Monaka convert custom struct to NSData.



Swift Carthage compatible Platform License


Monaka convert custom struct and fundamental values to NSData (also nested array and dictionary).


You can persistent store of your defined struct. Your defined struct is for example 'latest selected tab index', 'array of struct fetched from API' or 'current application state'. I think these should be represented as simple struct and can be stored in application. Converted data can be written in file or NSUserDefault.



github "naru-jpn/Monaka"


pod 'Monaka'


For Standard Variables

Packable variable ⇄ NSData.

// Pack
let value: Int = 10
let data: NSData = Monaka.pack(value)

// Unpack
let unpacked = Monaka.unpack(data) as? Int

For Custom Struct

1.Make a custom struct confirming protocol CustomPackable

struct Sample: CustomPackable {
    let id: String
    // Return new struct from applied properties.
    static var restoreProcedure: ([String : Packable] -> Packable?) = { (properties: [String : Packable]) -> Packable? in
        guard let id = properties["id"] as? String else {
            return nil
        return Sample(id: id)

2.Activate your custom struct.

func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
  // Other codes...
  return true


You can Pack/Unpack as standard types.

// Pack
let value: SampleStruct = SampleStruct(id: NSUUID().UUIDString)
let data: NSData = Monaka.pack(value) 
// Unpack
let unpacked = Monaka.unpack(data) as? SampleStruct


Monaka is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

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