Lightweight animation library for UIKit



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Lightweight animation library for UIKit in Swift


Checkout the Examples folder for more. Consider MotionAnimation as a extremely simplified version of facebook's pop library. There is no performance optimization or background work. This project is made for simplicity and ease of use. It is for people who want to learn how an animation library is made.

###This project is in testing. might not be stable for production use.


  • Xcode 7 or higher
  • iOS 7.0 or higher
  • ARC
  • Swift 2.0



iOS 8 or later

pod "MotionAnimation"


Download and add MotionAnimation folder into your project.


coming soon.


Luke Zhao,


ElasticTransition is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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  • Completion block / closure never fires when using m_animate

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    Hey Luke,

    First off thanks for releasing this library I love the way the motion looks. It's my new favorite animation library :)

    I'm using a pan gesture to allow the user to move an object around the screen. I noticed that none of the completion blocks / closures were firing so I started adding breakpoints to your library. For some reason the code just keeps running, even after the animation has finished on the screen.

    I can't seem to figure out why it keeps running and never wants to stop. Any chance I can get your help on this? Thanks.

    opened by mitchellporter 4
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