SimplePDF is a wrapper of UIGraphics PDF context written in Swift.

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Simple PDF

Platform: iOS 8.0+ Language: Swift 4 Cocoapods

SimplePDF is a wrapper of UIGraphics PDF context written in Swift.

You can:

  • add texts, images, spaces and lines, table
  • set up page layout, adjust content alignment
  • generate PDF data/file.

In summary, you can create a simple PDF effortlessly. 😄


let A4paperSize = CGSize(width: 595, height: 842)
let pdf = SimplePDF(pageSize: A4paperSize)

pdf.addText("Hello World!")
// or
// pdf.addText("Hello World!", font: myFont, textColor: myTextColor)

pdf.addImage( anImage )

let dataArray = [["Test1", "Test2"],["Test3", "Test4"]]
pdf.addTable(rowCount: 2, columnCount: 2, rowHeight: 20.0, columnWidth: 30.0, tableLineWidth: 1.0, font: UIFont.systemFontOfSize(5.0), dataArray: dataArray)

let pdfData = pdf.generatePDFdata()

// save as a local file
try? pdfData.writeToFile(path, options: .DataWritingAtomic)

See the result example.pdf, which is generated from ExampleCode.swift.


via Cocoapods

pod 'SimplePDF'


import SimplePDF

Page Setup

page setup

let A4paperSize = CGSize(width: 595, height: 842)
let pdf = SimplePDF(pageSize: A4paperSize, pageMargin: 20.0)
// or define all margins extra
let pdf = SimplePDF(pageSize: A4paperSize, pageMarginLeft: 35, pageMarginTop: 50, pageMarginBottom: 40, pageMarginRight: 35)

Write Something

pdf.addText( "some text" )
pdf.addImage( UIImage )
pdf.addAttributedText( NSAttributedString )
pdf.addLineSeparator(height: 30) // or pdf.addLineSeparator() default height is 1.0


You can layout horizontally and vertically

// Start a horizonal arrangement
// Add space from the left

// now add your text, table, image, ...

// finishe the horizontal arrangement so you can continue vertically

// adds a vertical space

Table Definitions

Define the layout of tables with definitions

let tableDef = TableDefinition(alignments: [.left, .left],
                               columnWidths: [100, 300],
                               fonts: [UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 20),
                                       UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 16)],
                               textColors: [,
let data = [] // my data
             columnCount: 2, 
             rowHeight: 25, 
             tableLineWidth: 0, // this is taken from the definition
             tableDefinition: tableDef, 
             dataArray: data)


pdf.beginNewPage() // Begin a new page

These following commands will affect everything you write after you call.

pdf.setContentAlignment(.Center) // .Left, .Center, .Right

Generate PDF data

let pdfData = pdf.generatePDFdata()

// write to file
try? pdfData.writeToFile(path, options: .DataWritingAtomic)

// or upload to Internet
// For example, Alamofire.upload(...)


SimplePDF is available under the MIT License.


Nutchaphon Rewik

my twitter

  • Table extensions

    Table extensions

    Hi, first of all, great library.

    I'm working a lot with tables and would like to make some extensions there. First the content alignment is not taken into account for table which means text is always centered. Second it would be great to pass attributed text to a table which give great flexibility in displaying.

    If you don't mind I will implement this and create a PR?

    opened by mrichtsfeld 8
  • Issue with compile errors

    Issue with compile errors

    I added this to my project, but I m getting compile errors in SimplePDF.swift => drawtext

        let attributes: [NSAttributedStringKey: Any] = [
            .font: font,
            .foregroundColor: textColor,
            .paragraphStyle: paragraphStyle

    Type 'NSString' has no member 'font'

        let attributes: [NSAttributedStringKey: Any] = [
            .foregroundColor: textColor,
            .paragraphStyle: paraStyle,
            .obliqueness: skew,
            .font: font

    Type 'NSString' has no member 'foregroundColor'

    Any clues?

    opened by f15radar 6
  • Alignments don't work in a table

    Alignments don't work in a table

    Hi there and thank you for this great library.

    I noticed that alignments don't work when creating tables. It is always aligned to the left. Trying center and right has no effect.

    Just following the example from the main page:

    let tableDef = TableDefinition(alignments: [.center, .right],
                                            columnWidths: [200, 200],
                                            fonts: [UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 16), UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 16)],
                                            textColors: [,])
            let data = [["test1","test1"]]
                         columnCount: 2,
                         rowHeight: 25,
                         tableLineWidth: 0, // this is taken from the definition
                tableDefinition: tableDef,
                dataArray: data)

    I'm using 4.5.1 from cocoapods. Any ideas?

    opened by ozitrance 2
  • Podspec platform

    Podspec platform

    I am currently working on a project with a minimum platform target of iOS 8.0 and need to generate a PDF. I found this library and tried to install it via cocoapods and found that i was unable to do so because of the platform in your podspec is :ios, "9.0".

    So, I just tried to add the file SimplePDF.swift to the project and use it and found I was able to compile and use your library without problems.

    Could you set your podspec's platform to `:ios, "8.0"``?

    opened by jaceee 2
  • Architecture error

    Architecture error

    Not sure if this is related to this repository, but I'm getting an error: "Could not find module 'SimplePDF' for target 'arm64-apple-ios-simulator'; found x86_64-apple-ios-simulator, at: /Users/Owner/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Bizzy_Books-elclaesdwnetyuhhuzftdvwifm/Index.noindex/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/SimplePDF/SimplePDF.framework/Modules/SimplePDF.swiftmodule.

    I think my iMac running Xcode has Intel x86_64.

    opened by caldwbr 1
  • Different alignment of content in a cells

    Different alignment of content in a cells

    Added content alignment from the table definition. If the definition of the table is not defined, then the content equalization is taken from the property transferred to the function.

    opened by Belzik 0
  • How to add a digital signature field

    How to add a digital signature field

    Is there a pdf.addDigitalSignatureField option? If not, is there any way to improvise this?

    My app is programmatically generating a work contract for construction business owners to automatically email to their potential customer and have a field for customer to digitally sign, save, and return back via email.


    opened by caldwbr 1
  • How to begin new page automatically

    How to begin new page automatically

    Hi there,

    how can we determine page height according to content, basically i have define pagesize but unable to begin new page as data is overlapping in single page

    can you help me out how can start new page automatically

    opened by hitesh-shukla 2
  • Support for macOS

    Support for macOS

    Since a pdf generation tool like SimplePDF is quite general, I thought if it might be possible to make it compatible with macOS, and not only iOS?

    If I add the project to a macOS project, I get the following error.

    The platform of the target `TARGET NAME` (macOS 10.10) is not compatible with `SimplePDF (3.0.0)`, which does not support `osx`.

    opened by viktorstrate 1
  • How to add multiple images in a single row?

    How to add multiple images in a single row?

    In Pdf I have add lot of images, It displays vertically column vice but I want to add images horizontally row vice. It is possible to add images in single row.?

    opened by Saravana181187 0
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iOS Engineer 🍎
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