iOS implementation of the Catrobat language

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GIF Catty


Catty, also known as Pocket Code for iOS, is an on-device visual programming system for iPhones.

Catrobat is a visual programming language and set of creativity tools for smartphones, tablets, and mobile browsers. Catrobat programs can be written by using the Catroid programming system on Android phones and tablets, using Catroid, or Catty for iPhones.

For more information oriented towards developers please visit our developers page.

Download on the App Store


For reporting issues use our Jira issue tracker. Before creating a new bug, please browse our currently open issues here.


We welcome all offers for help! If you want to contribute we suggest that you start with forking our repository and browse the code. You can then look at our Jira issue tracker and start working on a ticket. It is recommended to start your contribution on a ticket labelled as TRAINING or BEGINNER ticket. We strictly use Test-Driven Development and Clean Code, code developed in a different style will not be accepted. After you have implemented a certain ticket, hand in a pull request on GitHub and have a look at our pull request template.

If you want to implement a new feature, please ask about further details on Google Groups.

Learn iOS development

We recommend Developing iOS 11 Apps with Swift from the Stanford University.

Start setting up the working environment:

  • Install Xcode 13.0 or newer, Carthage and SwiftLint.

  • Clone this repository, set up the required third-party libraries by executing make init within the 'Catty' directory and open Catty.xcodeproj

  • If you have any further questions please use our Google Group


The Following License Header should be used for all header and source files.

License Header (for source and header files)

 *  Copyright (C) 2010-2022 The Catrobat Team
 *  (
 *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
 *  published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
 *  License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *  An additional term exception under section 7 of the GNU Affero
 *  General Public License, version 3, is available at
 *  (
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see
  • CATTY-179 Wrong application version in settings

    CATTY-179 Wrong application version in settings

    Changed version number in App-Info.plist and Settings.bundle/Root.plist to 0.6.12

    Your checklist for this pull request

    Please review the contributing guidelines and wiki pages of this repository.

    • [x] Include the name of the Jira ticket in the PR’s title
    • [x] Verify that the Jira ticket is in the status Ready for Development
    • [x] Include a summary of the changes plus the relevant context
    • [x] Choose the proper base branch (develop)
    • [x] Confirm that the changes follow the project’s coding guidelines
    • [x] Verify that the changes generate no compiler or linter warnings
    • [x] Perform a self-review of the changes
    • [ ] Verify to commit no other files than the intentionally changed ones
    • [ ] Include reasonable and readable tests verifying the added or changed behavior
    • [x] Confirm that new and existing unit tests pass locally
    • [ ] Check that the commits’ message style matches the project’s guideline
    • [x] Stick to the project’s git workflow (rebase and squash your commits)
    • [x] Verify that your changes do not have any conflicts with the base branch
    • [x] After the PR, verify that all CI checks have passed
    • [ ] Post a message in the #catty Slack channel and ask for a code reviewer
    code review pending 
    opened by DhrubojyotiBis1 16
  • Catty-237: Convert UserVariable from Objective-C to Swift

    Catty-237: Convert UserVariable from Objective-C to Swift

    Converted UserVariable class from Objective-C to Swift with various other changes.

    Your checklist for this pull request

    Please review the contributing guidelines and wiki pages of this repository.

    • [ ] Include the name of the Jira ticket in the PR’s title
    • [ ] Verify that the Jira ticket is in the status Ready for Development
    • [ ] Include a summary of the changes plus the relevant context
    • [ ] Choose the proper base branch (develop)
    • [ ] Confirm that the changes follow the project’s coding guidelines
    • [ ] Verify that the changes generate no compiler or linter warnings
    • [ ] Perform a self-review of the changes
    • [ ] Verify to commit no other files than the intentionally changed ones
    • [ ] Include reasonable and readable tests verifying the added or changed behavior
    • [ ] Confirm that new and existing unit tests pass locally
    • [ ] Check that the commits’ message style matches the project’s guideline
    • [ ] Stick to the project’s git workflow (rebase and squash your commits)
    • [ ] Verify that your changes do not have any conflicts with the base branch
    • [ ] After the PR, verify that all CI checks have passed
    • [ ] Post a message in the #catty Slack channel and ask for a code reviewer
    code review passed 
    opened by neel-makhecha 12
  • Catty-77: Migrate UIWebView to WKWebView

    Catty-77: Migrate UIWebView to WKWebView

    Updated UIWebView to WKWebView in HelpWebViewController.swift along with all delegates.

