ListPlaceholder is a swift library allows you to easily add facebook style animated loading placeholder to your tableviews or collection views.



Version License Platform


Facebook news feed style animation


ListPlaceholder is a swift library allows you to easily add facebook style animated loading placeholder to your tableviews, collection views or custom views.


CocoaPods (Recommended)

  1. Install CocoaPods
  2. Add this repo to your Podfile
target 'Example' do
# IMPORTANT: Make sure use_frameworks! is included at the top of the file
platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'ListPlaceholder'
  1. Run pod install
  2. Open up the .xcworkspace that CocoaPods created
  3. Done!


Simply download the ListLoader.swift file from here into your project, make sure you point to your projects target


import ListPlaceholder

UITableView usage

//to show the loader

//to hide the loader

UICollectionView usage

//to show the loader

//to hide the loader

UIView usage

//to show the loader


//to hide the loader

Also the placeholder is now supporting in Objective-C language

@import ListPlaceholder;

//to show the loader
[_customView showLoader];
//to hide the loader
[_customView hideLoader];

Example project

Take a look at the example project over here

  1. Download it
  2. Open the Example.xcworkspace in Xcode
  3. Enjoy!


Moayad Al kouz, [email protected]


ListPlaceholder is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Show Placeholder while App is fetching data from API

    Show Placeholder while App is fetching data from API

    Hi @malkouz ,

    Great Library !!


    I want show placeholder while app is getting data from API, My datasource Array is initialize after parsing data, and meanwhile I need to show placeholder.

    So When datasource Array is empty this is not working.

    opened by toseefkhilji 4
  • Custom list placeholder view?

    Custom list placeholder view?

    Hi @malkouz! 😄 This looks promising but the ability to not be able to define a custom view as the placeholder is an absolute deal breaker for me. Do you plan to support this functionality in the future?

    opened by Daltron 3
  • How to Show this effect on  Empty table View

    How to Show this effect on Empty table View

    Hi Malkouz your library is much appreciated .

    I want to display the placeholders on the screen while in the background api is being called i have already checked a similar question in the issues section but have not found any leads as i am new ;) .

    My tableView populates when the API has done fetching data from it How can i show placeholders before populating that please?

    opened by mayankwadhwa111 2
  • Fix for darkmode

    Fix for darkmode

    There was a problem with showing loader in dark mode: The cover area in CutoutView was always white. How I resolved: Recursively find nearest available parent's backgroundColor to fill the cover area in CutoutView The result: Before: image

    After: image

    An example for dark mode/light mode was also added

    opened by bigearsenal 1
  • Problem with UIStackView inside UIStackView

    Problem with UIStackView inside UIStackView

    when I implemented an UIView and 2 another UIStackViews inside a horizontal UIStackView, The loaders, which are showing in 2 stackviews, was not correct. It treats UIStackView inside another UIStackView as if it were an UIView without subviews. If all arrangedSubviews in UIStackView are not UIStackView, it works fine. ezgif com-video-to-gif(2) I tried to make UIStackView conform to ListLoadable and ld_visibleContentViews become its arrangedSubviews but it won't help

    opened by bigearsenal 1
  • Views inside StackView not working properly

    Views inside StackView not working properly

    Hi Everyone, I am using this amazing library, it is working fine. But It is not working for stackViews in tableView or collectionView, it consider all the subviews in the stackView as a single View and highlight the whole stackView.

    Does anyone have any idea to resolve this issue ?

    opened by Muhammad-AhmadRafique 1
  • objective c pod issue

    objective c pod issue

    [!] Pods written in Swift can only be integrated as frameworks; add use_frameworks! to your Podfile or target to opt into using it. The Swift Pod being used is: ListPlaceholder

    opened by Daniyal073 0
  • Not Showing Placeholder animation when working with IGListKit CollectionView

    Not Showing Placeholder animation when working with IGListKit CollectionView

    It worked when I tried your awesome ListPlaceholder on a simple UICollectionView and UITableView where the cell only contains simple components, but I still haven't got a clue to implement it since I'm using IGListKit CollectionView

    Is there any chance you tried ListPlaceHolder on IGListKit? if so please let me know. Thank you very much.

    opened by ddl-elo 0
  • Showing loader on customView only

    Showing loader on customView only

    I have a CustomView inside tableviewcell ContentView so the loader only showing on CustomView and not inside the content like I have UILabel, UIImage etc inside that CustomView but not showing on that particular controls. Any way I can show the loader on all the control inside that CustomView? I am using following code to show the loader on table:

    self.tblSchedule.reloadData() self.tblSchedule.showLoader()

    opened by NirajCapermint 0
  • I am having issue in Objective C

    I am having issue in Objective C

    I am using ListPlaceholder in Objective C but it's not working properly.

    I am using below code to display.

    @import ListPlaceholder;
    [tableview reloadData];
    [tableview showLoader];
    opened by parthpatel1105 0
Moayad Al Kouz
Team Leader @Mawdoo3
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