58 Repositories
Swift browser Libraries
Bill's Conversion of UI Browser to Swift
UI Browser 4 As part of the handover by Bill Cheeseman of his UI Browser application to Late Night Software, we received the source code to an unfinis
A browser extension for Safari that makes sure that cut, copy, and paste are enabled.
Paste for Safari A browser extension for Safari that makes sure that cut, copy, and paste are enabled. Notes This is pretty rough and does work. The v
Nova Wallet iOS - Next get mobile app for Polkadot & Kusama ecosystem
Next gen application for Polkadot & Kusama ecosystem, transparent & community-oriented, focused on convenient UX/UI, fast performance & security.
Pick a date and explore websites from the early days of the internet to now all in an easy-to-use browser format! 💻
Pick a date and explore websites from the early days of the internet to now all in an easy-to-use browser format! 💻
AlphaWallet - Advanced, Open Source Ethereum Mobile Wallet & dApp Browser for iOS
AlphaWallet - Advanced, Open Source Ethereum Mobile Wallet & dApp Browser for iOS
Trust - Ethereum Wallet and Web3 DApp Browser for iOS
Trust - Ethereum Wallet and Web3 DApp Browser for iOS Welcome to Trust's open source iOS app! Getting Started Download the Xcode 9 release. Clone this
A powerful new way to Reddit on iOS.
Slide for Reddit Slide is a powerful open-source, ad-free, Swift-based Reddit browser for iOS. Feel free to join us on the official subreddit for disc
Browser-ext - Safari Extension Container App
browser-ext See article on dev.to. Please refer to Safari Web Extensions on how
SwiftWebKit - This app look like a browser, but you can navigate between 2 sites
import UIKit import WebKit My first app for WebKit. This app look like a browser
FlightTicketBrowser - A SwiftUI sample app for flight ticket browser
FlightTicketBrowser This app is a SwiftUI sample app for flight ticket browser.
DOMKit - Swift framework to interact with the DOM in the browser
DOMKit Swift framework to interact with the DOM in the browser. Note: This proje
DEPRECATED - Realm Browser for Mac OS X has been replaced by realm-studio which is cross platform.
NOTE - This tool is now deprecated! Our future development efforts will go into the new cross platform Realm Studio, now available for Mac, Linux and
A drop-in inline browser for your iOS app.
SVWebViewController SVWebViewController is a simple inline browser for your iOS 7 app. SVWebViewController features: iPhone and iPad distinct UIs full
A drop-in inline browser for your Swift iOS app.
SwiftWebVC SwiftWebVC is a simple inline browser for your Swift iOS app. SwiftWebVC features: iPhone and iPad distinct UIs Full landscape orientation
AZSafariCollectionViewLayout is replica of safari browser history page layout. very easy to use, IBInspectable are given for easy integration
AZSafariCollectionViewLayout Features iOS Safari history view layout IBDesignAble for properties Few minutes integration Installation CocoaPods CocoaP
Beacon is a privacy and security-focused browser with native DANE support and a decentralized p2p light client.
Beacon iOS The first browser with support for native DNS-Based Authentication of Named Entities (DANE) with true downgrade protection, and the first b
Impervious is a privacy and security-focused browser with native DANE support and a decentralized p2p light client.
Impervious iOS The first browser with support for native DNS-Based Authentication of Named Entities (DANE) with true downgrade protection, and the fir
Erik is an headless browser based on WebKit. An headless browser allow to run functional tests, to access and manipulate webpages using javascript.
Erik Erik is a headless browser based on WebKit and HTML parser Kanna. An headless browser allow to run functional tests, to access and manipulate web
WKZombie is a Swift framework for iOS/OSX to navigate within websites and collect data without the need of User Interface or API, also known as Headless browser.
WKZombie WKZombie is an iOS/OSX web-browser without a graphical user interface. It was developed as an experiment in order to familiarize myself with
WebKit aims to provide platform agnostic isolated browser environments without the need for sketchy C bindings or a bloated V8 runtime.
WebKit WebKit aims to provide platform agnostic isolated browser environments without the need for sketchy C bindings or a bloated V8 runtime. Running
OpenTok Text Chat Accelerator Pack enables text messages between mobile or browser-based devices.
