43 Repositories
Swift photos Libraries
A framework that lists all photos in the album that contain faces.
FaceCollectionViewKit A framework that lists all photos in the album that contain faces. Features It uses the detection features of CIDetectorTypeFace
UIKit Practice Project – Simple app to store names along with photos of people you've met
People UIKit Practice Project #10 – Simple app to store names along with photos of people you've met Cool Features Light & dark mode support Responsiv
An iOS pre-permissions utility that lets developers ask users on their own dialog for calendar, contacts, location, photos, reminders, twitter, push notifications and more, before making the system-based permission request.
An iOS pre-permissions utility that lets developers ask users on their own dialog for calendar, contacts, location, photos, reminders, twitter, push notifications and more, before making the system-based permission request.
FlickrSearchPhotos - Simple search photos application which uses Flickr REST API made in Swift
FlickrSearchPhotos - Simple search photos application which uses Flickr REST API made in Swift
Simplifies iOS user permission requests (location, push notifications, camera, contacts, calendar, photos, etc).
ICanHas Swift 4 library that simplifies iOS user permission requests (push notifications, location, camera, photo library, contacts, calendar). Instal
A simple app that I created to migrate my photos from Lightroom Classic to Apple's Photos.app.
CustomPhotoImporter A simple app that I created to migrate my photos from Lightroom Classic to Apple's Photos.app. This is optimised for my specific n
A blog project where you can write your articles, upload photos, categorize them, and add them to your favorites
A blog project where you can write your articles, upload photos, categorize them, and add them to your favorites. The aim of the project is to learn the use of Core Data.
An app show your Live Photo and export as GIF.
LivelyGIFs Show your Live Photo and export as GIF. Demo HighLights Do not use Pod or Cathage to install 3rd party library Simple logic, new learner fr
UnsplashPhotosApp - Photos app using Unsplash API
UnsplashPhotosApp If you like this open-source project please consider supportin
Capturinator - Powered by RealityKit, Capturinator is a Mac app that turns photos of an object taken at multiple angles into 3D USDZ models
Capturinator Powered by RealityKit, Capturinator is a Mac app that turns photos
A sample project exploring MVVM pattern with SwiftUI/Combine, using Unsplash API (via Picsum.photos API)
CombineUnsplash A sample project exploring MVVM pattern with SwiftUI/Combine, using Unsplash API (via Picsum.photos API) with detail example. Resource
TransartistryApp is an application that will allow you to transform your photos and images into paintings of great artists
TransartistryApp TransartistryApp is an application that will allow you to transform your photos and images into paintings of great artists. Descripti
🌁 An Unsplash app for iOS
🌁 Papr Papr is an unofficial Unsplash app for iOS. 🏃♂️ Getting Started git clone https://github.com/jdisho/Papr.git cd Papr pod install open Papr.x
Starter project for Mars rover photos iOS app.
MarzyPan is an app that allows users to view photos taken by Mars rovers during their time on the planet. This is a starter project that has some UI
Simple Catalyst example (Mac idiom) of a grid-based app populated with photos, with dynamic cell layout switching
Catalyst Photo Grid Simple Catalyst example (Mac idiom) of a grid-based app populated with photos that can animate its cells between two different lay
Google Photos "takeout" doesn't retain created/modified dates of media.
GoogleTakeoutMediaDateCorrector Google Photos "takeout" doesn't retain created/modified dates of media. At least they do export this in a separate jso
Swift client for Unsplash
Unsplash API client written in Swift. Unsplash offers 2 APIs: Source API (unlimited requests) Official API JSON API (5000 requests / hour) JSON API is
Cluster's reusable pre-permissions utility that lets developers ask the users on their own dialog for photos or contacts access, before making the system-based request.
Cluster's reusable pre-permissions utility that lets developers ask the users on their own dialog for photos or contacts access, before making the system-based request. This is based on the Medium post by Cluster describing the different ways to ask for iOS permissions (https://medium.com/p/96fa4eb54f2c).
Custom iOS camera and photo picker with editing capabilities
Overview Paparazzo is a component for picking and editing photos. Key Features 📷 Taking photos using camera 📱 Picking photos from user's photo libra
An extension that gives UIImageView the ability to focus on faces within an image.
FaceAware Sometimes the aspect ratios of images we need to work with don't quite fit within the confines of our UIImageViews. In most cases we can use
Simple PhotoBrowser/Viewer inspired by facebook, twitter photo browsers written by swift
SKPhotoBrowser [](#contributors-) Simple PhotoBrowser
Convert live photos and videos into animated GIFs in iOS, or extract frames from them.
Create a GIF from the provided video file url, Or extract images from videos. This repository has been separated from original repo along with some no
The Gini Bank SDK provides components for capturing, reviewing and analyzing photos of invoices and remittance slips.
