Type-safe CAAnimation wrapper. It makes preventing to set wrong type values.



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TheAnimation is Type-safe CAAnimation wrapper.


For example, if you want to animate backgroundColor with CABasicAnimation, you need to consider type because fromValue property and so on are Any?.

If you use BasicAnimation of TheAnimation, you can animate backgroundColor without considering type! (AnimationKeyPaths.backgroundColor is AnimationKeyPath<CGColor> type.)


The way of making an animation is almost similar CAAnimation. But you need to use animation.animate(in:) method instead of using layer.add(_:forKey:).

let view = UIView()

let animation = BasicAnimation(keyPath: .opacity)
animation.fromValue = 0
animation.toValue   = 1
animation.duration  = 1
animation.animate(in: view)

animation.animate(in:) returns AnimaitonCanceller. You can cancel an animation with it.

let canceller = animation.animate(in: view)


To run the example project, clone the repo, and open Example directory.

Correspondence Table

CAAnimation TheAnimation
CAPropertyAnimation PropertyAnimation
CABasicAnimation BasicAnimation
CAKeyframeAnimation KeyframeAnimation
CASpringAnimation SpringAnimation
CATransition TransitionAnimation
CAAnimationGroup AnimationGroup

Add new AnimationKeyPath

You can add AnimationKeyPath like this.

extension AnimationKeyPaths {
    static let newKeyPath = AnimationKeyPath<CGFloat>(keyPath: "abcd")

Handle animation did Start / Stop

You can handle animation did Start with func setAnimationDidStart(handler:). In addition, you can handle animation did Stop with func setAnimationDidStop(handler:).

let view = UIView()

let animation = BasicAnimation(keyPath: .opacity)
animation.fromValue = 0
animation.toValue   = 1
animation.duration  = 1

animation.setAnimationDidStart {
    // do something

animation.setAnimationDidStop { finished in
    // do something

animation.animate(in: view)


  • Xcode 9.3
  • iOS 9 or greater
  • tvOS 9 or greater
  • macOS 10.11 or greater
  • Swift 4.2 (since 0.3.0)



If you’re using Carthage, simply add TheAnimation to your Cartfile:

github "marty-suzuki/TheAnimation"


TheAnimation is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'TheAnimation'


marty-suzuki, s1180183@gmail.com


TheAnimation is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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