A pixel perfect replacement for UITableView section index, written in Swift



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MYTableViewIndex is a re-implementation of UITableView section index. This control is usually seen in apps displaying contacts, tracks, and other alphabetically sorted data. MYTableViewIndex completely replicates native iOS section index, but can also display images and has additional customization capabilities.


  • Can display images
  • Fully customizable: use custom fonts, background views, add your own type of items
  • Compatible with any UIScrollView subclass
  • Works properly with UITableViewController and UICollectionViewController
  • Automatic layout, inset management and keyboard avoidance (via TableViewIndexController)
  • Right-to-left languages support
  • Haptic Feedback support
  • Accessibility support

Below are the screenshots for some of the features:

Screenshot0 Screenshot1
Screenshot2 Screenshot3
Screenshot4 Screenshot5


1. Instantiation

Manual setup

The component is a UIControl subclass and can be used as any other view, simply by adding it to the view hierarchy. This can be done via Interface Builder or in code:

let tableViewIndex = tableViewIndex(frame: CGRect())

Note that in this case no layout is done automatically and all the required index view alignment is completely up to you.

Using TableViewIndexController

Things get more complicated when dealing with UITableViewController/UICollectionViewController. The root view of these view controllers is a UIScrollView descendant and using it as a superview for TableViewIndex is generally a bad idea, since UIScrollView delays touch delivery by default.

Enter TableViewIndexController. When used, it creates a TableViewIndex instance, adds it to the hierarchy as a sibling of the root view and sets up the layout. The controller also observes UIScrollView insets and updates index view size accordingly. This makes sense when the keyboard shows up, for example.

You can also use the controller to hide TableViewIndex for certain table sections like Apple once did in its Music app:


Using TableViewIndexController the setup can be done in just one line of code:

let tableViewIndexController = TableViewIndexController(scrollView: tableView)

2. Data source

To feed index view with data, one should simply implement the following method of TableViewIndexDataSource protocol:

func indexItems(for tableViewIndex: TableViewIndex) -> [UIView] {
    return UILocalizedIndexedCollation.currentCollation().sectionIndexTitles.map{ title -> UIView in
        return StringItem(text: title)

And attach it to the index view:

tableViewIndexController.tableViewIndex.dataSource = dataSourceObject

Several predefined types of items are available for displaying strings, images, magnifying glass, and truncation symbols. You can provide your own type of item though.

3. Delegate

To respond to index view touches and scroll table to the selected section, one should provide a delegate object and implement the following method:

func tableViewIndex(_ tableViewIndex: TableViewIndex, didSelect item: UIView, at index: Int) -> Bool {
    let indexPath = NSIndexPath(forRow: 0, inSection: sectionIndex)
    tableView.scrollToRowAtIndexPath(indexPath, atScrollPosition: .Top, animated: false)
    return true // return true to produce haptic feedback on capable devices 

4. Customization

MYTableViewIndex is fully customizable. See TableViewIndex properties for more details.


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


  • iOS 8.0+
  • Swift 5.0



MYTableViewIndex is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'MYTableViewIndex'


Download and drop all .swift files from MYTableViewIndex folder to your project.


All public classes of MYTableViewIndex are exposed to Objective-C, just import the library module:

@import MYTableViewIndex;

And don't forget to enable frameworks in your Podfile:



Makarov Yuriy, makarov.yuriy@gmail.com


MYTableViewIndex is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Touches moves not detected

    Touches moves not detected

    Hi and thank you for the great job on that library,

    I'm having an issue with what should be a default behavior of the index:

    When I tap an item, tableViewIndex(tableViewIndex, didSelectItem, atIndex) is called, but not if I swipe through the index bar. It seems like touchesBegan is called, but not touchesMoved.

    Most of my code is copied from the demo example which works perfectly fine, so I don't really know where to investigate.

    Do you by any chance have an idea of what causes the issue?

    Let me know if you need more info


    opened by CKzu 7
  • Calling tableViewIndex.reloadData() the second time causes infinite loop in TableViewIndex's layoutSubviews()

    Calling tableViewIndex.reloadData() the second time causes infinite loop in TableViewIndex's layoutSubviews()

    Everything works fine if I call the following code for the first time:


    but after I update data source of the table view, that code makes the app freeze because layoutSubviews() gets called infinitely in TableViewIndex. But I need to update the index view, what should I do?

    opened by 4tuneTeller 2
  • Labels sometimes disappear

    Labels sometimes disappear

    I'm seeing an issue where the labels sometimes disappear, have you seen that before?

    It occurs for me in a few different scenarios, like when I bring up the keyboard on iPad in portrait (which doesn't cause the truncation to occur because they all fit on screen) then rotate to landscape (where not all fit on screen so it has to truncate). A lot of the labels disappear, but their frame is preserved so there's space for each but they're not all visible. When I then dismiss the keyboard it expands out to show all but a few labels are not visible. What's interesting is the View Debugger shows the missing labels don't exist as subviews, they're not there at all.

