Write clean, concise and declarative network code relying on URLSession, with the power of RxSwift. Inspired by Retrofit.

  • Demo App using ReactiveAPI

    Demo App using ReactiveAPI

    I thought the best way to show the ReactiveAPI potential is to make a demo app with it from scratch, with the bare minimum to show something to the user. I used swapi.co open APIs and only ReactiveAPI as dependency. Updated Readme as well with some examples taken from the demo.

    opened by gotev 2
  • ReactiveAPIDemo adopts SPM & xcodegen

    ReactiveAPIDemo adopts SPM & xcodegen

    • ReactiveAPIDemo adopts SPM & xcodegen
    • Referenced SPM package --> url: https://github.com/sky-uk/ReactiveAPI.git branch: spm ReactiveAPIDemo is not visible in Xcode navigator of ReactiveAPI project


    opened by skychiarottoa 0
  • Swift Package Manager

    Swift Package Manager

    • Reactive API can be imported using SPM & Carthage
    • No demo example (A fresh new demo&/prj can be added once this branch is merged)
    • TODO: tests refactoring with SkyTestFoundation
    opened by skydemarcoa 0
  • inject existing token when possible

    inject existing token when possible

    inject existing token when failed requests don't have a token or hav a token different from the current one. This reduces requests made to the backend. Updated HTTPStubs implementation.

    opened by gotev 0
  • Introduced ReactiveAPITokenAuthenticator

    Introduced ReactiveAPITokenAuthenticator

    Current TokenAuthenticationDemo token renew was broken when trying to do multiple symultaneous requests, which resulted in multiple token renew requests when each one of the original requests got 401 from server.

    To solve this and to help library users write simple token-based authenticators, the new ReactiveAPITokenAuthenticator has been introduced.

    To ease debugging, an optional ReactiveAPITokenAuthenticatorLogger can be provided.

    opened by gotev 0
  • Query string type converter

    Query string type converter

    It often happens to pass complex data types as query string (e.g. Date) and to have the need of doing custom string representation of the objects. This adds that possibility.

    opened by gotev 0
  • Fix array response types

    Fix array response types

    When declaring an API with the following signature

    func myAPI() -> Single<[MyDataType]>

    Xcode won't compile complaining about "ambiguous reference". This is because:

        func request<D: Decodable>(_ method: ReactiveAPIHTTPMethod = .get,
                                   url: URL,
                                   headers: [String: Any?]? = nil,
                                   queryParams: [String: Any?]? = nil,
                                   bodyParams: [String: Any?]? = nil) -> Single<[D]>

    conflicts with

        func request<D: Decodable>(_ method: ReactiveAPIHTTPMethod = .get,
                                   url: URL,
                                   headers: [String: Any?]? = nil,
                                   queryParams: [String: Any?]? = nil,
                                   bodyParams: [String: Any?]? = nil) -> Single<D>

    because[D] is the same as D when D: Decodable

    Fixed by removing the redundant functions!

    opened by gotev 0
  • Apple combine implementation

    Apple combine implementation

    Yesterday Apple unveiled Combine, an Rx Like framework for iOS 13+ and macOS 10.15+.


    This is a game changer and can be a huge benefit for ReactiveAPI looking forward.

    opened by gotev 0
  • Find more elegant way to call baseURL

    Find more elegant way to call baseURL

    Up to this point if we set baseUrl = https://www.server.com/api and we have an API which needs to call the baseURL, we need to write a func like this:

    func getRoot() -> Single<Root> {
        return request(url: absoluteURL(""))

    absoluteURL("") is really ugly, we should find a more elegant way

    opened by gotev 0
Sky UK Ltd
Sky UK Ltd
Another network wrapper for URLSession. Built to be simple, small and easy to create tests at the network layer of your application.

Another network wrapper for URLSession. Built to be simple, small and easy to create tests at the network layer of your application. Install Carthage

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A reactive library for using URLSession

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MFB Technologies, Inc. 2 Nov 20, 2022
To practice URLSession to fetch json data from open weather API

⛅️ weatherApp-iOS-practice ?? 기능 상세 도시 이름을 입력하면 현재 날씨 정보를 가져와 화면에 표시되게 만들어야 합니다

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Declarative and Reactive Networking for Swift.

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Oliver Borchert 69 Dec 18, 2022
Deal with query items, HTTP headers, request body and more in an easy, declarative way

Reusable system for complex URL requests with Swift. Deal with query items, HTTP headers, request body and more in an easy, declarative way. Check out our engineering blog to learn more!

Parable Health 19 Sep 5, 2022
Simple REST Client based on RxSwift and Alamofire.

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iOS Todo Application using RxSwift and ReactorKit

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Simple REST Client based on RxSwift and Alamofire.

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Meet Corvus, the first strongly declarative server-side framework.

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