Support customization of any player SDK and control layer




ZFPlayer 4.x迁移指南

Before this, you used ZFPlayer, are you worried about encapsulating avplayer instead of using or modifying the source code to support other players, the control layer is not easy to customize, and so on? In order to solve these problems, I have wrote this player template, for player SDK you can conform the ZFPlayerMediaPlayback protocol, for control view you can conform the ZFPlayerMediaControl protocol, can custom the player and control view.


🔨 Requirements

  • iOS 7+
  • Xcode 8+

📲 Installation

ZFPlayer is available through CocoaPods. To install it,use player template simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'ZFPlayer', '~> 4.0'

Use default controlView simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'ZFPlayer/ControlView', '~> 4.0'

Use AVPlayer simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'ZFPlayer/AVPlayer', '~> 4.0'

Use ijkplayer simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'ZFPlayer/ijkplayer', '~> 4.0'

IJKMediaFramework SDK support cocoapods


🐒 Usage


Main classes,normal style initialization and list style initialization (tableView, collection,scrollView)

Normal style initialization

ZFPlayerController *player = [ZFPlayerController playerWithPlayerManager:playerManager containerView:containerView];
ZFPlayerController *player = [[ZFPlayerController alloc] initwithPlayerManager:playerManager containerView:containerView];

List style initialization

ZFPlayerController *player = [ZFPlayerController playerWithScrollView:tableView playerManager:playerManager containerViewTag:containerViewTag];
ZFPlayerController *player = [ZFPlayerController alloc] initWithScrollView:tableView playerManager:playerManager containerViewTag:containerViewTag];
ZFPlayerController *player = [ZFPlayerController playerWithScrollView:scrollView playerManager:playerManager containerView:containerView];
ZFPlayerController *player = [ZFPlayerController alloc] initWithScrollView:tableView playerManager:playerManager containerView:containerView];


For the playerMnager,you must conform ZFPlayerMediaPlayback protocol,custom playermanager can supports any player SDK,such as AVPlayer,MPMoviePlayerController,ijkplayer,vlc,PLPlayerKit,KSYMediaPlayerand so on,you can reference the ZFAVPlayerManagerclass.

    *playerManager = ...;


This class is used to display the control layer, and you must conform the ZFPlayerMediaControl protocol, you can reference the ZFPlayerControlView class.

    *controlView = ...;
player.controlView = controlView;

📷 Screenshots

Picture effect

👨🏻‍💻 Author

❤️ Contributors



  • 现寻求志同道合的小伙伴一起维护此框架,有兴趣的小伙伴可以发邮件给我,非常感谢!
  • 如果一切OK,我将开放框架维护权限(github、pod等)

💰 打赏作者



👮🏻 License

ZFPlayer is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • iOS13-beta后切换横屏,状态栏没有切换


    iOS13后通过这个方法[UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarOrientation = orientation设置状态栏失效. 系统提示: [Assert] -[UIApplication setStatusBarOrientation:] and -[UIApplication setStatusBarOrientation:animated:] API have been deprecated on iOS 8.0 and are no-ops on iOS 13.0

    opened by Lixyss 12
  • Xcode9,iOS11 bug

    Xcode9,iOS11 bug

    播放器显示:“加载失败,点击重试” 错误日志: CredStore - performQuery - Error copying matching creds. Error=-25300, query={ class = inet; "m_Limit" = "m_LimitAll"; "r_Attributes" = 1; sync = syna; } 初次进入,无法播放。

    opened by ChildrenGreens 11
  • iOS12下开启控制器旋转就会奔溃


    • (void)setFullScreen:(BOOL)fullScreen { _fullScreen = fullScreen; [[UIWindow zf_currentViewController] setNeedsStatusBarAppearanceUpdate]; [UIViewController attemptRotationToDeviceOrientation]; }

    error:Thread 1: Exception: "Supported orientations has no common orientation with the application, and [UINavigationController shouldAutorotate] is returning YES"

    opened by xiangchangming 10
  • 为什么不能全屏?


    _playerView = [[ZFPlayerView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, kScreen_Width, kScreen_Width/2)];

    self.playerView.videoURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
    self.playerView.playerLayerGravity = ZFPlayerLayerGravityResizeAspect;
    // 是否自动播放,默认不自动播放
    //    [self.playerView autoPlayTheVideo];
    // 如果想从xx秒开始播放视频
    self.playerView.seekTime = 0;
    __weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
    self.playerView.goBackBlock = ^{
        [weakSelf.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
    [self.mScrollView addSubview:_playerView];
    opened by NSMichael 10
  • ijkplayer下的问题


    您好 使用ijkplayer控制台会报,是不是 ijk库的版本问题? <<<< AVOutputDeviceDiscoverySession (FigRouteDiscoverer) >>>> -[AVFigRouteDiscovererOutputDeviceDiscoverySessionImpl outputDeviceDiscoverySessionDidChangeDiscoveryMode:]: Setting device discovery mode to DiscoveryMode_None

    opened by Yuan920 9
  • 修复iOS16退出全屏后LandscapeWindow停留页面阻挡交互


    首先感谢大佬的辛苦付出,这个库用了很多年了,帮助非常多,白嫖这么多年从不提pr,这次希望能为维护这个库略尽绵薄之力。 如下是这次遇到问题的具体情况:


    iPhone 12 Pro Max,iOS 16.1.1


    播放器退出全屏后,界面无法交互,检查图层发现是LandscapeWindow未隐藏,定位代码确定是退出全屏时ZFLandscapeRotationManager_iOS16中所修改代码段中获取的fromOrientation、toOrientation都为UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait,导致进入错误的逻辑,LandscapeWindow未执行隐藏逻辑 代码截图


    • 以下两个判断条件理论是完全互斥关系,可任意调整位置
    • fromOrientation存在不准确的可能,toOrientation为强主观逻辑变量,优先判断toOrientation更准确
    • 在不影响逻辑优先度的情况下短路径放前面也更好一点


    if (fromOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait || self.contentView.superview != self.landscapeViewController.view) { ... } else if (toOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait) { ... }

    opened by Cyfuer 1
  • iOS 16, iPhone 12 pro max 调用全屏函数 app整个卡死

    iOS 16, iPhone 12 pro max 调用全屏函数 app整个卡死

    问题描述: 目前在非iOS 16系统上,iPhone设备正常 在iOS 16系统上,iPhone Xs Max正常; iPhone 12 pro max 全屏 app整个卡死,但还是有声音 未做任何其他处理,只调用了

    [self.player enterFullScreen:YES animated:YES];

    opened by yownyang 0
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