iOS Simple Cool PullToRefresh Library. It is written in pure swift.



Platform Language License Issues

iOS Simple PullToRefresh Library.




pod 'PullToRefreshSwift'

####Manually Add the following files to your project. pulltorefresharrow.png PullToRefreshView.swift PullToRefreshConst.swift UIScrollViewExtension.swift



In your UIViewController Including UITableView, UICollectionView, UIScrollView:

  override func viewDidLoad() {
        self.tableView.addPullToRefresh({ [weak self] in
            // refresh code

You can use PullToRefreshOption class at addPullToRefresh func option parameter:

  override func viewDidLoad() {
       let options = PullToRefreshOption()
        options.backgroundColor = UIColor.blueColor()
        options.indicatorColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
        self.tableView.addPullToRefresh(options: options, { [weak self] in
            // some code

If you want to fixed pulltoRefreshView, please implement scrollViewDidScroll.

  func scrollViewDidScroll(scrollView: UIScrollView) {

If you want to use the custom const, please change the PullToRefreshConst class.

struct PullToRefreshConst {
    static let tag = 810
    static let alpha = true
    static let height: CGFloat = 80
    static let imageName: String = "pulltorefresharrow.png"
    static let animationDuration: Double = 0.4
    static let fixedTop = true // PullToRefreshView fixed Top

If you want to use the custom option, please change the PullToRefreshOption class. You can use this class at addPullToRefresh func option parameter.

class PullToRefreshOption {
    var backgroundColor = UIColor.clearColor()
    var indicatorColor = UIColor.grayColor()
    var autoStopTime: Double = 0.7 // 0 is not auto stop
    var fixedSectionHeader = false  // Update the content inset for fixed section headers


Requires Swift3.0 and iOS 8.0 and ARC.
If you are developing in the Swift1.1 ~ 2.3, please use branch of Swift1.1 ~ Swift2.3.


  • Highly customizable
  • Complete example
  • Refactoring


Forks, patches and other feedback are welcome.


Yuji Hato Blog


PullToRefreshSwift is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Add push up function

    Add push up function

    Hi I added a push up to refresh function in addition to your pull down refresh. Also refactor your codes a little bit. If you are interested I will send you a pull request. Or you can just check my fork

    opened by qiulang 2
  • Remove the 'scrollViewBounces' property that is unnecessary and causes bugs from PullToRefreshView

    Remove the 'scrollViewBounces' property that is unnecessary and causes bugs from PullToRefreshView

    The 'scrollViewBounces' that is a property of the PullToRefreshView is used for saving scrollView.bounces of super view before animating. But super view of the PullToRefreshView cannot do 'PullToRefresh' if the its scrollView.bounces is false. So scrollView.bounces of super view is always true before animating.

    In addition, the 'scrollViewBounces' causes a bug that the UITableView cannot do 'PullToRefresh' in my project.

    So I remove the 'scrollViewBounces' from the PullToRefreshView. Please check my modifications.

    opened by kitoko552 1
  • Add a public initializer to PullToRefreshOption

    Add a public initializer to PullToRefreshOption

    PullToRefreshOption initializer is inaccessible from external projects on latest version 3.0.1 because its protection level is 'internal'. So I fixed it by adding a 'public' initializer to PullToRefreshOption.

    opened by kitoko552 1
  • swift2.0対応


    突然のご連絡ですみません こちらすごいいいなと思い使わせてもらおうと思っています。 そこで、swift2.0に対応した修正をさせていただきました



    opened by shiratsu 1
  • Change the timing of storing scroll view properties

    Change the timing of storing scroll view properties

    Using PullToRefreshSwift with UITableViewController, the navigation bar appear over the table view after refresh. UITableViewController seems has not set up table view's properties at viewDidLoad.

    opened by Ridwy 1
  • Support for Swift 2.0 and embedded framework

    Support for Swift 2.0 and embedded framework

    I would appreciate you would review this pull request. The main changes are as bellow.

    • Convert the files in this repository to Swift 2.0
    • Change the access control of some files to support embedded framework
    • Fix the bug that an image resource cannot be loaded when built as embedded framework
    opened by tasanobu 0
  • Runtime Issues

    Runtime Issues

    I don't know if this is related or the same as #34, but instead of getting a crash, I am getting a runtime issue saying that

    Simultaneous accesses to 0x7f9c20c35e30, but modification requires exclusive access

    on this line:

    // PullToRefreshView.swift line 153
    if !(context == &kvoContext && keyPath == contentOffsetKeyPath) {
    opened by Sweeper777 0
  • Missing argument for parameter #1 in call

    Missing argument for parameter #1 in call

    The following line of code in PullToRefreshConst.swift file is causing compile time error when Swift 4.1 is being used as per Build Settings:


    Missing argument for parameter #1 in call

    Insert '<#Void#>'

    opened by speedoholic 1
  • Simultaneous access in observeValue(forKeypath:of:change:context:) causes a crash

    Simultaneous access in observeValue(forKeypath:of:change:context:) causes a crash

    When building with Xcode 9.1/Swift 4, our production app crashes on load with the following message:

    Thread 1: Simultaneous accesses to 0x10391fbb0, but modification requires exclusive access

    Initial call where the issue happens is

    tableView.addPullRefresh(options:refreshCompletion), which then cascades down to the method mentioned above.

    Possibly caused by something similar to this:

    opened by aurora14 0
Yuji Hato
Software Engineer Server, web, Android, iOS
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