An iOS PDF viewer and annotator written in Swift that can be embedded into any application.


UXM Token Field

CI Status Version Swift Carthage Compatible License Platform


  • iOS 9 or above
  • Xcode 8 or above
  • Swift 3.0


This project is still in early stages. Right now the PDF reader works both programmatically and through interface builder. This PDF reader supports interactive forms and provides methods for overlaying text, signature and checkbox elements onto the page, as well as rendering a PDF with the elements burned back onto the PDF. See the example project for how to implement.



UXMPDFKit is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "UXMPDFKit"

If you wish to use the Swift 2.3 version, use the following instead:

pod "UXMPDFKit", "~> 0.3.0"


UXMPDFKit is also available through Carthage. To install just write into your Cartfile:

github "uxmstudio/UXMPDFKit"

Run carthage update to build the framework and drag the built UXMPDFKit.framework into your Xcode project.


Simple Usage

UXMPDFKit comes with a single page PDF reader with many features implemented right out of the box. Simply create a new PDFViewController, pass it a document and display it like any other view controller. It includes support for forms, a page scrubber and page scrolling.


let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "sample", ofType: "pdf")!
let document = try! PDFDocument(filePath: path, password: "password_if_needed")
let pdf = PDFViewController(document: document)

self.navigationController?.pushViewController(pdf, animated: true)


Although written in Swift, the core reader can be used in Objective-C.

NSError *error;
NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"sample" ofType:@"pdf"];
PDFDocument *document = [[PDFDocument alloc] initWithFilePath:path password:@"password_if_needed" error:&error];
PDFViewController *pdfVC = [[PDFViewController alloc] initWithDocument:document];

[self.navigationController pushViewController:pdfVC animated:true];

Single Page Collection View

This collection view renders a PDF in its entirety one page at a time in photo-slideshow style.

let collectionView = PDFSinglePageViewer(frame: self.view.bounds, document: self.document)
collectionView.singlePageDelegate = self

Its delegate methods are implemented as follows:

func singlePageViewer(collectionView: PDFSinglePageViewer, didDisplayPage page: Int)
func singlePageViewer(collectionView: PDFSinglePageViewer, loadedContent content: PDFPageContentView)
func singlePageViewer(collectionView: PDFSinglePageViewer, selectedAction action: PDFAction)


User-interactable forms are supported by UXMPDFKit, but only partially. Currently only PDF's versions 1.6 & 1.7 render correctly.

Form features implemented:

  • Signatures
  • Text Fields
  • Checkboxes
  • Radio Buttons
  • Choice Boxes

Form parsing and handling is taken care of by the PDFFormViewController. It takes a document, and then is passed a PDFPageContentView to render form elements onto.

let formController = PDFFormViewController(document: self.document)

PDF rewriting is not currently supported, but flattening inputed data onto the PDF is. To render the form information onto the document, call:

func renderFormOntoPDF() -> NSURL // Returns a temporary url
func save(url: NSURL) -> Bool // Writes 


User annotations are supported at a basic level, however instead of being written onto the PDF, are burned on at the time of saving.

Current annotation types available:

  • Pen
  • Highlighter
  • Textbox

All annotations are stored in memory until being rendered back onto the PDF by the PDFRenderer.

To create a new annotation type, you must extend the following protocol:

public protocol PDFAnnotation {

    /// The page number the annotation is located on
    var page: Int? { get set }

    /// Unique identifier to be able to select annotation by
    var uuid: String { get }

    /// Boolean representing if the annotation has been saved
    var saved: Bool { get set }

    var delegate: PDFAnnotationEvent? { get set }

    /// Force implementations to have an init

    /// A function to return a view composed of the annotations properties
    func mutableView() -> UIView

    /// Set of handlers to pass touches to annotation
    func touchStarted(_ touch: UITouch, point: CGPoint)
    func touchMoved(_ touch: UITouch, point: CGPoint)
    func touchEnded(_ touch: UITouch, point: CGPoint)

    /// Method to save annotation locally
    func save()
    func drawInContext(_ context: CGContext)

    func didEnd()

    func encode(with aCoder: NSCoder)

An annotation should be an object that contains its position and value, not a view. Because annotations are written onto temporary objects, they should be created, not passed by reference each time mutableView() is called.

Additionally, it is recommended that the view passed by mutableView() extend ResizableView as this allows the annotation to be moved, resized and deleted individually.

In order for annotations to be able to be listed inside of the toolbar, they must also extend PDFAnnotationButtonable.

public protocol PDFAnnotationButtonable: PDFAnnotation {

    /// Name for UIBarButtonItem representation of annotation
    static var name: String? { get }

    /// Image for UIBarButtonItem representation of annotation 
    static var buttonImage: UIImage? { get }


Partial action support was added in version 0.3.0 and will be increased upon in future versions.

