Drawing and Geometry made easy on iOS - now in Swift 3.0



Version License Language Platform

Swift Support

Swift 4.0

InkKit is Swift 4.0 by default, so to use that just include InkKit in your podfile:

pod 'InkKit'

Swift 3.2

In order to use InkKit in a Swift 3.2/3.0 project, ensure you point to the 2.1.0 tag.

pod 'InkKit', '2.1.0'

Swift 2.3

In order to use InkKit in a Swift 2.3 project, ensure you point to the swift2.3 branch.

pod 'InkKit', :git => 'https://github.com/shaps80/InkKit/', :branch => 'swift2.3'

Swift 2.2

If you still require Swift 2.2, point your version as such: pod 'InkKit', '1.3.1'

Example Code

Everything you see here, was code-drawn with InkKit! In fact, other than some CGRect instances, this is ALL the code required to draw the image you see on the right ;)

Drawing made simple! InkKit In Action
Lets draw the screen on the right.
Draw.fillRect(bgFrame, color: UIColor(hex: "1c3d64"))
let grid = Grid(colCount: 6, rowCount: 9, bounds: gridFrame)
let path = grid.path(includeComponents: [.Columns, .Rows])

Draw.strokePath(path, startColor: UIColor(white: 1, alpha: 0.15), endColor: UIColor(white: 1, alpha: 0.05), angleInDegrees: 90)

let rect = grid.boundsForRange(sourceColumn: 1, sourceRow: 1, destinationColumn: 4, destinationRow: 6)

drawCell(rect, title: "4x6", includeBorder: true, includeShadow: true)

Draw.addShadow(.Outer, path: UIBezierPath(rect: barFrame), color: UIColor(white: 0, alpha: 0.4), radius: 5, offset: CGSize(width: 0, height: 1))

Draw.fillRect(barFrame, color: UIColor(hex: "ff0083"))

let (_, navFrame) = barFrame.divide(20, fromEdge: .MinYEdge) "InkKit".drawAlignedTo(navFrame, attributes: [ NSForegroundColorAttributeName: Color.whiteColor(), NSFontAttributeName: UIFont(name: "Avenir-Book", size: 20)! ])

backIndicatorImage().drawAtPoint(CGPoint(x: 22, y: 30))

Change Log


Note: Since this is a Swift 3 release, I decided to also clean up the API and remove all deprecation warnings. InkKit 2.0 should be considered a new API.

  • Swift 3.0 Support
  • Updated API to support Swift 3.0 guidelines
  • Shear Transforms
  • Perspective Transforms
  • Radians from Degrees function (and inverse)
  • Corner Radius with Concave, Convex and Line support
  • New Color value-type


  • OSX Support
  • OSX Demo Project now included
  • Table renamed to Grid
  • Table renamed to GridComponents
  • Added convenience methods for working with paths


  • Shadows
  • Borders
  • Tables


  • Images
  • Strings


  • Fills
  • Strokes
  • Geometry


InkKit provides many useful convenience methods for drawing and geometry calculations. Its also cross platform working across iOS & MacOS


If the convenience methods below don't solve your needs, you can start by using the new methods added directly to CGContext itself:

func draw(inRect:attributes:drawing:)

Which would look like this in usage:

CGContext.current?.draw(inRect: rect, drawing: { (context, rect, attributes) in

This basically wraps getting the context, setting up its frame and save/restore calls. If you provide the additional DrawingAttributes block, it will also pre-configure your context with those options for you.


func positionForCell(atIndex:) -> (col: Int, row: Int)
func boundsForCell(atIndex:) -> CGRect
func boundsForRange(sourceColumn:sourceRow:destinationColumn:destinationRow:) -> CGRect
func boundsForCell(col:row:) -> CGRect
func enumerateCells(enumerator:(index:col:row:bounds:) -> Void)

A Grid is a really great way for laying out your drawing without having to think about placement, rect translations, etc...

I use them often for layout only, but sometimes its useful to be able to render them as well (like in the included demo).

// components is a bitmask [ .Outline, .Rows, .Columns ]
func stroke(components:attributes:)

Borders & Shadows

Supports .Outer, .Inner and .Center borders, as well as .Outer and .Inner shadows.

static func addBorder(type:path:attributes:)
static func addShadow(type:path:color:radius:offset:)


static func strokeLine(startPoint:endPoint:startColor:endColor:angleInDegrees:attributes:)
static func strokeLine(startPoint:endPoint:color:attributes:)
static func strokePath(path:startColor:endColor:angleInDegrees:attributes:)


static func fillPath(path:startColor:endColor:angleInDegrees:attributes:)


Many of the drawing methods use the geometry additions below, but they can also be useful for your own projects:

func divide(atDelta:fromEdge:margin:) -> (slice, remainder)
func insetBy(edgeInsets:) -> CGRect
mutating func insetInPlace(edgeInsets:)
func alignedTo(rect:horizontal:vertical:) -> CGRect
func scaledTo(rect:scaleMode:) -> CGRect

func gradientPoints(forAngleInDegrees:) -> (start, end)
func scaledTo(size:scaleMode:) -> CGSize

func reversibleRect(fromPoint:toPoint:) -> CGRect


There are also additional draw methods for images:

func drawAlignedTo(rect:horizontal:vertical:blendMode:alpha:)
func drawScaledTo(rect:scaleMode:blendMode:alpha:)

static func circle(radius:attributes:) -> Image
static func draw(width:height:scale:attributes:drawing:) -> Image
static func draw(size:scale:attributes:drawing:) -> Image


Finally, we even have some easy draw methods for strings:

func drawAlignedTo(rect:horizontal:vertical:attributes:constrainedSize:)
func sizeWithAttributes(attributes:constrainedSize:) -> CGSize
func drawAtPoint(point:attributes:)
func drawInRect(rect:withAttributes)


To try it out yourself, download the source and run the included demo project.

Platforms and Versions

InkKit is supported on the following platforms:

  • iOS 8.0 and greater
  • OSX 10.11 and greater


InkKit is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'InkKit'

Alternatively you can simply drag the files into your iOS or OSX project.




InkKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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  • 4.0.1(Mar 25, 2018)

    ‣ Swift 3.0 Support ‣ Updated API to support Swift 3.0 guidelines ‣ Shear Transforms ‣ Perspective Transforms ‣ Radians from Degrees function (and inverse) ‣ Corner Radius with Concave, Convex and Line support ‣ New Color value-type

    Note: Since this is a Swift 3 release, I decided to also clean up the API and remove all deprecation warnings. InkKit 2.0 should be considered a new API.

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