Simple way to add parallax header to UIScrollView/UITableView written in Swift.



Simple way to add parallax header to UIScrollView or it's subclasses.

One image view Slider with images Blur vibrant text Blur round icon
Demo Demo Demo Demo

Try it here



  • iOS 8.0+
  • Xcode 8.0+
  • Swift 3.0+



CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

CocoaPods 1.1.0+ is required to build Reusable 1.0.0+.

To integrate ParallaxHeader into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

source ''
platform :ios, '8.0'

target '<Your Target Name>' do
    pod 'ParallaxHeader', '~> 3.0.0'

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install

Cocoapods versions

  • Swift5 :
pod 'ParallaxHeader', '~> 3.0.0'
  • Swift4 :
pod 'ParallaxHeader', '~> 2.0.0'
  • Swift3 :
pod 'ParallaxHeader', '~> 1.0.6'


To add parallax header to scroll view (table view) you need just create view and set it to your scroll view (table view).

Use case - one image view

  //create view as header view    
  let imageView = UIImageView()
  imageView.image = UIImage(named: "1")
  imageView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFill
  tableView.parallaxHeader.view = imageView
  tableView.parallaxHeader.height = 400
  tableView.parallaxHeader.minimumHeight = 0
  tableView.parallaxHeader.mode = .topFill

Use case - slider of images

let parallaxHeight: CGFloat = view.frame.height - 64 - 49 - sliderHeight
let layout = UICollectionViewFlowLayout()
layout.scrollDirection = .horizontal
collectionParallaxView = UICollectionView(
    frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: view.frame.width, height: parallaxHeight),
    collectionViewLayout: layout
collectionParallaxView.isPagingEnabled = true
collectionParallaxView.showsHorizontalScrollIndicator = false
collectionParallaxView.backgroundColor = UIColor.white
collectionParallaxView.delegate = self
collectionParallaxView.dataSource = self

//adding view as parallax header to table view is straightforward
tableView.parallaxHeader.view = collectionParallaxView
tableView.parallaxHeader.height = parallaxHeight
tableView.parallaxHeader.minimumHeight = 0
tableView.parallaxHeader.mode = .centerFill
tableView.parallaxHeader.parallaxHeaderDidScrollHandler = { parallaxHeader in

Use case - Blur vibrant text

  • Blur library is used here.
  • SnapKit library is used here.
let imageView = UIImageView()
imageView.image = UIImage(named: "profile")
imageView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFill
//setup blur vibrant view
imageView.blurView.setup(style: UIBlurEffectStyle.dark, alpha: 1).enable()
headerImageView = imageView
tableView.parallaxHeader.view = imageView
tableView.parallaxHeader.height = 400
tableView.parallaxHeader.minimumHeight = 40
tableView.parallaxHeader.mode = .centerFill
tableView.parallaxHeader.parallaxHeaderDidScrollHandler = { parallaxHeader in
    //update alpha of blur view on top of image view 
    parallaxHeader.view.blurView.alpha = 1 - parallaxHeader.progress
// Label for vibrant text
let vibrantLabel = UILabel()
vibrantLabel.text = "Vibrant"
vibrantLabel.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 40.0)
vibrantLabel.textAlignment = .center
//add constraints using SnapKit library
vibrantLabel.snp.makeConstraints { make in

Use case - Blur round icon

  • Blur library is used here.
  • SnapKit library is used here.
let image = UIImage(named: "profile")
let imageView = UIImageView()
imageView.image = image
imageView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFill
parallaxHeaderView = imageView
//setup bur view
imageView.blurView.setup(style: UIBlurEffectStyle.dark, alpha: 1).enable()
tableView.parallaxHeader.view = imageView
tableView.parallaxHeader.height = 400
tableView.parallaxHeader.minimumHeight = 120
tableView.parallaxHeader.mode = .centerFill
tableView.parallaxHeader.parallaxHeaderDidScrollHandler = { parallaxHeader in
    //update alpha of blur view on top of image view
    parallaxHeader.view.blurView.alpha = 1 - parallaxHeader.progress
let roundIcon = UIImageView(
    frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100)
roundIcon.image = image
roundIcon.layer.borderColor = UIColor.white.cgColor
roundIcon.layer.borderWidth = 2
roundIcon.layer.cornerRadius = roundIcon.frame.width / 2
roundIcon.clipsToBounds = true
//add round image view to blur content view
//do not use vibrancyContentView to prevent vibrant effect
//add constraints using SnpaKit library
roundIcon.snp.makeConstraints { make in


Roman Sorochak - iOS developer - [email protected]


ParallaxHeader is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

  • Cannot Use Header Sections In a UITableView

    Cannot Use Header Sections In a UITableView

    Using the parallax header with a UITableView that has header sections causes scrolling issues with the header sticking in the view until scrolling to another header section.

