Cellmodel-driven tableview manager

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Layout Hakuba


Platform Language License Issues

I want to slim down view controllers.

I want to manage tableview without the code of UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource.

That is why I created Hakuba.

( Hakuba is one of the most famous ski resorts in Japan. )


  • Don't have to write the code for UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource protocols
  • Easy to manage your sections and cells (append/reset/insert/remove/update)
  • Support dynamic cell height from ios7
  • Don't have to worry about cell identifier
  • Handling cell selection by trailing closure
  • Easy to implement header/footer view (floating callback)
  • Support for creating cells from Nibs or Storyboards
  • Method chaining
  • Subscript
  • Support loadmore closure
  • Complete example
Quick example
// viewController swift file

hakuba = Hakuba(tableView: tableView)

let cellmodel = YourCellModel(title: "Title", des: "description") {
	println("Did select cell with title = \(title)")

	.append(cellmodel)	// append a new cell model into datasource
	.bump(.fade)		// show the cell of your cell model in the table view

// your cell swift file

class YourCellModel: CellModel {
	let title: String
	let des: String

	init(title: String, des: String, selectionHandler: @escaping (Cell) -> Void) {
		self.title = title
		self.des = des
		super.init(YourCell.self, selectionHandler: selectionHandler)

class YourCell: Cell, CellType {
	typealias CellModel = YourCellModel

	@IBOutlet weak var titleLabel: UILabel!

	override func configure() {
		guard let cellmodel = cellmodel else {

		titleLabel.text = cellmodel.title


  • Initilization
private lazy var hakuba = Hakuba(tableView: tableView)   
  • Section handling
let section = Section() // create a new section

// inserting
	.insert(section, at: 1)

// removing
	.remove(at: index)



// handing section index by enum
enum YourSection: Int, SectionIndexType {
	case top
	case center
	case bottom

	static let count = 3
let topSection = hakuba[YourSection.top]
  • Cell handling
// 1. appending
	.append(cellmodel)	// append a cellmodel
	.bump(.fade)		// and bump with `Fade` animation

	.append(cellmodels)	// append a list of cellmodes

// by using section
let section = hakuba[YourSection.top]

// 2. inserting
	.insert(cellmodels, at: 1)

// 3. reseting
	.reset(cellmodels)	// replace current data in section by the new data

	.reset()	// or remove all data in section

// 4. removing
	.remove(at: 1)

	.remove(range: 2...5)

// updating cell data
let section = hakuba[YourSection.top]
section[1].property = newData

  • Register cell, header, footer




// register a list of cells by using variadic parameters
hakuba.registerCellByNibs(CellClass1.self, CellClass2.self, ..., CellClassN.self)
  • Section header/footer
let header = HeaderFooterViewModel(view: CustomHeaderView) {
	println("Did select header view")
hakuba[Section.top].header = header
  • Loadmore
hakuba.loadmoreEnabled = true
hakuba.loadmoreHandler = {
	// request api
	// append new data
  • Commit editing
hakuba.commitEditingHandler = { [weak self] style, indexPath in
  • Deselect all cells
hakuba.deselectAllCells(animated: true)
  • Callback methods in the cell class
func willAppear(data: CellModel)
func didDisappear(data: CellModel)


  • Installation with CocoaPods
pod 'Hakuba'
  • Copying all the files into your project
  • Using submodule


  • iOS 9.0+
  • Xcode 9+
  • Swift 4


Hakuba is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

  • Error when deleting row

    Error when deleting row

    Hello, I am trying to delete a row. But I got this crash :

    Invalid update: invalid number of rows in section 0. The number of rows contained in an existing section after the update (1) must be equal to the number of rows contained in that section before the update (1), plus or minus the number of rows inserted or deleted from that section (0 inserted, 1 deleted) and plus or minus the number of rows moved into or out of that section (0 moved in, 0 moved out).

    This is how I am trying to delete my row :

    opened by remirobert 5
  • HeaderFooterView height, and backgroundColor

    HeaderFooterView height, and backgroundColor

    Hello, I need to use an HeaderFooterView on a Section.