    Your checklist for this pull request

    Please review the contributing guidelines and wiki pages of this repository.

    • [ ] Include the name of the Jira ticket in the PR’s title
    • [ ] Verify that the Jira ticket is in the status Ready for Development
    • [ ] Include a summary of the changes plus the relevant context
    • [ ] Choose the proper base branch (develop)
    • [ ] Confirm that the changes follow the project’s coding guidelines
    • [ ] Verify that the changes generate no compiler or linter warnings
    • [ ] Perform a self-review of the changes
    • [ ] Verify to commit no other files than the intentionally changed ones
    • [ ] Include reasonable and readable tests verifying the added or changed behavior
    • [ ] Confirm that new and existing unit tests pass locally
    • [ ] Check that the commits’ message style matches the project’s guideline
    • [ ] Stick to the project’s git workflow (rebase and squash your commits)
    • [ ] Verify that your changes do not have any conflicts with the base branch
    • [ ] After the PR, verify that all CI checks have passed
    • [ ] Post a message in the #catty Slack channel and ask for a code reviewer
    opened by neel-makhecha 12
  • CATTY-139 Convert AppDelegate from ObjC to Swift

    CATTY-139 Convert AppDelegate from ObjC to Swift

    Convert AppDelegate from ObjC to Swift

    Your checklist for this pull request

    Please review the contributing guidelines and wiki pages of this repository.

    • [x] Include the name of the Jira ticket in the PR’s title
    • [x] Verify that the Jira ticket is in the status Ready for Development
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    • [x] Confirm that the changes follow the project’s coding guidelines
    • [x] Verify that the changes generate no compiler or linter warnings
    • [x] Perform a self-review of the changes
    • [x] Verify to commit no other files than the intentionally changed ones
    • [x] Include reasonable and readable tests verifying the added or changed behavior
    • [x] Confirm that new and existing unit tests pass locally
    • [x] Check that the commits’ message style matches the project’s guideline
    • [x] Stick to the project’s git workflow (rebase and squash your commits)
    • [x] Verify that your changes do not have any conflicts with the base branch
    • [x] After the PR, verify that all CI checks have passed
    • [x] Post a message in the #catty Slack channel and ask for a code reviewer
    back in dev 
    opened by DhrubojyotiBis1 12
  • CATTY-159 Move plist files

    CATTY-159 Move plist files

    Moved the following files:

    • App-Info.plist -> Supporting Files/App-Info.plist
    • LoggerProperties.plist -> Supporting Files/Logger/LoggerProperties.plist
    • Swell.plist -> Supporting Files/Logger/Swell.plist

    Your checklist for this pull request

    Please review the contributing guidelines and wiki pages of this repository.

    • [x] Include the name of the Jira ticket in the PR’s title
    • [x] Verify that the Jira ticket is in the status Ready for Development
    • [x] Include a summary of the changes plus the relevant context
    • [x] Choose the proper base branch (develop)
    • [x] Confirm that the changes follow the project’s coding guidelines
    • [x] Verify that the changes generate no compiler or linter warnings
    • [x] Perform a self-review of the changes
    • [x] Verify to commit no other files than the intentionally changed ones
    • [ ] Include reasonable and readable tests verifying the added or changed behavior
    • [x] Confirm that new and existing unit tests pass locally
    • [x] Check that the commits’ message style matches the project’s guideline
    • [x] Stick to the project’s git workflow (rebase and squash your commits)
    • [x] Verify that your changes do not have any conflicts with the base branch
    • [x] After the PR, verify that all CI checks have passed
    • [x] Post a message in the #catty Slack channel and ask for a code reviewer
    code review passed 
    opened by DhrubojyotiBis1 11
  • CATTY-226 Implement project migrator

    CATTY-226 Implement project migrator

    A project migrator service is introduced by the following:

    • ProjectMigratorProtocol.swift
    • ProjectMigrator.swift

    Your checklist for this pull request

    Please review the contributing guidelines and wiki pages of this repository.

