Regex class for Swift. Wraps NSRegularExpression.

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Regex Regex


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Use CocoaPods.

Add to your Podfile:

pod 'Regex'

And then run pod install from the shell:

$ pod install


Simple use cases: String extension methods


This method is modeled after Javascript's String.match(). It returns a Regex.MatchResult object. The object's captures property is an array of Strings much as one would expect from its Javascript equivalent.

let result = "Winnie the Pooh".grep("\\s+([a-z]+)\\s+")

result.searchString == "Winnie the Pooh"
result.captures.count == 2
result.captures[0] == " the "
result.captures[1] == "the"
result.boolValue == true       // `boolValue` is `true` if there were more than 0 matches

// You can use `grep()` in conditionals because of the `boolValue` property its result exposes
let emailAddress = "bryn&"
if !emailAddress.grep("@") {
    // that's not an email address!


This method is modeled after the version of Javascript's String.replace() that accepts a Regex parameter.

let name = "Winnie the Pooh"
let darkName = name.replaceRegex("Winnie the ([a-zA-Z]+)", with: "Darth $1")
// darkName == "Darth Pooh"

Advanced use cases: Regex object and operators

operator =~

You can use the =~ operator to search a String (the left operand) for a Regex (the right operand). It's the same as calling theString.grep("the regex pattern"), but might be more clear in some cases. It returns the same Regex.MatchResult object as String.grep().

"Winnie the Pooh" =~ Regex("\\s+(the)\\s+")  // returns a Regex.MatchResult

Quickly loop over a Regex's captures:

for capture in ("Winnie the Pooh" =~ Regex("\\s+(the)\\s+")).captures {
    // capture is a String

Overriden map() function for substitution

A more "functional programming" way of doing string replacement is possible via an override for map(). In keeping with the overall aim to avoid reinventing a perfectly good wheel (i.e., NSRegularExpression), this function simply calls through to NSRegularExpression.replaceMatchesInString().

func map (regexResult:Regex.MatchResult, replacementTemplate:String) -> String

You can use it like so:

let stageName = map("Winnie the Pooh" =~ Regex("([a-zA-Z]+)\\s+(the)(.*)"), "$2 $1")
// stageName == "the Winnie"

Or if you have some functional operators lying around (for example:, it's a little less wordy:

("Winnie the Pooh" =~ Regex("([a-zA-Z]+)\\s+(the)(.*)")) |> map("$2 $1")

... but you have to be as crazy as me to find that more readable than "Winnie".replaceRegex(_:withString:), so no pressure.

contributors / authors

  • Convert to Swift 2

    Convert to Swift 2

    This is a fairly naive conversion to Swift 2 syntax, using the automatic conversion tool in the Xcode 7 beta and then manually fixing a couple of issues. It seems to pass the test suite, so hopefully it's basically correct.

    opened by nbudin 3
  • Title string and views are becoming blurry when it runs in non-plus devices

    Title string and views are becoming blurry when it runs in non-plus devices

    HELLO,your work was great! And I find when I triger the animation, titles and views are becoming blurry when it runs in non-plus devices, how can I fix this?

    opened by Longroader 0
  • Updated to Swift 3.1/XCode8.3.3

    Updated to Swift 3.1/XCode8.3.3

    Swift 2 project was auto updated by XCode and I made some tweaks to get it to compile. It ran the tests correctly, but I should probably find a nice regex test suite.

    opened by ghost 0
  • changed property

    changed property "Regex.MatchResult.captures" type from String array to String optional array ([String?])

    Needed for more complex regular expressions where NSRegularExpression returns NSRange with location == NSNotFound.

    Example: let regex = Regex("([a-z]+)(.([a-z]+))?.([a-z]+)") let result = regex.match("abcd.abcd")

    Expected result is ["abcd", nil, nil, "abcd"] but it throws an exception in current version

    String.match() in JavaScript has the same behaviour.

    opened by ondrejstocek 0
  • Manual Installation

    Manual Installation

    CocoaPods and Carthage are awesome tools and make our life really easier, but there are some devs who still don't know how to use them.

    It would be cool to add the Manual installation guide in your You can take a look at my iOS Readme Template to see how you can do it.

    opened by lfarah 0
Bryn Bellomy
Distributed systems, P2P
Bryn Bellomy
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