    class UserHomeViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource {
        var tabBar:TabBar?
        let sections = ["Drafts", "Scheduled", "Past"]
        @IBOutlet weak var eventsTableView: UITableView!
        override func viewDidLoad() {
        /// Initialize any UI components
        private func initUI(){
            tabBar = TabBar.init(self.view, navController: self.navigationController!, isVendor: false, selectedTab: 0)
        override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
        /// Initialize the trip table view
        fileprivate func initTableView(){
            eventsTableView.register(UINib(nibName: "TripTableViewCell", bundle: nil), forCellReuseIdentifier: "TripTableViewCell")
            eventsTableView.rowHeight = 60
            eventsTableView.parallaxHeader.view = (Bundle.main.loadNibNamed("ParallaxHeaderView", owner: self, options: nil)![0] as? UIView)!
            eventsTableView.parallaxHeader.height = 120
            eventsTableView.parallaxHeader.minimumHeight = 0
            eventsTableView.parallaxHeader.mode = .topFill
        /// Set the number of entries in table view
        /// - parameter tableView: table view we are getting the size of.
        /// - parameter section: section of the table view we are getting the size of.
        /// - returns: the size of the table view.
        func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
            var size = 0
            switch section {
            case 0:
                size = 5
            case 1:
                size = 5
            case 2:
                size = 5
                size = 0
            return size
        /// Set the values for the table view cells
        /// - parameter tableView: table view that the cell is being initialized for.
        /// - parameter indexPath: row in the table view that the cell will be placed.
        /// - returns: the initialized table view cell.
        func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
            let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "TripTableViewCell", for: indexPath) as! TripTableViewCell
            return cell
        func numberOfSections(in tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
            return sections.count
        func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> CGFloat {
            return 30.0
        func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, viewForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> UIView? {
            let header = Bundle.main.loadNibNamed("EventsHeaderView", owner: self, options: nil)![0] as! EventsHeaderView
            header.headerLabel.text = sections[section]
            return header
    opened by MattFlood7 3
  • hold header in bottom of UINavigationBar [ iOS 10 ]

    hold header in bottom of UINavigationBar [ iOS 10 ]

    Hi, Thanks for this amazing library i've noticed there's an issue with iOS 10 when scroll to top and when navigation bar is Translucent

    You can see the different bellow

    iOS 11 - Working correctly screen shot 2018-02-13 at 10 59 49 am iOS 10 - has an issue screen shot 2018-02-13 at 11 00 36 am

    opened by ahmedraad 2
  • Swift 4.2 syntax conversion

    Swift 4.2 syntax conversion

    Hello, I completed conversion to swift 4.2.

    I tested everything and it works fine. Please accept pull request if it's possible.


    And thanks for nice project!

    opened by itruf 1
  • iOS 10 Status bar issue

    iOS 10 Status bar issue

    Hi All,

    I'm having having an issue where the header is shown bellow the status bar. So the header.y == statubar.maxY. The tableview's.y == 0. So the content is shown bellow the status bar. Can anyone help?

    Thanks in advance!

    opened by fabiangiger 1
  • Scroll To Row results in scrolling to bottom of UITableView

    Scroll To Row results in scrolling to bottom of UITableView

    Hi, I'm implementing a comments tableview with a parallax header. To show insertion of comments I'm using scrollToRow but when I use it on a tableView with parallax header, the table is scrolled down to the bottom. I've tested it without parallax header scrolling works exactly as needed. Also my table style is plain and I'm using a section header as a comment having replies as cells.

    opened by imwinit 0
  • Fix constraint error for 'center' and 'centerFill'

    Fix constraint error for 'center' and 'centerFill'

    Hi 👋

    Thanks for your awesome library! 👍 I just notice a small constraint error. If you:

    1. Launch your example project
    2. Test one tableView with parallaxHeader using centerFill as mode
    3. You'll see an error in the logs "Unable to satisfy constraint... attempt recovering by breaking constraint centerX"

    I fixed it! Works like a charm ✨

    opened by kevin-hirsch 0
  • Ignore top safe area insets if needed &  SPM support.

    Ignore top safe area insets if needed & SPM support.

    Ignore Safe Areas

    Issue: Safe area is been used to pin contentView without taking into consideration some of other custom layouts, for example having an imageView as header covering the whole navBar including safeAreas.

    This PR adds an optional flag were users can set it to true if their headers fill the whole safe area.

     /// This is to support a usecase where a parallax header is being used at the very top edge of the screen.
    /// If this is set to true then the header will be pinned at the top of the scrollView. Default value is `false`
        public var ignoreTopSafeAreaInset:Bool = false

    Usage: myScrollview.parallaxHeader.ignoreTopSafeAreaInset = true

    Swift Package Manager (SPM)

    This PR also includes SPM support without any changes to source code structure. Only a package manifest file is added which points to the right source files.

    Note: The reason to include SPM support on a single PR is because I am using this branch in my project.

    opened by MussaCharles 0
  • Revert

    Revert "fix safeAreaInsets for iOS 11"

    This reverts commit 77814dc61a2715a76f6f537d6de44e613d927060.

    We're using the parallax header on the very top of one of our screens. This change leads to a top offset (44pt) on newer "notch devices" as we don't want to constraint to the safeArea but, to the very top of the screen.

    opened by d4rkd3v1l 1
  • Scroll To Row results in scrolling to bottom of UITableView

    Scroll To Row results in scrolling to bottom of UITableView

    Hi, I'm implementing a comments tableview with a parallax header. To show insertion of comments I'm using scrollToRow but when I use it on a tableView with parallax header, the table is scrolled down to the bottom. I've tested it without parallax header scrolling works exactly as needed. Also my table style is plain and I'm using a section header as a comment having replies as cells. I've tested this in MXParallaxHeader too and it also produces same problem. Kindly let me know if anything I'm missing here or if you can relate the issue. Thanks

    opened by imwinit 1
  • compatible for swift 5

    compatible for swift 5

    hi there , recently I updated my app and is giving me some syntax changes , I was able to unlock your code to make them, but it would be super awesome If you could take some of your time to make it avalaiable for swift 5 please

    opened by KevsAlex 1
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