    I created a model view :

    class HeaderSectionTripViewModel: HeaderFooterViewModel {
        init() {
            super.init(view: HeaderSectionTrip.self)

    and then my HeaderFooterView view :

    class HeaderSectionTrip: HeaderFooterView, HeaderFooterViewType {
        typealias ViewModel = HeaderFooterViewModel
        override func configure() {

    Now this how I add my section header :

    let section = Section()
    section.header = HeaderSectionTripViewModel()

    But my HeaderView is transparent. And also I need to change the height. thanks in advance for your help.

    opened by remirobert 3
  • Get a cell

    Get a cell

    Hi, is it posible to get a cell from :


    Because I have some UIButton, inside my cell, and I would like to catch the event, in my UIViewController.

    Thanks in advance. :+1:

    opened by remirobert 3
  • MYSelectionHandler parameter can't cast UITableViewCell.

    MYSelectionHandler parameter can't cast UITableViewCell.

    Hi, Thanks for writing this great Library.

    There is that one in trouble, It would help us if you would be compatible in the future.

    MYSelectionHandler parameter is MYBaseViewProtocol. I want to use the view of cell in the handler, but MYBaseViewProtocol can't cast UIView. Is not possible to change the IF of MYSelectionHandler to MYBaseViewProtocol of class that inherits from UIView?

    It is expected the correspondence. Thank you.

    opened by dekatotoro 2
  • Cell's calculatedHeight is always nil

    Cell's calculatedHeight is always nil

    Hey. I'm using Hakuba and so far it's great, but i think i found a bug. Cell's calculatedHeight property is always nil, even after all this calculations:

    private extension CellModel {
        func calculateHeight() -> CGFloat {
            if let height = calculatedHeight {
                return height
            guard let cell = delegate?.getOffscreenCell(reuseIdentifier) else {
                return estimatedHeight
            let width = delegate?.tableViewWidth() ?? UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.width
            cell.bounds = CGRectMake(0, 0, width, cell.bounds.height)
            let size = cell.contentView.systemLayoutSizeFittingSize(UILayoutFittingCompressedSize)
            return size.height + 1

    I think you should set it to a value before returning from function.

    opened by respan 1
  • Fix 'Invalid update' crash when removing all cells in tableview.

    Fix 'Invalid update' crash when removing all cells in tableview.

    When implementing a SearchBar and updating the results, a crash occurs with the message:

    "Invalid update: invalid number of sections. The number of sections contained in the table view after the update must be equal to the number of sections contained in the table view before the update, plus or minus the number of sections inserted or deleted."

    opened by beng341 1
  • Change the interface of MYTableViewCell.init

    Change the interface of MYTableViewCell.init

    Using generics arguments as before the change(public init<T: MYTableViewCell>(cell: T.Type, height: CGFloat = 44, selectionHandler: MYSelectionHandler? = nil)), it causes build errors when subclassing MYTableViewCell.

    opened by tasanobu-zz 1
  • dynamic height cell doesn't work

    dynamic height cell doesn't work

    The dynamic height cell is not working with a label in the cell. Is there any requirements ? I know there is the minimum lines set to 0

    Thanks in advance.

    opened by remirobert 0
  • how to get HeaderFooterView

    how to get HeaderFooterView

    I need to catch a UIButton action event present on a HeaderFooterView. So I have the HeaderFooterViewModel, but how to access to the view after presentation in my UIViewController ?

    Thanks in advance.

    opened by remirobert 0
  • dynamicHeightEnabled has a problem

    dynamicHeightEnabled has a problem

    if i delete delay(1.5) {} , dynamicHeightEnabled has a problem code:
    let longTitle1 = "Don't have to write the code for UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource protocols" let longTitle2 = "Support dynamic cell height from ios7"
    let titles = ["title 1", "title 2", "title 3", "title 4", "title 5", longTitle1, longTitle2]

        let centerCellmodels = titles.map { [weak self] title -> CellModel in
            let data = CustomCellModel(title: "Section 1: " + title) { _ in
                print("Did select cell with title = \(title)")
            data.dynamicHeightEnabled = true
            return data
    opened by bijy 0
Le Van Nghia
Software Engineer. Lover of OSS. Creator of PipeCD, Promviz, LotusLoad, Hakuba, MaterialKit... 🐳
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