    • [x] Include the name of the Jira ticket in the PR’s title
    • [x] Verify that the Jira ticket is in the status Ready for Development
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    • [x] Confirm that the changes follow the project’s coding guidelines
    • [x] Verify that the changes generate no compiler or linter warnings
    • [x] Perform a self-review of the changes
    • [x] Verify to commit no other files than the intentionally changed ones
    • [x] Include reasonable and readable tests verifying the added or changed behavior
    • [x] Confirm that new and existing unit tests pass locally
    • [x] Check that the commits’ message style matches the project’s guideline
    • [ ] Stick to the project’s git workflow (rebase and squash your commits)
    • [x] Verify that your changes do not have any conflicts with the base branch
    • [ ] After the PR, verify that all CI checks have passed
    • [ ] Post a message in the #catty Slack channel and ask for a code reviewer
    code review passed 
    opened by DhrubojyotiBis1 9
  • Catty-188: Refactor Brick tests

    Catty-188: Refactor Brick tests

    Added new tests to test 'mutable copy' functionality for various bricks. Removed unnecessary overriding 'mutableCopy' methods and added it where required in various subclasses of Brick.

    Your checklist for this pull request

    Please review the contributing guidelines and wiki pages of this repository.

    • [ ] Include the name of the Jira ticket in the PR’s title
    • [ ] Verify that the Jira ticket is in the status Ready for Development
    • [ ] Include a summary of the changes plus the relevant context
    • [ ] Choose the proper base branch (develop)
    • [ ] Confirm that the changes follow the project’s coding guidelines
    • [ ] Verify that the changes generate no compiler or linter warnings
    • [ ] Perform a self-review of the changes
    • [ ] Verify to commit no other files than the intentionally changed ones
    • [ ] Include reasonable and readable tests verifying the added or changed behavior
    • [ ] Confirm that new and existing unit tests pass locally
    • [ ] Check that the commits’ message style matches the project’s guideline
    • [ ] Stick to the project’s git workflow (rebase and squash your commits)
    • [ ] Verify that your changes do not have any conflicts with the base branch
    • [ ] After the PR, verify that all CI checks have passed
    • [ ] Post a message in the #catty Slack channel and ask for a code reviewer
    opened by neel-makhecha 9
  • Disable XML output when parsing project

    Disable XML output when parsing project

    Please enter a short description of your pull request and add a reference to the Jira ticket.

    Your checklist for this pull request

    Please review the contributing guidelines and wiki pages of this repository.

    • [x] Include the name of the Jira ticket in the PR’s title
    • [x] Verify that the Jira ticket is in the status Ready for Development
    • [x] Include a summary of the changes plus the relevant context
    • [x] Choose the proper base branch (develop)
    • [x] Confirm that the changes follow the project’s coding guidelines
    • [x] Verify that the changes generate no compiler or linter warnings
    • [x] Perform a self-review of the changes
    • [x] Verify to commit no other files than the intentionally changed ones
    • [x] Include reasonable and readable tests verifying the added or changed behavior
    • [x] Confirm that new and existing unit tests pass locally
    • [x] Check that the commits’ message style matches the project’s guideline
    • [x] Stick to the project’s git workflow (rebase and squash your commits)
    • [x] Verify that your changes do not have any conflicts with the base branch
    • [x] After the PR, verify that all CI checks have passed
    • [ ] Post a message in the #catty Slack channel and ask for a code reviewer
    opened by ahmdyasser 7
  • CATTY-175 use error message authentication failed for non existing user

    CATTY-175 use error message authentication failed for non existing user

    For non-existing users the error message "Authentication failed" is now shown such as if you login with invalid credentials.

    Your checklist for this pull request

    Please review the contributing guidelines and wiki pages of this repository.