Text Chat Accelerator Pack iOS This project is deprecated The OpenTok Text Chat Accelerator Pack for iOS project is now a part of Accelerator Core iOS
Simple PhotoBrowser/Viewer inspired by facebook, twitter photo browsers written by swift
SKPhotoBrowser [](#contributors-) Simple PhotoBrowser
A simple iOS photo and video browser with grid view, captions and selections.
MWPhotoBrowser A simple iOS photo and video browser with optional grid view, captions and selections. MWPhotoBrowser can display one or more images or
A photo gallery for iOS with a modern feature set. Similar features as the Facebook photo browser.
EBPhotoPages ”A photo gallery can become a pretty complex component of an app very quickly. The EBPhotoPages project demonstrates how a developer coul
Photo Browser / Viewer inspired by Facebook's and Tweetbot's with ARC support, swipe-to-dismiss, image progress and more
IDMPhotoBrowser IDMPhotoBrowser is a new implementation based on MWPhotoBrowser. We've added both user experience and technical features inspired by F
FileExplorer is a powerful iOS file browser that allows its users to choose and remove files and/or directories
FileExplorer (iOS 9.0+) 👷 Project created and maintained by Rafał Augustyniak. You can find me on twitter (@RaAugustyniak). Introduction FileExplorer
Next-generation file browser for iOS.
Files Next-generation file browser for iOS. Multiple-column-UI on iPad System-wide Document Provider - open files in other apps Go to Folder Sorting o
Build a viable browser extension Ethereum wallet for Safari on macOS and especially iOS
Safari Wallet This is an experiment to see whether we can build a viable browser extension Ethereum wallet for Safari on macOS and especially iOS. Ove
A Powerful Private Browser Developed to Truly Protect your Data
SnowHaze SnowHaze is the first and only iOS browser that truly protects your data! Designed for best possible privacy and security and made to be easi
An open-source, privacy-enhancing web browser for iOS, utilizing the Tor anonymity network
Onion Browser Official Site | Support | Release History | Donate © 2012-2020, Tigas Ventures, LLC (Mike Tigas) This is the Onion Browser 2.X branch, b
Legacy Ghostery Browser for iOS
DEPRECATED - Ghostery for iOS version 2.x This project is no longer active. Please see our current iOS browser project for Ghostery iOS v3+. Ghostery
A chromeless web browser for viewing prototypes.
Frameless Frameless is a web browser for iOS 8+ that gets out of your way. It was built for designers and prototypers who need to interact with your p
Firefox Focus for iOS
Firefox Focus for iOS Browse like no one’s watching. The new Firefox Focus automatically blocks a wide range of online trackers — from the moment you
Firefox for iOS
Firefox for iOS Download on the App Store. This branch (main) This branch works with Xcode 13.0, Swift 5.5 and supports iOS 13 and above. Please note:
Brave iOS Browser
Brave for iOS 🦁 Download on the App Store. This branch (development) This branch is for mainline development that will ship in the next release. This
A Safari Web Extension to allow auto-refreshing of individual tabs
Safari Web Extension - AutoRefresh See article on Medium. App store download (free and no Ads). There are a few websites that I visit and that time ou
Sample project for select specific Web Browser on iOS.
Sample project for select specific Web Browser on iOS.
FileExplorer is a powerful iOS file browser that allows its users to choose and remove files and/or directories
FileExplorer (iOS 9.0+) 👷 Project created and maintained by Rafał Augustyniak. You can find me on twitter (@RaAugustyniak). Introduction FileExplorer
Finder-style iOS file browser written in Swift
FileBrowser iOS Finder-style file browser in Swift 4.0 with search, file previews and 3D touch. Simple and quick to use. Features ✨ Features 📱 Browse
Radio Streams from all over the world. Free and Open.
RadioBrowserKit - The Swift SDK for Radio Browser Radio Streams from all over the world. Free and Open. RadioBrowserKit is a Swift package which lets
Ethereum browser extension wallet for Safari on macOS & iOS.
