Convert live photos and videos into animated GIFs in iOS, or extract frames from them.


NSGIF2 Awesome Stories in Ready

Create a GIF from the provided video file url, Or extract images from videos.

This repository has been separated from original repo along with some nontrivial different features, designs, and improvements. Please do diff each other, and visit original repo for more information if you need.


Framework Requirements


There are 2 ways you can add NSGIF to your project:


Simply import the 'NSGIF' into your project then import the following in the class you want to use it:

#import "NSGIF.h"

From CocoaPods

pod "NSGIF2"

Usage - GIF from a video

Default request automatically set essential options such as the best frame count, delay time, output temp file name, or size. see interface file for more options.

Write 1 line to export

[NSGIF create:[NSGIFRequest requestWithSourceVideo:tempVideoFileURL] completion:^(NSURL *GifURL) {
    //GifURL is to nil if it failed or stopped.

If you need more.

NSGIFRequest * request = [NSGIFRequest requestWithSourceVideo:tempVideoFileURL destination:gifFileURL];
request.progressHandler = ^(double progress, NSUInteger position, NSUInteger length, CMTime time, BOOL *stop, NSDictionary *frameProperties) {
    NSLog(@"%f - %lu - %lu - %lld - %@", progress, position, length, time.value, frameProperties);

[NSGIF create:request completion:^(NSURL *GifURL) {
    //GifURL is to nil if it failed or stopped.

Interrupt process for given request

request.progressHandler = ^(double progress, NSUInteger position, NSUInteger length, CMTime time, BOOL *stop, NSDictionary *frameProperties) {
    BOOL cancelationCondition = YES;
        *stop = YES;

Options - NSGIFRequest

/* required.
 * a file's url of source video */
@property(nullable, nonatomic) NSURL * sourceVideoFile;

/* optional.
 * defaults to nil.
 * automatically assign the file name of source video (ex: IMG_0000.MOV -> IMG_0000.gif)  */
@property(nullable, nonatomic) NSURL * destinationVideoFile;

/* optional but important.
 * Defaults to NSGIFScaleOptimize (not set).
 * This option will affect gif file size, memory usage and processing speed. */
@property(nonatomic, assign) NSGIFScale scalePreset;

/* optional but important.
 * Defaults to 4.
 * number of frames in seconds.
 * This option will affect gif file size, memory usage and processing speed. */
@property(nonatomic, assign) NSUInteger framesPerSecond;

/* optional but defaults is recommended.
 * Defaults is to not set.
 * How far along the video track we want to move, in seconds. It will automatically assign from duration of video and framesPerSecond. */
@property(nonatomic, assign) NSUInteger frameCount;

/* optional.
 * Defaults to 0,
 * the number of times the GIF will repeat. which means repeat infinitely. */
@property(nonatomic, assign) NSUInteger loopCount;

/* optional.
 * Defaults to 0.13.
 * unit is 10ms, 1/100s, the amount of time for each frame in the GIF.
 * This option will NOT affect gif file size, memory usage and processing speed. It affect only FPS. */
@property(nonatomic, assign) CGFloat delayTime;

/* optional.
 * Defaults is to not set. unit is seconds, which means unlimited */
@property(nonatomic, assign) NSTimeInterval maxDuration;

/* optional.
 * Defaults is to not set.
 * This option will crop(via AspectFill Mode) fast while create each images. Their size will be automatically calculated.
 * ex)
 *  square  : aspectRatioToCrop = CGSizeMake(1,1)
 *  16:9    : aspectRatioToCrop = CGSizeMake(16,9) */
@property(nonatomic, assign) CGSize aspectRatioToCrop;

/* optional.
 * Defaults is nil */
@property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) NSGIFProgressHandler progressHandler;

/* gif creation job is now proceeding */
@property(atomic, readonly) BOOL proceeding;

Usage - Extract each frames from a video to images.

NSFrameExtractingRequest * request = [NSFrameExtractingRequest requestWithSourceVideo:videoURL];
request.progressHandler = ^(double progress, NSUInteger offset, NSUInteger length, CMTime time, BOOL *stop, NSDictionary *frameProperties) {
    // normalized progress, Zero to 1.
request.framesPerSecond = 2;

[NSGIF extract:request completion:^(NSArray<NSURL *> *extractedFrameImageUrls) {

Options - NSFrameExtractingRequest

/* required.
 * a file's url of source video */
@property(nullable, nonatomic) NSURL * sourceVideoFile;

/* optional.
 * defaults to temp directory.
@property(nullable, nonatomic) NSURL * destinationDirectory;

/* optional.
 * Defaults to jpg.
 * This property will be affect to UTType(Automatically detected) of extracting image file.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, nullable) NSString * extension;

/* optional but important.
 * Defaults to NSGIFScaleOptimize (not set).
 * This option will affect gif file size, memory usage and processing speed. */
@property(nonatomic, assign) NSGIFScale scalePreset;

