An extandable mosaic UICollectionViewLayout with a focus on extremely flexible customizations :large_orange_diamond:



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An extandable mosaic UICollectionViewLayout with a focus on extremely flexible customizations.


This layout is not of waterfall type. It was designed for layouts where we can predict the size of rectangular box which contains the number of full cells. Check out how to copy TRMosaicLayout or FMMosaicLayout using SquareMosaicLayout


Example Layout Pattern Blocks
image1 image2 image3 image4
Build and run an example project to see how it really works Let's imagine that we want a UICollectionView with some mosaic layout that looks like this The red part of frames repeats while scrolling. So we should do only the red pattern and then repeat it The pattern is split it into smaller blocks that can be reused for some other layout or pattern


SquareMosaicLayout is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'SquareMosaicLayout', '4.1.2'


  • Layout can be vertical or horizontal.
  • Each section can have its own pattern of frames.
  • Each section can have its own header frame (optional).
  • Each section can have its own footer frame (optional).
  • Each section can have its own background (optional).
  • Space between sections can be changed (optional).
  • Space between, before and after blocks in pattern can be changed (optional).
  • Each section can have one repeated block.




SquareMosaicLayout is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

Example - copying TRMosaicLayout

final class TRMosaicLayoutCopy: SquareMosaicLayout, SquareMosaicDataSource {
    convenience init() {
        self.init(direction: SquareMosaicDirection.vertical)
        self.dataSource = self

    func layoutPattern(for section: Int) -> SquareMosaicPattern {
        return TRMosaicLayoutCopyPattern()

class TRMosaicLayoutCopyPattern: SquareMosaicPattern {
    func patternBlocks() -> [SquareMosaicBlock] {
        return [

public class TRMosaicLayoutCopyBlock1: SquareMosaicBlock {
    public func blockFrames() -> Int {
        return 3
    public func blockFrames(origin: CGFloat, side: CGFloat) -> [CGRect] {
        let minWidth = side / 3.0
        let maxWidth = side - minWidth
        let minHeight = minWidth * 1.5
        let maxHeight = minHeight + minHeight
        var frames = [CGRect]()
        frames.append(CGRect(x: 0, y: origin, width: maxWidth, height: maxHeight))
        frames.append(CGRect(x: maxWidth, y: origin, width: minWidth, height: minHeight))
        frames.append(CGRect(x: maxWidth, y: origin + minHeight, width: minWidth, height: minHeight))
        return frames

public class TRMosaicLayoutCopyBlock2: SquareMosaicBlock {
    public func blockFrames() -> Int {
        return 3
    public func blockFrames(origin: CGFloat, side: CGFloat) -> [CGRect] {
        let minWidth = side / 3.0
        let maxWidth = side - minWidth
        let minHeight = minWidth * 1.5
        let maxHeight = minHeight + minHeight
        var frames = [CGRect]()
        frames.append(CGRect(x: 0, y: origin, width: minWidth, height: minHeight))
        frames.append(CGRect(x: 0, y: origin + minHeight, width: minWidth, height: minHeight))
        frames.append(CGRect(x: minWidth, y: origin, width: maxWidth, height: maxHeight))
        return frames

Example - copying FMMosaicLayout

final class FMMosaicLayoutCopy: SquareMosaicLayout, SquareMosaicDataSource {
    convenience init() {
        self.init(direction: SquareMosaicDirection.vertical)
        self.dataSource = self
    func layoutPattern(for section: Int) -> SquareMosaicPattern {
        return FMMosaicLayoutCopyPattern()

class FMMosaicLayoutCopyPattern: SquareMosaicPattern {
    func patternBlocks() -> [SquareMosaicBlock] {
        return [

public class FMMosaicLayoutCopyBlock1: SquareMosaicBlock {
    public func blockFrames() -> Int {
        return 5
    public func blockFrames(origin: CGFloat, side: CGFloat) -> [CGRect] {
        let min = side / 4.0
        let max = side - min - min
        var frames = [CGRect]()
        frames.append(CGRect(x: 0, y: origin, width: max, height: max))
        frames.append(CGRect(x: max, y: origin, width: min, height: min))
        frames.append(CGRect(x: max, y: origin + min, width: min, height: min))
        frames.append(CGRect(x: max + min, y: origin, width: min, height: min))
        frames.append(CGRect(x: max + min, y: origin + min, width: min, height: min))
        return frames

public class FMMosaicLayoutCopyBlock2: SquareMosaicBlock {
    public func blockFrames() -> Int {
        return 4
    public func blockFrames(origin: CGFloat, side: CGFloat) -> [CGRect] {
        let min = side / 4.0
        var frames = [CGRect]()
        frames.append(CGRect(x: 0, y: origin, width: min, height: min))
        frames.append(CGRect(x: min, y: origin, width: min, height: min))
        frames.append(CGRect(x: min * 2, y: origin, width: min, height: min))
        frames.append(CGRect(x: min * 3, y: origin, width: min, height: min))
        return frames

public class FMMosaicLayoutCopyBlock3: SquareMosaicBlock {
    public func blockFrames() -> Int {
        return 5
    public func blockFrames(origin: CGFloat, side: CGFloat) -> [CGRect] {
        let min = side / 4.0
        let max = side - min - min
        var frames = [CGRect]()
        frames.append(CGRect(x: 0, y: origin, width: min, height: min))
        frames.append(CGRect(x: 0, y: origin + min, width: min, height: min))
        frames.append(CGRect(x: min, y: origin, width: min, height: min))
        frames.append(CGRect(x: min, y: origin + min, width: min, height: min))
        frames.append(CGRect(x: max, y: origin, width: max, height: max))
        return frames
  • set shadow for section

    set shadow for section

    Hi, I set shadow for section but doesn't effect on section `func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, viewForSupplementaryElementOfKind kind: String, at indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionReusableView { switch kind { case SquareMosaicLayoutSectionBacker: let view: UICollectionReusableView = collectionView.dequeueSupplementary(kind, indexPath: indexPath, kind: kind) view.layer.backgroundColor = UIColor.white.cgColor view.layer.roundedAllCorner(width: 5, height: 5) view.layer.borderColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor view.layer.shadowColor = UIColor.lightGray.cgColor view.layer.shadowOffset = CGSize(width: 13, height: 13) view.layer.shadowOpacity = 15 view.layer.shadowRadius = 12 view.layer.masksToBounds = false view.masksToBounds = false return view case SquareMosaicLayoutSectionHeader: let view: UICollectionReusableView = collectionView.dequeueSupplementary(kind, indexPath: indexPath, kind: kind) view.layer.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor

            let label = UILabel()
            label.text = "header"
            label.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 20)
            label.textAlignment = .center
            label.frame = view.bounds
            return view
    opened by MuhammadEhsanMirzaei 6
  • iOS 8 Support

    iOS 8 Support

    Hi, I'm wondering why the deploy target is iOS 9.0. I tried the demo app on iOS 8.1 and it works quite normal.

    Is there any other issue I didn't notice?

    opened by ShivaHuang 4
  • Lazy computation for layout attributes

    Lazy computation for layout attributes

    When collection view has thousands of items then method prepare() works slow that causes some lags/freezes, especially it is noticeable on device orientation change. Thanks.

    opened by mikehouse 1
  • Objective C Usage?

    Objective C Usage?

    Is this compatible with objective c? I am able to import it by using the following code, but cannot initialize it.

    #import "SquareMosaicLayout-Swift.h"

    help wanted 
    opened by willsmillie 1
  • Carthage support

    Carthage support

    opened by TofPlay 1
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