Safari Wallet This is an experiment to see whether we can build a viable browser extension Ethereum wallet for Safari on macOS and especially iOS. Ove
FYPhoto is a photo/video picker and image browser library for iOS written in pure Swift. It is feature-rich and highly customizable to match your App's requirements.
FYPhoto is a photo/video picker and image browser library for iOS written in pure Swift. It is feature-rich and highly customizable to match your App's requirements.
Firefox for iOS, branch works with Xcode 12.5.1, Swift 5.4.2 and supports iOS 11.4 and above.
Firefox for iOS Download on the App Store. This branch (main) This branch works with Xcode 12.5.1, Swift 5.4.2 and supports iOS 11.4 and above. Please
Flare is a simplistic web browser for macOS built using UIKit.
Flare is a simplistic web browser for macOS built using UIKit. It demonstrates a custom address field toolbar item using an NSTextField subclass
iOS WKWebView webview App Template with fully working persistent cookies functionality (httpcookie, web cookie, browser cookie), custom status bar background color, option for white/black status bar text color, option to disable pinch to zoom and double tap to zoom in webview
iOSWKWebViewAppTemplatePersistentCookiesWorkLikeACharm iOS WKWebView webview App Template with fully working persistent cookies functionality (httpcoo
A macOS application for browsing the IOKit registry.
IOBrowser About A macOS application for browsing the IOKit registry. License Project is released under the terms of the MIT License. Repository Infos
A small Swift tool/server to serve DocC archives to your browser
servedocc Small Swift script to serve "DocC" archives, a format to document Swift frameworks and packages: Documenting a Swift Framework or Package. N
WKZombie is an iOS/OSX web-browser without a graphical user interface.
WKZombie is a Swift framework for iOS/OSX to navigate within websites and collect data without the need of User Interface or API, also known as Headless browser. It can be used to run automated tests / snapshots and manipulate websites using Javascript.
Instagram-like photo browser and a camera feature with a few line of code in Swift.
NOTE: This project is no longer maintained. We highly recommend YPImagePicker. Fusuma Fusuma is a Swift library that provides an Instagram-like photo
SwiftUI-compatible framework for building browser apps with WebAssembly and native apps for other platforms
SwiftUI-compatible framework for building browser apps with WebAssembly At the moment Tokamak implements a very basic subset of SwiftUI. Its DOM rende
Simple PhotoBrowser/Viewer inspired by facebook, twitter photo browsers written by swift
SKPhotoBrowser Simple PhotoBrowser/Viewer inspired by facebook, twitter photo browsers written by swift features Display one or more images by providi
🏞 A simple iOS photo and video browser with optional grid view, captions and selections written in Swift5.0
Introduction 🏞 MediaBrowser can display one or more images or videos by providing either UIImage objects, PHAsset objects, or URLs to library assets,
Erik is an headless browser based on WebKit. An headless browser allow to run functional tests, to access and manipulate webpages using javascript.
Erik Erik is a headless browser based on WebKit and HTML parser Kanna. An headless browser allow to run functional tests, to access and manipulate web
WKZombie is a Swift framework for iOS/OSX to navigate within websites and collect data without the need of User Interface or API, also known as Headless browser. It can be used to run automated tests / snapshots and manipulate websites using Javascript.
WKZombie WKZombie is an iOS/OSX web-browser without a graphical user interface. It was developed as an experiment in order to familiarize myself with
An iOS/tvOS photo gallery viewer, useful for viewing a large (or small!) number of photos.
This project is unmaintained. Alex passed away in an accident in late 2019. His love of iOS development will always be remembered. AXPhotoViewer AXPho
Image slide-show viewer with multiple predefined transition styles, with ability to create new transitions with ease.
ATGMediaBrowser ATGMediaBrowser is an image slide-show viewer that supports multiple predefined transition styles, and also allows the client to defin
Instagram-like photo browser and a camera feature with a few line of code in Swift.
Fusuma is a Swift library that provides an Instagram-like photo browser with a camera feature using only a few lines of code.
SwiftUI-compatible framework for building browser apps with WebAssembly and native apps for other platforms
SwiftUI-compatible framework for building browser apps with WebAssembly At the moment Tokamak implements a very basic subset of SwiftUI. Its DOM rende