UICollectionViewLayout with focused content



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SFFocusViewLayout is a UICollectionViewLayout subclass for displaying focused content on UICollectionView which is the largest cell of all.


SFFocusViewLayout contains three properties to customize the interface.

var standardHeight: CGFloat
var focusedHeight: CGFloat
var dragOffset: CGFloat
  • focusedHeight is the height cells should be when focused. Defaults to 280
  • standardHeight is the height cells should be when collapsed. Defaults to 100
  • dragOffset is the amount the user needs to scroll before the featured cell changes. Defaults to 180



If you want to use a Swift 3 implementation of this framework use a 3.0 or greater version

pod 'SFFocusViewLayout', '~> 3.0'


If you want to use a Objective–C implementation of this framework use a 2.0 or greater version

pod 'SFFocusViewLayout', '~> 2.0'



SFFocusViewLayout is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'SFFocusViewLayout'


You can also install it via Carthage. To do so, add the following to your Cartfile:

github 'fdzsergio/SFFocusViewLayout'


  • Carthage support
  • Swift compatible
  • Swift version
  • Tests
  • Upgrade to Swift 3


Sergio Fernández, fdz.sergio@gmail.com


This framework is heavily inspired by the Ultravisual example of Ray Wenderlich.


SFFocusViewLayout is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • dyld`dyld_fatal_error


    Hi ,

    When we want to run sample application with XCode 7.2 then we're facing this error.It works charm on simulator but we couldn't find a way to run same code on a real device. ( IPhone 6 , IOS 9.x )

    You can see the error through this link : http://snag.gy/XLjch.jpg

    Do you have an idea ?


    opened by pqant 7
  • strange behavior when embedded in navigation-controller

    strange behavior when embedded in navigation-controller


    i am using a ViewController, which is embedded in a NavigationController. Inside of that ViewController, i have a CollectionView that uses the SFFocusViewLayout. When i scroll down at a offset of approximately -64 and release my finger, it stops for a short duration and then snaps back to 0 offset. Using a ViewController without a NavigationController solves the issue. I guess calculation goes wrong at some point, when the CollectionView is not at yPosition 0 within the ViewController?

    opened by AnotherCoolDude 1
  • Background color and behavior

    Background color and behavior

    How do I change the background color of the layout? Change on collectionView.backgroundColor has no effect.

    screen shot 2017-04-18 at 8 23 35 pm

    And is it possible to have the layout end at the bottom of the collectionView? Thanks for the assistance.

    opened by davidseek 0
  • Specify Swift version without patch (fix #16)

    Specify Swift version without patch (fix #16)

    This fixes #16. Basically it is a workaround for a weird Xcode 8.2 behavior which might not get fixed but instead defined as the new expected behavior, so we should update the framework.

    opened by Jeehut 2
  • Xcode 8.2 build issue

    Xcode 8.2 build issue

    I have just tried to install version 3.1.0 via Carthage but it failed. It looks to me as if this is a similar issue to https://github.com/ninjaprox/NVActivityIndicatorView/pull/102 which is basically a strange Xcode 8.2 behavior. I think specifying only Swift 3.0 instead of 3.0.1 will fix this.

    opened by Jeehut 0
  • Change Background

    Change Background

    Is there by any chance a possibility to change the background of the collectionView? In color or Image? Once the user has scrolled through the content, there is a grey space of half the screen. Doesn't look too good. Any idea?

    opened by davidseek 0
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