๐ŸŒ An Unsplash app for iOS


๐ŸŒ Papr

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Papr is an unofficial Unsplash app for iOS.

๐Ÿƒโ€โ™‚๏ธ Getting Started

git clone https://github.com/jdisho/Papr.git
cd Papr
pod install
open Papr.xcworkspace # or xed .

โš™๏ธ Setup

To be able to log in during development, you'll need a Client ID and Client Secret.

To get these, register a new OAuth application on Unsplash.

Make sure the Authorization callback URL is set to papr://unsplash. The others can be filled in as you wish.

To add the Client ID and Client Secret to the App, follow these steps:

  1. In Xcode, go to Product> Scheme > Manage Schemes...
  2. Select Papr and click Edit...
  3. Go to Run > Arguments
  4. Add your Client ID (UNSPLASH_CLIENT_ID as key) and Client Secret (UNSPLASH_CLIENT_SECRET) to the Environment Variables.

๐ŸŽ‰ Why am I building this?

  1. Pushing RxSwift to its limits. ๐Ÿ”ฅ
  2. MVVM + Coordinator
  3. Using Codable, RxDataSources, Action.
  4. Exploring Unsplash and its API
  5. Fun thing!

โค๏ธ Contributing

I intend for this project to be more as an educational resource, learn by open sourcing.

I am very open for feedback and contribution.

  • Feature/present interactive

    Feature/present interactive


    This pull makes possible interactively (with gesture) to close detail photo

    I did some changes on Coordinator pop function. I made it cancelable (when dispose the observable do not set current controller)

    opened by vaderdan 5
  • SceneCoordinator Transition

    SceneCoordinator Transition

    First of all I would like to thank you for this amazing project. Truly your project has become an educational resource for me!

    My question is about the SceneCoordinator. I implemented the Coordinator with the same logic without RX, because I don't have the enough confidence to start using RX in projects for production. I have only one missing link to intercept when the View Controllers pop or a tab bar item is changed you make the SceneCoordinator the navigationControllerDelegate and tabBarControllerDelegate. I am wondering what the difference between this:

    currentViewController.navigationController?.rx.delegate.setForwardToDelegate(self, retainDelegate: false)
    currentViewController.tabBarController?.rx.delegate.setForwardToDelegate(self, retainDelegate: false)

    And this code is:

    currentViewController.navigationController?.delegate = self
    currentViewController.tabBarController?.delegate = self

    I'm guessing RX has a fancy way of preventing memory leaks in this case. How can I make my own implementation of setForwardToDelegate? Again thank you very much!

    opened by serjooo 5
  • Add error handling to avoid crash if getting error reponse from loading image

    Add error handling to avoid crash if getting error reponse from loading image

    If any of the image requests get an error response, it will crash since binding error. Catch error and return an empty observable or a placeholder image to avoid the crash.

    opened by xingye 2
  • XCode 11.2.1 Compile failed

    XCode 11.2.1 Compile failed

    git clone https://github.com/jdisho/Papr.git cd Papr pod install open Papr.xcworkspace

    and cmd+R compile failed ? Has anyone encountered this problem ?


    opened by HotWordland 2
  • SceneCoodinator.swift=>actualViewController=>return issue

    SceneCoodinator.swift=>actualViewController=>return issue


    static func actualViewController(for viewController: UIViewController) -> UIViewController {
        var controller = viewController
        if let tabBarController = controller as? UITabBarController {
            guard let selectedViewController = tabBarController.selectedViewController else {
                return tabBarController
            controller = selectedViewController
        if let navigationController = viewController as? UINavigationController {
            return navigationController.viewControllers.first!
        -return viewController  
        +return controller
    opened by spiderbob 2
  • fix PinterestLaout (DelegateProxy protocol was crashing due missing pโ€ฆ

    fix PinterestLaout (DelegateProxy protocol was crashing due missing pโ€ฆ


    @jdisho fixes RxDataSources crashes with a custom UICollectionViewLayout

    When image cell sets image we update the PinterestLayout sizes with that size and invalidate the layout

    opened by vaderdan 2
  • Change location of Unsplash Constants

    Change location of Unsplash Constants

    If app is runned from Xcode, it is all ok, otherwise app will do nothing because can't obtain Unsplash Constants from Enviroment Variables. See https://stackoverflow.com/a/14214923 .

    opened by ghost 2
  • Convert all SVG images to PDF

    Convert all SVG images to PDF

    Closes issue #96

    This PR converts all SVG images added for iOS 13 to support SFSymbols to PDF. This way we can still use them as vector images. For each medium/small size and medium/regular weight an image was set in the assets accordingly.

    Known issue while working on PR:

    App crashes still on iOS 12.2 in the HomeViewController on line 82:

    .execute { [weak self] isRefreshing in
        if isRefreshing {
            self?.collectionView.scrollToItem(at: IndexPath(item: 0, section: 0), at: .top, animated: false)
            self?.collectionView.setContentOffset(CGPoint(x: 0.0, y: -(self?.refreshControl.frame.height ?? 0.0)), animated: true)
        } else {
            self?.collectionView.setContentOffset(.zero, animated: true)
    .bind(to: refreshControl.rx.isRefreshing)
    .disposed(by: disposeBag)

    Commenting out the isRefreshing code solves the problem as the app crashes on scrolling logic.

    opened by serjooo 1
  • Papr crashes in iOS 12 and lower.

    Papr crashes in iOS 12 and lower.

    Since SVG format is not supported in iOS, the app crashes when it tries to access an image with a given resource name.

    static var arrowUpRight: UIImage {
        if #available(iOS 13.0, *) {
            return UIImage(systemName: "arrow.up.right", withConfiguration: symbolConfigurationMedium)!#
        return UIImage(imageLiteralResourceName: "arrow.up.right") // #CRASH

    We can solve this issue by (I would like to avoid having a dependency for this use case) by converting the SVGs into .png or supporting iOS13 and higher.