/* optional.
 * Defaults is to not set. unit is seconds, which means unlimited */
@property(nonatomic, assign) NSTimeInterval maxDuration;

/* optional but important.
 * Defaults to 4.
 * number of frames in seconds.
 * This option will affect gif file size, memory usage and processing speed. */
@property(nonatomic, assign) NSUInteger framesPerSecond;

/* optional but defaults is recommended.
 * Defaults is to not set.
 * How far along the video track we want to move, in seconds. It will automatically assign from duration of video and framesPerSecond. */
@property(nonatomic, assign) NSUInteger frameCount;

/* optional.
 * Defaults is to not set.
 * This option will crop(via AspectFill Mode) fast while create each images. Their size will be automatically calculated.
 * ex)
 *  square  : aspectRatioToCrop = CGSizeMake(1,1)
 *  16:9    : aspectRatioToCrop = CGSizeMake(16,9) */
@property(nonatomic, assign) CGSize aspectRatioToCrop;

/* optional.
 * Defaults is nil */
@property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) NSGIFProgressHandler progressHandler;

/* readonly
 * status for gif creating job 'YES' equals to 'now proceeding'
@property(atomic, readonly) BOOL proceeding;

In the future, I will add a feature that can

  • create from a provided photo url.
  • perform simultaneous processing with provided specific chunk size.
  • seek for specific point.
  • generate infinite lengh of GIFs (Split with specific chunk size -> encoding -> merge each encoded piece of gifs.)
  • use APIs which is pefectly similar with PhotosKit of iOS.

Pull requests are more than welcomed!


Usage is provided under the MIT License. See LICENSE for the full details.

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  • HUGE memory spike causes crash even for 1 frame per second on a 60 second long mp4 video

    HUGE memory spike causes crash even for 1 frame per second on a 60 second long mp4 video

    I have a 3.9 MB 60 second long mp4 video which I am trying to convert to GIF. Testing on iOS 9.3. Even when I have set the request.framesPerSecond to 1 which should only have 60 total frames in the entire GIF, my app memory spikes to around 270 MB.

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    NSURL *videoURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"clip" ofType:@"mp4"]];
        NSString *destinationPath = [[self applicationDocumentsDirectory].path
        NSGIFRequest * request = [NSGIFRequest requestWithSourceVideo:videoURL destination:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:destinationPath]];
        request.progressHandler = ^(double progress, NSUInteger position, NSUInteger length, CMTime time, BOOL *stop, NSDictionary *frameProperties) {
            NSLog(@"%f - %lu - %lu - %lld - %@", progress, (unsigned long)position, (unsigned long)length, time.value, frameProperties);
        [NSGIF create:request completion:^(NSURL *GifURL) {
            //GifURL is to nil if it failed or stopped.
    bug enhancement 
    opened by Pranoy1c 3
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    I'm encountered with playing video files in UICollectionViewCells, as the AVPlayer of AVPlayerLayer in a cell is slow and choppy, I've turned to use GIF and SDImageCache in UIImageView. I'd like to know if the GIF could be the same time length of playing like the video, e.g. I'm going to get five seconds of video playing while the GIF is five seconds too? How to adjust the framesPerSecond, delayTime or frameCount to get this. Thanks.

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  • Not releasing Source ImageRef

    Not releasing Source ImageRef

    Please add this line " CGImageRelease(sourceRef)" to release memory.

    • (UIImage*)imageByScalingToFill:(UIImage *)image size:(CGSize)fillSize rescaleTo:(CGFloat)scaleToRescale{ CGImageRef sourceRef = image.CGImage; . . .

      CGImageRelease(destRef); CGImageRelease(sourceRef); return destImage;


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  • simultaneous processing support with provided specific chunk size

    simultaneous processing support with provided specific chunk size

    request 1~5 + chunk size 3 job1 start job2 start job3 start ... job2 finished job1 finished job3 finished

    start next chunk job3 start job4 start .... job4 finished job3 finished

    all done.

    enhancement ready 
    opened by metasmile 1
  • 1.5.3(May 3, 2017)

    • Corrected the demo project ('NSFrameExtractingResponse' was newly added in the previous update.)
    • Added a line for releasing image variable. It was the reason of memory leaking when extract frames from the gif. Thanks to @ReticentJohn and @abc19abc91
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.5.2(Jan 3, 2017)

  • 1.5.1(Oct 27, 2016)

    • Fix an issue for timescale and framerate
    • Newly add response object 'NSSerializedResourceResponse'
    • Configured framesPerSecond will be ignored if it was higher than nominalFrameRate of AVAssetTrack
    • "NSGIFRequest.delayTime" has been removed.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.5(Sep 9, 2016)

  • 1.4.2(Aug 5, 2016)

  • 1.4.1(Aug 5, 2016)

  • 1.4(Aug 3, 2016)

    add NSExtractFramesRequest, NSGIF + (void)extract:(NSFrameExtractingFromVideoRequest *__nullable)request completion:(void (^ __nullable)(NSArray<NSURL *> * __nullable))completionBlock;

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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