    I've been trying to debug it but haven't been able to figure out why this is occurring. It seems to be an issue when the height changes, it calls layoutSubviews in the index view a few times with different heights, but the last one is always correct, yet it ends up not properly creating all the subviews it seems. Or maybe a race condition removing and re-adding? I'm not sure. Hoping you might know where the problem may lie.

    img_0336 img_0337 img_0338

    opened by hipwelljo 2
  • Take less horizontal space

    Take less horizontal space

    This is a bit of a nit pick but in my case it had serious implications. In order to tap outside of the section index to hit a table view row, you have to tap pretty far to the left. You can compare this to the native Contacts app to see the difference. For example, it interferes with the X in the screen shotted view. I tried to handle this through the indexInset property but that did not work. img_4799

    opened by tamoyal 2
  • Some public var-s of TableViewIndex not visible from Objective-C

    Some public var-s of TableViewIndex not visible from Objective-C


    Thanks for the nice library!

    I would like to report one small issue that I found while integrating the lib into an Objective-C project. The problem is that indexInset, indexOffset and itemSpacing var-s are missing in auto-generated header and can not be accessed from Objective C. At the same time, when you edit library code and try to specify a different name for any of those properties via @objc(...), compiler starts showing "Property cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C" error.

    I made a small investigation and found that indexInset and indexOffset were visible correctly until 510e329ac18bba7c4900150aa2988f94ff1e3721. So, the problem appeared as soon as those struct-s became implicitly unwrapped optionals. If I now simply change them back in a way that they wouldn't be optionals anymore, the problem disappears. If on your opinion this is ok (maybe there is a better solution...), I'll do a merge request.

    opened by dgarkusha 2
  • iOS 13: UITableView in modal presentation conflicts with dismiss gesture

    iOS 13: UITableView in modal presentation conflicts with dismiss gesture

    Here is a new one coming with iOS 13 - when a UITableView is being presented as a modal, the index can't be dragged because it causes rubber banding as that modal's dismissal takes priority.

    Just starting to digging into this, but it looks like there's going to need to be some sort of callback to hook into to disable that gesture recognizer during MYTVI touches (see: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56718552/disable-gesture-to-pull-down-form-page-sheet-modal-presentation).

    opened by Nemesisprime 1
  • Add support for left TableViewIndex

    Add support for left TableViewIndex

    The TableViewIndex is always displayed on the Right side of the tableView. Since I have Arabic text inside table view which has text from right to left it is so I need the TableViewIndex on the left side

    opened by imran20487 1
  • Manual installation issue

    Manual installation issue

    On manual installation, XCode throws error: "Redeclaration of BackgroundView class" As it is declared in Examples.swift and also a separate file named BackgroundView.swift having BackgroundView

    opened by imran20487 1
  • Xcode 10, Swift 4.3 support required

    Xcode 10, Swift 4.3 support required

    I am using this library and it's working great. But it's yet not build with Swift 4.3 as it's required for Xcode 10 now. Please add support for Swift 4.3 so that we can continue using it.

    opened by asifbilal786 1
  • Configurable minWidth and styling in constructor

    Configurable minWidth and styling in constructor

    This PR adds configurable minWidth instead of hardcoded 44 points, and extends the TableViewIndexController constructor with styling options so that you don't have to do styling like this: tableViewIndexController.tableViewIndex.font = UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 12.0)

    opened by woko666 1
  • Version 0.2.0 is not available via Cocoapods

    Version 0.2.0 is not available via Cocoapods

    Hi, Sir! Thanks for such an awesome library.

    The issue is basically described in title, so it looks like 0.2.0 version podspec is not pushed to CocoaPods master repo :)

    opened by Austinate 1
  • Didselect on country name

    Didselect on country name

    Hi there, I have implement your library in a project and i need click even of tableview cell where listed country name. Can you please help from where i can find that.

    opened by Sourav2617 0
  • Pin TableViewIndex to Specific Sections

    Pin TableViewIndex to Specific Sections

    It would be nice to have the built in feature described in the title. This is how I did it in the meantime, and here was the result. Result - TableViewIndex pinned to 3rd section pinnedindexbar

     func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
            let contentOffsetY = scrollView.contentOffset.y
            if scrollView == tableView && searchBar.text == "" {
                if let visibleRows = tableView.indexPathsForVisibleRows {
                    let visibleSections = visibleRows.map({$0.section})
                    if let allStopsIndex = sections.index(where: {$0.type == SectionType.AllStops}), let firstAllStopCellIndexPath = visibleRows.filter({$0.section == allStopsIndex && $0.row == 1}).first {
                        let secondCell = tableView.cellForRow(at: firstAllStopCellIndexPath)
                        let newYPosition = view.convert(tableViewIndexController.tableViewIndex.indexRect(), from: tableView).minY
                        if ((newYPosition * -1.0) < (secondCell?.frame.minY)! - view.bounds.midY) {
                            let offset = (secondCell?.frame.minY)! - initialTableViewIndexMidY - contentOffsetY
                            tableViewIndexController.tableViewIndex.indexOffset = .init(horizontal: 0.0, vertical: offset)
                            tableViewIndexController.setHidden(!visibleSections.contains(allStopsIndex), animated: true)
    opened by AAAstorga 0
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