    • [x] Include the name of the Jira ticket in the PR’s title
    • [x] Verify that the Jira ticket is in the status Ready for Development
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    • [x] Choose the proper base branch (develop)
    • [x] Confirm that the changes follow the project’s coding guidelines
    • [x] Verify that the changes generate no compiler or linter warnings
    • [x] Perform a self-review of the changes
    • [x] Verify to commit no other files than the intentionally changed ones
    • [x] Include reasonable and readable tests verifying the added or changed behavior
    • [x] Confirm that new and existing unit tests pass locally
    • [x] Check that the commits’ message style matches the project’s guideline
    • [x] Stick to the project’s git workflow (rebase and squash your commits)
    • [x] Verify that your changes do not have any conflicts with the base branch
    • [x] After the PR, verify that all CI checks have passed
    • [x] Post a message in the #catty Slack channel and ask for a code reviewer
    opened by KrennKristof 7
  • CATTY-333 Use StoreProjectUploader in UploadViewController

    CATTY-333 Use StoreProjectUploader in UploadViewController

    • Used StoreProjectUploader in UploadViewController
    • Removed deprecated for uploading from UploadViewController

    Your checklist for this pull request

    Please review the contributing guidelines and wiki pages of this repository.

    • [x] Include the name of the Jira ticket in the PR’s title
    • [x] Verify that the Jira ticket is in the status Ready for Development
    • [x] Include a summary of the changes plus the relevant context
    • [x] Choose the proper base branch (develop)
    • [x] Confirm that the changes follow the project’s coding guidelines
    • [x] Verify that the changes generate no compiler or linter warnings
    • [x] Perform a self-review of the changes
    • [x] Verify to commit no other files than the intentionally changed ones
    • [ ] Include reasonable and readable tests verifying the added or changed behavior
    • [x] Confirm that new and existing unit tests pass locally
    • [x] Check that the commits’ message style matches the project’s guideline
    • [ ] Stick to the project’s git workflow (rebase and squash your commits)
    • [x] Verify that your changes do not have any conflicts with the base branch
    • [ ] After the PR, verify that all CI checks have passed
    • [ ] Post a message in the #catty Slack channel and ask for a code reviewer
    in code review 
    opened by DhrubojyotiBis1 6
  • Catty-104 Chromaprint warnings

    Catty-104 Chromaprint warnings

    Running tests outputs several warnings about the Chromaprint library

    Your checklist for this pull request

    Please review the contributing guidelines and wiki pages of this repository.

    • [x] Include the name of the Jira ticket in the PR’s title
    • [x] Verify that the Jira ticket is in the status Ready for Development
    • [x] Include a summary of the changes plus the relevant context
    • [x] Choose the proper base branch (develop)
    • [x] Confirm that the changes follow the project’s coding guidelines
    • [x] Verify that the changes generate no compiler or linter warnings
    • [x] Perform a self-review of the changes
    • [x] Verify to commit no other files than the intentionally changed ones
    • [ ] Include reasonable and readable tests verifying the added or changed behavior
    • [x] Confirm that new and existing unit tests pass locally
    • [x] Check that the commits’ message style matches the project’s guideline
    • [x] Stick to the project’s git workflow (rebase and squash your commits)
    • [x] Verify that your changes do not have any conflicts with the base branch
    • [x] After the PR, verify that all CI checks have passed
    • [ ] Post a message in the #catty Slack channel and ask for a code reviewer
    code review pending 
    opened by ThisIsYuu 6
  • CATTY-595 Convert ProjectDetailStoreViewController to Swift

    CATTY-595 Convert ProjectDetailStoreViewController to Swift

    Convert ProjectDetailStoreViewController to Swift. Merge code from the ProjectDetailStoreViewControllerExtension.

    Conversion of ProjectDetailStoreViewController to Swift. Removal of reporting code Refactor tests into ProjectDetailStoreViewControllerTests.swift

    Your checklist for this pull request

    Please review the contributing guidelines and wiki pages of this repository.

