PullToRefresh extension for all UIScrollView type classes with animated text drawing style



PullToRefresh extension for all UIScrollView type classes with animated text drawing style


alt tag


Copy the files in the folder named PullToRefreshCoreText to your project.
Import the "UIScrollView+PullToRefreshCoreText.h"


    source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
    pod 'PullToRefreshCoreText', '~> 0.2'


- (void)addPullToRefreshWithPullText:(NSString *)pullText
                       pullTextColor:(UIColor *)pullTextColor
                        pullTextFont:(UIFont *)pullTextFont
                      refreshingText:(NSString *)refreshingText
                 refreshingTextColor:(UIColor *)refreshingTextColor
                  refreshingTextFont:(UIFont *)refreshingTextFont

It has 2 main texts, pulling and refreshing.
Init function has parameters for creating this texts with its strings, text colors and fonts.
Last parameter is the block function where loading code goes to.

Alternatively I added some other init methods if you want to use same texts or fonts etc.

   - (void)addPullToRefreshWithPullText:(NSString *)pullText
   - (void)addPullToRefreshWithPullText:(NSString *)pullText
                         refreshingText:(NSString *)refreshingText
   - (void)addPullToRefreshWithPullText:(NSString *)pullText
                                   font:(UIFont *)font
   - (void)addPullToRefreshWithPullText:(NSString *)pullText
                         refreshingText:(NSString *)refreshingText
                                   font:(UIFont *)font
   - (void)addPullToRefreshWithPullText:(NSString *)pullText
                          pullTextColor:(UIColor *)pullTextColor
                         refreshingText:(NSString *)refreshingText
                    refreshingTextColor:(UIColor *)refreshingTextColor
                                   font:(UIFont *)font


//Create ScrollView
self.scrollView = [[UIScrollView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.frame];
[self.scrollView setContentSize:CGSizeMake(self.view.frame.size.width, self.scrollView.frame.size.height + 1)];
[self.view addSubview:self.scrollView];

//add pull to refresh
__weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
[self.scrollView addPullToRefreshWithPullText:@"Pull To Refresh" pullTextColor:[UIColor blackColor] pullTextFont:DefaultTextFont refreshingText:@"Refreshing" refreshingTextColor:[UIColor blueColor] refreshingTextFont:DefaultTextFont action:^{
    [weakSelf loadItems];

One last thing: you should call the [scrollView finishLoading] method after the load finishes.
Otherwise you stuck in refreshing state always.


Blogs and codes I used for creating this

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