Currently supported actions:

  • External URL
  • Go To (internal jump to page index)
  • Remote Go To
  • Named
  • Launch
  • Javascript
  • Rich Media

Tapped actions are passed to your view controller by the PDFSinglePageViewer in its contentDelegate


In order to perform write operations back onto a PDF in an efficient format, a renderer is used. Each type of form, annotation, etc that needs to be rendered back onto the PDF should extend the following protocol:

protocol PDFRenderer {
    func render(page: Int, context:CGContext, bounds: CGRect)

Controllers or objects that extend this protocol can then be passed to the PDFRenderer to be written onto a temporary document or saved permanently onto the document.

let renderer = PDFRenderController(document: self.document, controllers: [
let pdf = renderer.renderOntoPDF()


Chris Anderson:


UXMPDFKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Initialization from NSData is not supported

    Initialization from NSData is not supported

    At the moment the only initialization possible with the PDFDocument is from an URL string.

    I was wondering me if there's any plan to implement a version to support initialization from NSData.

    opened by edias 7
  • What is the proper way to check if a PDF is password protected?

    What is the proper way to check if a PDF is password protected?

    Previously, I used this piece of code to open a document and ask a password if the PDF appears to be password protected:

    func openDocument() {
      do {
        document = try PDFDocument(filePath: pdfFilePath, password: password)
      } catch let err {
        switch err as? CGPDFDocumentError {
        case .some(.passwordRequired):
          askPassword(firstTime: true)
        case .some(.couldNotUnlock):
          askPassword(firstTime: false)
      DispatchQueue.main.async {
        self.document?.currentPage =

    However, this doesn't work anymore as the exception thrown in CGPDFDocument.swift isn't forwarded. Right now I have implemented this workaround just below the catch above, but if feels dirty:

      if document?.documentRef == nil {
        askPassword(firstTime: true)

    What would be the proper way to check if a PDF is password-protected?

    Thanks, Rutger

    opened by rbresjer 4
  • Checkmarks Could Be Improved

    Checkmarks Could Be Improved

    Couple suggestions for the checkboxes. Currently the checkboxes are invisible when not checked and even when checked they don't really look like checkboxes.

    What I suggest is to configure the buttons as toggle buttons. You'll need two images, one for the checked appearance and the other for the unchecked appearance. Set the checked image for the selected state and the unchecked image for the normal state. Add an action method for touchupinside and button.selected = !button.selected. When the selected state is set the checkmark image will appear.

    If you felt like it you can easily make a UIButton subclass with that behavior built in and just use that when you're building the checkmark button. This is probably best.

    opened by phoney 4
  • Toggle visibility of individual annotations for PDFViewController

    Toggle visibility of individual annotations for PDFViewController

    <!— Provide a general summary of the issue in the Title above —> I want to restrict the highlight and text annotations inside the PDFViewController while allowing the pen annotation.

    Expected Behaviour

    Add boolean values to controller the buttons for each annotation inside PDFViewController. i.e. instead of having a catch-all allowsAnnotations, have

    • allowHighlighterAnnotation
    • allowPenAnnotation
    • allowTextAnnotation

    These booleans would be used inside the function fileprivate func rightBarButtons() so that the buttons would not be appended in the navigation.

    Current Behaviour

    A single boolean value for allowsAnnotations for the PDFViewController

    opened by bentacles 3
  • Carthage build Error

    Carthage build Error


    I've the following error building from Carthage: Dependency "UXMPDFKit" has no shared framework schemes for any of the platforms: iOS

    Thank you in advance, Omar.

    opened by OmarCaf 3
  • PDFDocument object conflicts with PDFKit.PDFDocument

    PDFDocument object conflicts with PDFKit.PDFDocument

    When I embed UXMPDFKit into my project, even without importing the framework in a particulat file, PDFDocument object inside library cause Xcode fails to import new PDFKit.PDFDocument and mark it as unavailable. I suggest renaming it to UXMPDFDocument to avoid ambiguity.

    Your Environment

    • iOS Version: 11.0
    • Xcode Version: 9.0
    • Swift Version: 4.0
    opened by amosavian 2
  • Extending the annotations

    Extending the annotations


    I am trying to extend the annotations with one of my own. However, to do this i need to subclass pdfviewcontroller and annotationcontroller and point to the new annotationcontroller in the new pdfviewcontroller. This is not possible because of access levels:

    lazy var annotationController: PDFAnnotationController = PDFAnnotationController(document: self.document, delegate: self)

    both document and annotationController have access level internal. Do i need to find a new route or am i doing something wrong here? It's my first time coding for ios, so it could well be :)

    Thanks for your time

    opened by jorritsmit 2
  • WIP: Tap gestures

    WIP: Tap gestures

    This PR adds:

    • a delegate method that detects double taps on the pdf view.
    • a new variable pdfContentView (I'm not very happy with this name) that allows to retrieve the contentView of the pdf as UIView (keeping its inner actual type hidden). This is needed if the developer needs to capture events or interact only with the view that contains the actual pdf content, not the whole view.
    opened by dmorn 2
  • Crash when opening Full PDF Viewer in Example Project

    Crash when opening Full PDF Viewer in Example Project

    Hi! I've just build and run your Example Program with Xcode 8.0. It's OK for the first time after I click 'Show Full PDF Viewer', but the program crashed in a second when I back to ExampleViewController and click it again. The problem wasn't gone until I deleted the program in Simulator. And the problem comes again after I run the Example and click 'Show Full PDF Viewer'. Can you help to have a look please? Very thanks!

