XRepository: lightweight implementation of Repository pattern in Swift

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Regex XRepository

Supported Platforms: iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS

XRepository is based on QBRepository by QuickBirds Studios. It is lightweight implementation of Repository pattern in Swift.

👋🏻 Getting started

Cornerstones of this project are protocol Repository and class AnyRepository as its generic implementation. Repository supports basic and advanced CRUD operations. Also, you have access to out-of-the-box implementations of a few popular storages based on: UserDefaults, RealmSwift, FileManager, CoreData. But you can also create your own implementation of those ones or any other storage mechanism.

public protocol Repository {
  associatedtype Model

public final class AnyRepository<Model>: Repository {

🔧 Usage

Since Repository requires associated value to it, we use its generic implementation AnyRepository. Usage is simple:

class ChurchesViewModel {
  init(_ churchesRepository: AnyRepository<Church>) {
    let localChurch = Church(id: "hillsong-lviv", name: "Hillsong Lviv", family: "hillsong-family")
    let stateChurches = [Church(id: "hillsong-lviv", name: "Hillsong Lviv", family: "hillsong-family"), Church(id: "hillsong-odesa", name: "Hillsong Odesa", family: "hillsong-family")]
    // Create
    // Read
    let allChurches = churchesRepository.getAll()
    let hillsongChurch = churches.getElement(withId: "hillsong")
    let hillsongFamilyChurches = churches.getElements(filterBy: \.family == "hillsong")
    // Update
    churchesRepository.update(Church(id: "hillsong", name: "Hillsong Kyiv", family: "hillsong-family"))
    // Delete

let churchesUserDefaultsStorage = UserDefaultsRepository<Church>()
let churchesRealmStorage = RealmRepository<Church>()
let churchesCoreDataStorage = CoreDataRepository<Church>()
let churchesFileSystemStorage = FileSystemRepository<Church>()

// Any repository will fit
let churchesViewModel = ChurchesViewModel(churchesRepository: AnyRepository(churchesRealmStorage))

⚡️ Rx

XRepository supports reactive wrapper over AnyRepository

let churchesRepository: AnyRepository<Church>!

churchesRepository.rx.getElements(sortedBy: \.name)
  .subscribe(onNext: { churchesOrderedByName in
  .disposed(by: bag)

If you want a pure reactive repository implementations for popular storages, check my latest project: ReactiveXRepository

🍴 Instalation

Swift Package Manager

The Swift Package Manager is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code and is integrated into the swift compiler. It is in early development, but Alamofire does support its use on supported platforms.

Once you have your Swift package set up, adding Alamofire as a dependency is as easy as adding it to the dependencies value of your Package.swift.

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/sashkopotapov/XRepository.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0"))

👤 Author

This framework is created by Sashko Potapov.

📃 License

XCoordinator is released under an MIT license. See License.md for more information.

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