    • [x] Include the name of the Jira ticket in the PR’s title
    • [ ] Verify that the Jira ticket is in the status Ready for Development
    • [x] Include a summary of the changes plus the relevant context
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    • [x] Confirm that the changes follow the project’s coding guidelines
    • [x] Verify that the changes generate no compiler or linter warnings
    • [x] Perform a self-review of the changes
    • [x] Verify to commit no other files than the intentionally changed ones
    • [x] Include reasonable and readable tests verifying the added or changed behavior
    • [x] Confirm that new and existing unit tests pass locally
    • [x] Check that the commits’ message style matches the project’s guideline
    • [x] Stick to the project’s git workflow (rebase and squash your commits)
    • [x] Verify that your changes do not have any conflicts with the base branch
    • [ ] After the PR, verify that all CI checks have passed
    • [ ] Post a message in the #catty Slack channel and ask for a code reviewer
    opened by tom-reith 0
  • CATTY-643 Show warning for downloaded project that contains Web request bricks

    CATTY-643 Show warning for downloaded project that contains Web request bricks

    Description: After the user downloads a project from share, and the project contains a "Send web request" brick, then when the user for the first time opens the project (enters the project in the IDE), a warning notification shall be shown. There is only an OK button. Once the user pressed that button once, the warning is not shown again.

    This warning shall be shown even if the URL is in the list of trusted domains. This warning shall not be shown for projects created on the user's device.

    Changes done:

    • Add new function to check if warning should be shown.
    • Add new text

    Your checklist for this pull request

    Please review the contributing guidelines and wiki pages of this repository.

    • [x] Include the name of the Jira ticket in the PR’s title
    • [ ] Verify that the Jira ticket is in the status Ready for Development
    • [x] Include a summary of the changes plus the relevant context
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    • [x] Confirm that the changes follow the project’s coding guidelines
    • [x] Verify that the changes generate no compiler or linter warnings
    • [x] Perform a self-review of the changes
    • [x] Verify to commit no other files than the intentionally changed ones
    • [x] Include reasonable and readable tests verifying the added or changed behavior
    • [x] Confirm that new and existing unit tests pass locally
    • [x] Check that the commits’ message style matches the project’s guideline
    • [x] Stick to the project’s git workflow (rebase and squash your commits)
    • [x] Verify that your changes do not have any conflicts with the base branch
    • [x] After the PR, verify that all CI checks have passed
    • [ ] Post a message in the #catty Slack channel and ask for a code reviewer
    opened by tom-reith 0
  • Catty-471 Move Scripts

    Catty-471 Move Scripts

    Please enter a short description of your pull request and add a reference to the Jira ticket.

    Your checklist for this pull request

    Please review the contributing guidelines and wiki pages of this repository.

    • [ ] Include the name of the Jira ticket in the PR’s title
    • [ ] Verify that the Jira ticket is in the status Ready for Development
    • [ ] Include a summary of the changes plus the relevant context
    • [ ] Choose the proper base branch (develop)
    • [ ] Confirm that the changes follow the project’s coding guidelines
    • [ ] Verify that the changes generate no compiler or linter warnings
    • [ ] Perform a self-review of the changes
    • [ ] Verify to commit no other files than the intentionally changed ones
    • [ ] Include reasonable and readable tests verifying the added or changed behavior
    • [ ] Confirm that new and existing unit tests pass locally
    • [ ] Check that the commits’ message style matches the project’s guideline
    • [ ] Stick to the project’s git workflow (rebase and squash your commits)
    • [ ] Verify that your changes do not have any conflicts with the base branch
    • [ ] After the PR, verify that all CI checks have passed
    • [ ] Post a message in the #catty Slack channel and ask for a code reviewer
    opened by oetzlinger 0
  • CATTY-648 Rewrite Sound Recorder in Swift

    CATTY-648 Rewrite Sound Recorder in Swift

    Please enter a short description of your pull request and add a reference to the Jira ticket.

    Your checklist for this pull request

    Please review the contributing guidelines and wiki pages of this repository.

