fit on screen maxPoint & maxPoint replaced with bezierPath.bounds as they weren’t updated on rotate.

    opened by fraserscottmorrison 0
  • Update lineWidth of bezierPath on strokeWidth change.

    Update lineWidth of bezierPath on strokeWidth change.

    The current implementation does not allow changing the strokeWidth. The strokeWidth is used only once during initialization to set the lineWidth of the bezierPath, this should also be done when a new strokeWidth is set.

    opened by LcTwisk 0
  • Updated For Swift 3.0

    Updated For Swift 3.0

    Swift 3.0 support with all the syntax and plist configuration, fixed storyboard size class, and choosed iPhone 6 screen, fixed IBActions problem which was causing crash, fixed all warnings and deleted unused code.

    opened by geowarsong 0
  • Fixed draggable modals with iOS 13

    Fixed draggable modals with iOS 13

    iOS 13 modal dialogs can be dismissed by dragging. If you don't prevent this behavior, EPSignature will be unusable. By adding a simple function in the EPSignatureView I was able to fix this.

    opened by gklka 0
  • EPSignatureViewController opening in popup and not working in iOS 13

    EPSignatureViewController opening in popup and not working in iOS 13

    In old versions of iOS EPSignature is working properly but in iOS 13.2 the view controller appears like a popup and you can't draw anything because the finger movement closes the view.

    opened by mmsergi 4
  • Integrate EPSignature into Xcode project using Carthage Error

    Integrate EPSignature into Xcode project using Carthage Error

    I integrated EPSignature into Xcode project using Carthage and I received an error below.

    Skipped building EPSignature due to the error: Dependency "EPSignature" has no shared framework schemes for any of the platforms: iOS

    opened by panncherry 0
  • Add support for Swift 5.0 and Xcode 10.3

    Add support for Swift 5.0 and Xcode 10.3

    • Update project to adopt the recommended build settings in Xcode 10.3
    • Update Travis configuration to use Xcode 10.3
    • Update project to support Swift 5.0
    opened by jimmyti 0
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