    'annotations = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: "annotations") as! [PDFAnnotation]' in PDFAnnotationStore
    opened by kfindfly 2
  • Crash when passing nil as a password on PDFDocument creation

    Crash when passing nil as a password on PDFDocument creation

    Hi and first of all thanks for the work!

    I encountered an issue while using the library : when I tried to create a PDFDocument instance for a file without a password, my first attempt was to call PDFDocument(filePath: path, password: nil), which caused my app to crash with mysterious error messages.

    I managed to fixed it by calling PDFDocument(filePath: path, password: "").

    This should be either stated clearly in the docs (maybe I've missed it?) or fixed in the code.


    opened by CKzu 2
  • Open viewer at specific page

    Open viewer at specific page

    Hi Chris,

    First of all: great work! Thanks for this great PDF viewer.

    If I set the PDFDocument to a specific page before initializing the PDFViewController with it, the page scrubber is shown at the correct page, but the document viewer isn't:

    let document = PDFDocument(filePath: pdfFilePath)
    document.currentPage = 33
    let pdfVc = PDFViewController(document: document)

    Is this an easy fix?

    Best regards, Rutger

    opened by rbresjer 2
  • I have pod install in objC project and create bridge header and import in my class like @import PDFKit and i have access frame work classes  easily but i am not able to access class methods error as following  as -

    I have pod install in objC project and create bridge header and import in my class like @import PDFKit and i have access frame work classes easily but i am not able to access class methods error as following as - "No visible @interface for 'PDFDocument' declares the selector 'initWithFilePath:password:error'" . NSError *error; NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"sample" ofType:@"pdf"]; PDFDocument *document = [[PDFDocument alloc] initWithFilePath:path password:@"password_if_needed" error:&error]; PDFViewController *pdfVC = [[PDFViewController alloc] initWithDocument:document]; [self.navigationController pushViewController:pdfVC animated:true];

    <!— Provide a general summary of the issue in the Title above —>

    Expected Behavior

    <!— If you’re describing a bug, tell us what should happen —> <!— If you’re suggesting a change/improvement, tell us how it should work —>

    Current Behavior

    <!— If describing a bug, tell us what happens instead of the expected behavior —> <!— If suggesting a change/improvement, explain the difference from current behavior —>

    Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

    <!— Provide a set of steps to reproduce this bug. Include code if relevant —> 1. 2. 3. 4.

    Your Environment

    <!— Include as many relevant details about the environment you experienced the bug in —>

    • iOS Version:
    • Xcode Version:
    • Swift Version:
    opened by RaviPatelCDN123 0
  • Layout issue when change device orientation

    Layout issue when change device orientation

    In full pdf mode, when change to landscape, the screen becomes blank white. When scrolling the pdf shows but it also use the Vertical screen ratio. In storyboard mode, layout doesn't correct too.

    opened by xinnai 0
  • Issue While migrating to swift 4.2

    Issue While migrating to swift 4.2

    Using Current UXMPDFKit Version 0.7.2 for swift 3. But Cant Upgrade to swift 4.2 with version 0.7.3

    Bugs While Migrating to swift 4.2

    1. CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "UXMPDFKit"
    2. CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "UXMPDFKit" —> 1.CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "UXMPDFKit": In Podfile: UXMPDFKit (~> 0.7.3)

    Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

    1. Try to Update source repo that hosts the Podspec

    Your Environment

    • iOS Version: 11
    • Xcode Version: 10.1
    • Swift Version: 4.2
    opened by MaliSharad 0
  • Ho to change Pen, highliter and textfield color dynamic

    Ho to change Pen, highliter and textfield color dynamic

    <!— Provide a general summary of the issue in the Title above —>

    Expected Behavior

    <!— If you’re describing a bug, tell us what should happen —> <!— If you’re suggesting a change/improvement, tell us how it should work —>

    Current Behavior

    <!— If describing a bug, tell us what happens instead of the expected behavior —> <!— If suggesting a change/improvement, explain the difference from current behavior —>

    Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

    <!— Provide a set of steps to reproduce this bug. Include code if relevant —> 1. 2. 3. 4.

    Your Environment

    <!— Include as many relevant details about the environment you experienced the bug in —>

    • iOS Version:
    • Xcode Version:
    • Swift Version:
    opened by Ronymark 0
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