    • [] Include the name of the Jira ticket in the PR’s title
    • [ ] Verify that the Jira ticket is in the status Ready for Development
    • [ ] Include a summary of the changes plus the relevant context
    • [ ] Choose the proper base branch (develop)
    • [ ] Confirm that the changes follow the project’s coding guidelines
    • [ ] Verify that the changes generate no compiler or linter warnings
    • [ ] Perform a self-review of the changes
    • [ ] Verify to commit no other files than the intentionally changed ones
    • [ ] Include reasonable and readable tests verifying the added or changed behavior
    • [ ] Confirm that new and existing unit tests pass locally
    • [ ] Check that the commits’ message style matches the project’s guideline
    • [ ] Stick to the project’s git workflow (rebase and squash your commits)
    • [ ] Verify that your changes do not have any conflicts with the base branch
    • [ ] After the PR, verify that all CI checks have passed
    • [ ] Post a message in the #catty Slack channel and ask for a code reviewer
    opened by EifonUser 0
  • CATTY-438 Implement StopScriptBrick

    CATTY-438 Implement StopScriptBrick

    Your checklist for this pull request

    Please review the contributing guidelines and wiki pages of this repository.

    • [ ] Include the name of the Jira ticket in the PR’s title
    • [ ] Verify that the Jira ticket is in the status Ready for Development
    • [ ] Include a summary of the changes plus the relevant context
    • [ ] Choose the proper base branch (develop)
    • [ ] Confirm that the changes follow the project’s coding guidelines
    • [ ] Verify that the changes generate no compiler or linter warnings
    • [ ] Perform a self-review of the changes
    • [ ] Verify to commit no other files than the intentionally changed ones
    • [ ] Include reasonable and readable tests verifying the added or changed behavior
    • [ ] Confirm that new and existing unit tests pass locally
    • [ ] Check that the commits’ message style matches the project’s guideline
    • [ ] Stick to the project’s git workflow (rebase and squash your commits)
    • [ ] Verify that your changes do not have any conflicts with the base branch
    • [ ] After the PR, verify that all CI checks have passed
    • [ ] Post a message in the #catty Slack channel and ask for a code reviewer
    opened by oetzlinger 0
  • CATTY-671 Unsupported elements warning not shown for formulas/sensors…

    CATTY-671 Unsupported elements warning not shown for formulas/sensors… Please enter a short description of your pull request and add a reference to the Jira ticket.

    Your checklist for this pull request

    Please review the contributing guidelines and wiki pages of this repository.

    • [ ] Include the name of the Jira ticket in the PR’s title
    • [ ] Verify that the Jira ticket is in the status Ready for Development
    • [ ] Include a summary of the changes plus the relevant context
    • [ ] Choose the proper base branch (develop)
    • [ ] Confirm that the changes follow the project’s coding guidelines
    • [ ] Verify that the changes generate no compiler or linter warnings
    • [ ] Perform a self-review of the changes
    • [ ] Verify to commit no other files than the intentionally changed ones
    • [ ] Include reasonable and readable tests verifying the added or changed behavior
    • [ ] Confirm that new and existing unit tests pass locally
    • [ ] Check that the commits’ message style matches the project’s guideline
    • [ ] Stick to the project’s git workflow (rebase and squash your commits)
    • [ ] Verify that your changes do not have any conflicts with the base branch
    • [ ] After the PR, verify that all CI checks have passed
    • [ ] Post a message in the #catty Slack channel and ask for a code reviewer
    opened by oetzlinger 0
  • v0.6.20(May 28, 2022)

    • New "touches actor or object", "item's index" and "join" functions • New "user language", "touches edge" and "touches finger" sensors • New "Set background and wait" and embroidery Bricks • Tags for projects • New "Recently used Bricks" category • Possibility to import sound files from the Files app • Audio now also compatible with bluetooth devices • Fix loudness sensor • Several other bug fixes and improvements

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.6.19(May 25, 2022)

    • Bug fixes and several improvements • New formula editor • New Embroidery feature • New "Switch to look with number" brick • Directly open .catrobat files from the Files app

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.6.18(Jan 10, 2021)

  • v0.6.17(Dec 10, 2020)

