Mini-Functional, Offensive, MP3 Tagger for Philharmoniques

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Mini-Functional, Offensive, MP3 Tagger for Philharmoniques
Download Latest (0.1 Build 5, requires macOS 12 Monterey Beta 3+) 🙋
Download Legacy (Build 4) 🙋 / Telegram Group 🧸

Utai uses some new features (like AsyncImage and Task) from WWDC21,
so it requires macOS 12 Monterey to run.


Utai (ウタイ) is a SwiftUI app that retrieves metadata from Discogs and puts ID3 tags into your MP3 files. It will recognise songs by their titles and lengths, and make some simple comparison with the data from Discogs to match.

Getting Started

Your contributions are highly welcome. Before diving into this project, you might follow the steps below.

  1. Download the required font, Yanone Kaffeesatz (Google Fonts), and either install or add it into the project.

  2. Go to Discogs Developers Settings and create a new app. Copy Consumer Key and Consumer Secret to a new file and name them discogs_key and discogs_secret. It'll be something like:

// Secrets.swift

let discogs_key = "YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY"
let discogs_secret = "YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET"


Distributed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. See LICENSE for more details.


Toto Minai – @toto_minai 🍒 / ✉️

Website –

Telegram Group –


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