Functional DSP / Audio Framework for Swift

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Audio Lullaby


Lullaby is an audio synthesis framework for Swift that supports both macOS and Linux! It was inspired by other audio environments like FAUST, SuperCollider, Max and an article "Functional Signal Processing in Swift".

What Can I do with it?

  • Audio Synthesis
  • Computer Music Composition
  • Real-time Reactive Audio Effects for Games and Apps
  • Data Sonification


  • macOS / Linux
  • Swift 5.5
  • libsoundio (Lullaby depends on SoundIO Swift wrapper for libsoundio)


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  • 0.1.2(Dec 21, 2021)

    First alpha release.

    • Wavetable oscillator for sine wave
    • libsoundio backend (currently tested on macOS only)
    • FM synthesis
    • Generative tuning table with LullabyMusic target (Equal Temperament or Just Intonation with a prime-limit)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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