    Thoughts on this @serjooo (since you closed #89) ?

    (This app is not planned to be released, so supporting only the latest iOS version seems fine to me.)

    opened by jdisho 1
  • Present photos interactive

    Present photos interactive

    We could add pan gesture recogniser on DetailsScreen and dismiss the photo interactively


    @jdisho wdyt

    opened by vaderdan 1
  • Improve UX of photo list

    Improve UX of photo list

    I will be cool if we could implement parallax images scroll


    (images in each cell moves with different speed than the scroll)

    opened by vaderdan 1
  • Unable to get the latest 'isLikedByUser'.

    Unable to get the latest 'isLikedByUser'.

    I imitated your code. After I press the select button, isLikedByUser is always the initial value.


    import Foundation
    import RxSwift
    import Action
    import RealmSwift
    protocol PostViewCellModelInput {
        var selectPostAction: Action<Post, Post> { get }
        var unselectPostAction: Action<Post, Post> { get }
    protocol PostViewCellModelOutput {
        var postData: Observable<Post> { get }
        var isSelected: Observable<Bool> { get }
    protocol PostViewCellModelType {
        var inputs: PostViewCellModelInput { get }
        var outputs: PostViewCellModelOutput { get }
    final class PostViewCellModel: PostViewCellModelType, PostViewCellModelInput, PostViewCellModelOutput {
        var inputs: PostViewCellModelInput { return self }
        var outputs: PostViewCellModelOutput { return self }
        lazy var selectPostAction: Action<Post, Post> = {
            Action<Post, Post> { [unowned self] post in
                let configuration = Realm.Configuration(deleteRealmIfMigrationNeeded: true)
                let realm = try! Realm(configuration: configuration)
                let sharePost = SharePost()
                sharePost.ref = post.ref!
                sharePost.title = post.title
                sharePost.summary = post.summary
                sharePost.url = post.url
                try! realm.write {
                    realm.add(sharePost, update: .modified)
                return .just(post)
        lazy var unselectPostAction: Action<Post, Post> = {
            Action<Post, Post> { [unowned self] post in
                let configuration = Realm.Configuration(deleteRealmIfMigrationNeeded: true)
                let realm = try! Realm(configuration: configuration)
                let sharePost = realm.objects(SharePost.self).filter("ref = %@", post.ref!)
                if (sharePost.count > 0) {
                    try! realm.write {
                return .just(post)
        var postData: Observable<Post>
        var isSelected: Observable<Bool>
        private let service: PostServiceType
        private let cache: Cache
        private let sceneCoordinator: SceneCoordinatorType
        init(post: Post, service: PostServiceType = PostService(), cache: Cache = Cache.shared, sceneCoordinator: SceneCoordinatorType = SceneCoordinator.shared) {
            self.service = service
            self.cache = cache
            self.sceneCoordinator = sceneCoordinator
            postData = Observable.just(post)
            let cachedPostData = cache.getObject(ofType: Post.self, withId: post.ref ?? "").unwrap()
            isSelected = self.postData.merge(with: cachedPostData)
                .map { post in
                    let configuration = Realm.Configuration(deleteRealmIfMigrationNeeded: true)
                    let realm = try! Realm(configuration: configuration)
                    if realm.object(ofType: SharePost.self, forPrimaryKey: post.ref!) != nil {
                        return true
                    } else {
                        return false


    import Foundation
    import UIKit
    import RxSwift
    import RxCocoa
    import RealmSwift
    class PostViewCell: UITableViewCell, BindableType, NibIdentifiable & ClassIdentifiable {
        var viewModel: PostViewCellModelType!
        @IBOutlet var selectButton: UIButton!
        private var disposeBag = DisposeBag()
        func bindViewModel() {
            let inputs = viewModel.inputs
            let outputs = viewModel.outputs
            Observable.combineLatest(outputs.isSelected, outputs.postData)
                .bind { [weak self] in
                    self?.selectButton.rx.bind(to: $0 ? inputs.unselectPostAction: inputs.selectPostAction, input: $1)
                .disposed(by: disposeBag)
                .map { $0 ? UIColor.init(red: 210 / 255, green: 233 / 255, blue: 1, alpha: 1) : .clear }
                .bind(to: self.rx.backgroundColor)
                .disposed(by: disposeBag)
    opened by RoyDeng 0
  • HomeViewController crashes in iOS12 and lower when trying to refresh

    HomeViewController crashes in iOS12 and lower when trying to refresh

    As @serjooo mentioned:

    App crashes still on iOS 12 in the HomeViewController on line 82:

    .execute { [weak self] isRefreshing in
        if isRefreshing {
            self?.collectionView.scrollToItem(at: IndexPath(item: 0, section: 0), at: .top, animated: false)
            self?.collectionView.setContentOffset(CGPoint(x: 0.0, y: -(self?.refreshControl.frame.height ?? 0.0)), animated: true)
        } else {
            self?.collectionView.setContentOffset(.zero, animated: true)
    .bind(to: refreshControl.rx.isRefreshing)
    .disposed(by: disposeBag)

    Commenting out the isRefreshing code solves the problem as the app crashes on scrolling logic.

    opened by jdisho 0
  • Swipe left-right to see prev-next photo

    Swipe left-right to see prev-next photo

    On the photo detail, swipe left-right to see the prev-next photo. This means that the PhotoDetail.swift should be a UICollectionViewCell instead of a UIViewController.

    opened by jdisho 0
Joan Disho
iOS Engineer
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