Gini Bank SDK for iOS The Gini Bank SDK provides components for capturing, reviewing and analyzing photos of invoices and remittance slips. By integra
A Snapchat Inspired iOS Camera Framework written in Swift
Overview SwiftyCam is a a simple, Snapchat-style iOS Camera framework for easy photo and video capture. SwiftyCam allows users to capture both photos
Horizon SDK for iOS
Horizon SDK for iOS Horizon SDK is a state of the art real-time video recording / photo shooting iOS library. Some of the features of Horizon SDK incl
This is an Instagram clone with a custom Parse backend that allows a user to post photos, view a global photos feed, and add comments!
Parstagram - Part II This is an Instagram clone with a custom Parse backend that allows a user to post photos, view a global photos feed, and add comm
A carousel of stacked items as seen in iMessage for photos
StackedItemsCarousel A carousel of stacked items (such as photos) as seen in iMessage What? iMessage on iOS 15 shows multiple photos in a carousel of
iOS app to automagically control device torch/flash and capture photos
BlobStar ✨ Version française 🇫🇷 iOS application to automagically control the device torch/flash and capture photos. The software was quickly drafted
Source code for iOS app "Photos for VK" — albums and photos manager for social network VKontakte
VK Photos (formally Photos for VK) VK Photos is an iOS app for manage albums and photos in social network VKontakte (vk.com) Screenshots Disclaimer ⚠️
Phimp.me - Photo Image Editor and Sharing App. Phimp.me is a Photo App for iOS that aims to replace proprietary photo applications. It offers features such as taking photos, adding filters, editing images and uploading them to social networks.
Phimp.me iOS Phimp.me is a Photo App for iOS that aims to replace proprietary photo applications. It offers features such as taking photos, adding fil
An iOS app that helps you check, edit and delete metadata of photos, including but not limited to EXIF, TIFF...
MetaX A simple iOS app that helps you check, edit and delete metadata of photos, including but not limited to EXIF, TIFF... Feature List main metadata
📱iOS app to extract full-resolution video frames as images.
Frame Grabber is a focused, easy-to-use iOS app to extract full-resolution video frames as images. Perfect to capture and share your favorite video mo
📱iOS app to extract full-resolution video frames as images.
Frame Grabber is a focused, easy-to-use iOS app to extract full-resolution video frames as images. Perfect to capture and share your favorite video mo
🔍BarcodeScanner – simple & easy application that helps you to scan both EAN8 and EAN13 barcodes.
🔍 Simple & easy application that helps you to scan both EAN8 and EAN13 barcodes.
A camera view controller with custom image picker and image cropping.
ALCameraViewController A camera view controller with custom image picker and image cropping. Features Front facing and rear facing camera Simple and c
UICollectionViewCell with checkbox when it isSelected and empty circle when not - like Photos.app "Select" mode.
CheckmarkCollectionViewCell UICollectionViewCell with checkbox when it isSelected and empty circle when not - like Photos.app "Select" mode. Usage cla
Simple PhotoBrowser/Viewer inspired by facebook, twitter photo browsers written by swift
SKPhotoBrowser Simple PhotoBrowser/Viewer inspired by facebook, twitter photo browsers written by swift features Display one or more images by providi
Material, a UI/UX framework for creating beautiful iOS applications
Material Welcome to Material, a UI/UX framework for creating beautiful applications. Material's animation system has been completely reworked to take
FMPhotoPicker is a modern, simple and zero-dependency photo picker with an elegant and customizable image editor
FMPhotoPicker is a modern, simple and zero-dependency photo picker with an elegant and customizable image editor Quick demo Batch select/deselect Smoo
DTPhotoViewerController - A fully customizable photo viewer ViewController to display single photo or collection of photos, inspired by Facebook photo viewer.
DTPhotoViewerController Example Demo video: https://youtu.be/aTLx4M4zsKk DTPhotoViewerController is very simple to use, if you want to display only on
An iOS/tvOS photo gallery viewer, useful for viewing a large (or small!) number of photos.
This project is unmaintained. Alex passed away in an accident in late 2019. His love of iOS development will always be remembered. AXPhotoViewer AXPho
ALCameraViewController - A camera view controller with custom image picker and image cropping.
ALCameraViewController A camera view controller with custom image picker and image cropping. Features Front facing and rear facing camera Simple and c
An iOS Framework Capture & record ARKit videos 📹, photos 🌄, Live Photos 🎇, and GIFs 🎆.
An iOS Framework that enables developers to capture videos 📹 , photos 🌄 , Live Photos 🎇 , and GIFs 🎆 with ARKit content.