TMDB Client App
Instructions for project setup.
1. Clone the project.
2. Go to "TMDB Client App" folder location on terminal and enter "pod install --repo-update" command.
3. Open .xcworkspace file.
4. Create config folder in "Supporting Files" folder.
![]( Assets/instruction_0.jpeg)
![]( Assets/instruction_1.jpeg)
5. Add your TMDB api key in your config file.
![]( Assets/instruction_2.jpeg)
6. Give referance your api key defination in info.plist file.
![]( Assets/instruction_3.jpeg)
7. Set your project Debug and Release configuration to your config file.
![]( Assets/instruction_4.jpeg)
8. That's all folks! You can call your api key like below;
function test() {
console.log("notice the blank line before this function?");
About project structure.
1. Folders
├── App # Files used globally the application.
│ └── Services # API services.
│ └── TMDBService.swift # TMDB API service definition.
├── Screens # Screens components(model, view, view model and controller).
│ └── Initial # Initial screen components.
│ └── Controller
│ └── InitialViewController.swift # Initial screen view controller.
└── Supporting Files
├── Assets.swift # Generated via SwiftGen for Assets.
├── AppDelegate.swift
├── Assets.xcassets
├── LaunchScreen.storyboard
├── Info.plist
└── Config.xcconfig # You need to generate your own config file for sensitive key definitions.
2. 3rd Party Libraries
Cocoapods used for package managing.
- Layout
- SnapKit: Makes auto layout definitions easy.
- Network
- Alamofire: Network operations.
- Moya: Clean network layer.
- Kingfisher: Async image downloading.
- Helper
- SwiftGen: Clean asset usage.