  • v0.6.16(Sep 22, 2020)

    • New blocks: Change pen color, Stamp, "Go to", "If background changes", "If ... becomes true" • Landscape mode (can be activated under "Edit" in the project) • New icons and preview images • Support for Catrobat language version 0.992 • Bug fixes and improvements

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.6.15(Jul 24, 2020)

  • v0.6.14(Jul 22, 2020)

  • v0.6.13(Apr 20, 2020)

    • New feature to disable Bricks • New function in Formula Editor • Usability improvements • Bugfixes and stability improvements • New translations

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.6.12(Mar 1, 2020)

  • v0.6.11(Nov 27, 2019)

  • v0.6.10(Oct 24, 2019)

  • v0.6.9(May 3, 2019)

  • v0.6.8(Apr 24, 2019)

  • v0.6.7(Jan 22, 2019)

Performant animated GIF engine for iOS

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Jiawei Wang 1k Nov 9, 2022
Convert live photos and videos into animated GIFs in iOS, or extract frames from them.

Create a GIF from the provided video file url, Or extract images from videos. This repository has been separated from original repo along with some no

gitmerge 83 May 18, 2022
Test2 - A curated list of Open Source example iOS apps developed in Swift

Example iOS Apps A curated list of Open Source example iOS apps developed in Swi

null 0 Jan 4, 2022
iOS implementation of the Catrobat language

Catty Catty, also known as Pocket Code for iOS, is an on-device visual programming system for iPhones. Catrobat is a visual programming language and s

null 74 Dec 25, 2022
Localization of the application with ability to change language "on the fly" and support for plural form in any language.

L10n-swift is a simple framework that improves localization in swift app, providing cleaner syntax and in-app language switching. Overview ?? Features

Adrian Bobrowski 287 Dec 24, 2022
A repository for showcasing my knowledge of the Swift programming language, and continuing to learn the language.

Learning Swift (programming language) I know very little about programming in the Swift programming language. This document will go over all my knowle

Sean P. Myrick V19.1.7.2 2 Nov 8, 2022
A repository for showcasing my knowledge of the Objective-C++ programming language, and continuing to learn the language.

Learning Objective-C-Plus-Plus I hardly know anything about the Objective-C++ programming language. This document will go over all of my knowledge of

Sean P. Myrick V19.1.7.2 3 Nov 8, 2022
A repository for showcasing my knowledge of the Objective-C programming language, and continuing to learn the language.

Learning Objective-C I hardly know anything about the Objective-C programming language. This document will go over all of my knowledge of the Objectiv

Sean P. Myrick V19.1.7.2 3 Nov 8, 2022
Launch App in selected language, or set as Default language

app lang switcher alfred workflow Launch App in selected language, or set as Default language. Credits: This is a swift clone of AlfredWorkflow-App-La

Saiya 4 Dec 7, 2022
Swift implementation of JMESPath, a query language for JSON.

Swift implementation of JMESPath, the JSON query language

Adam Fowler 30 Oct 19, 2022
A Pure Swift implementation of the markdown mark-up language

SmarkDown A pure Swift markdown implementation consistent with Gruber's 1.0.1 version. It is released under the BSD license so please feel free to use

Swift Studies 67 Jan 24, 2022
Fancy Swift implementation of the Visual Format Language (experimental and doesn't work with the recent version of Swift)

VFLToolbox Autolayout is awesome! VFL a.k.a Visual Format Language is even more awesome because it allows you to shorten constraints setting code. The

0xc010d 144 Jun 29, 2022
Swift programming language hackathon. Implementation of the main logic of working with an ATM in the Playground environment.

Hackaton-ATM-PJ04 Swift programming language hackathon. Implementation of the main logic of working with an ATM in the Playground environment. The tas

Raman Kozar 2 Oct 4, 2022
Scribe-iOS is a pack of iOS and iPadOS keyboards for language learners

Scribe-iOS is a pack of iOS and iPadOS keyboards for language learners. Features include translation (beta), verb conjugation and word annotation that give users the tools needed to communicate with confidence.

Scribe 47 Jan 4, 2023