Postal is a swift framework providing simple access to common email providers.


Build Status Carthage Pods Swift 5.0 Platforms

Postal is a swift framework providing simple access to common email providers.



let postal = Postal(configuration: .icloud(login: "", password: "mypassword"))
postal.connect { result in
    switch result {
    case .success:
    case .failure(let error):
        print("error: \(error)")


let filter = .subject(value: "Foobar") && .from(value: "")"INBOX", filter: filter) { result in
    switch result {
    case .success(let indexes):
        print("success: \(indexes)")
    case .failure(let error):
        print("error: \(error)")


let indexset = NSIndexSet(index: 42)
postal.fetchMessages("INBOX", uids: indexset, flags: [ .headers ], onMessage: { email in
    print("new email received: \(email)")
}, onComplete: error in
    if error = error {
        print("an error occured: \(error)")

Want to debug your IMAP session ?

postal.logger = { log in

What about Mailcore ?

Postal does not address the same goal as MailCore. You can take a look at our thoughts in the TechnicalNotes document.

Provider quirks

Email protocol is standardized. However providers implementations often provides extension or variations of these standards. We tried to build a document to synthesize working around these variations here: ProviderQuirks.


Postal has been a great effort and we could really use your help on many areas:

  • Finding and reporting bugs.
  • New feature suggestions.
  • Answering questions on issues.
  • Documentation improvements.
  • Reviewing pull requests.
  • Fixing bugs/new features.
  • Improving tests.
  • Contribute to elaborate the Roadmap.

If any of that sounds cool to you, please send a pull request!

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms that you can find here: CodeOfConduct.


  • Xcode 10
  • OS X 10.10 or later
  • iOS 8.0 or later



Postal is Carthage compatible.

  • Add github "snipsco/Postal" to your Cartfile.
  • Run carthage update.


Postal also can be used by CocoaPods.

  • Add the followings to your Podfile:
pod 'Postal'
  • Run pod install.


  1. Add the Postal repository as a submodule of your application’s repository.
git submodule add
git submodule update --init --recursive
  1. Drag and drop Postal.xcodeproj into your application’s Xcode project or workspace.
  2. On the “General” tab of your application target’s settings, add Postal.framework to the “Embedded Binaries” section.
  3. If your application target does not contain Swift code at all, you should also set the EMBEDDED_CONTENT_CONTAINS_SWIFT build setting to “Yes”.


Postal is released under the MIT License.

  • fetchLast and fetchMessages never return...

    fetchLast and fetchMessages never return...

    I try to access my IMAP server with this code, which is based on your demo code:


    import Foundation
    import Postal
    class MailManagerPostal {
        var configuration: Configuration!
        fileprivate lazy var postal: Postal = Postal(configuration: self.configuration)
        fileprivate var messages: [FetchResult] = []
        init(hostname: String, userName: String, password: String) {
            log.debug("init called...")
            configuration = Configuration(hostname: hostname, port: 993, login: userName, password: .plain(password), connectionType: .tls, checkCertificateEnabled: false)
            log.debug("configuration created: \(self.configuration.description)")
            postal.connect(timeout: Postal.defaultTimeout, completion: { [weak self] result in
                log.debug("postal.connect completed.")
                switch result {
                case .success:
                    log.debug("fetching messages now.")
                    let indexset = IndexSet(0...100000)
                    self?.postal.fetchMessages("INBOX", uids: indexset, flags: [ .fullHeaders ], onMessage: { message in
                        log.debug("message : \(message.header)")
                        self?.messages.insert(message, at: 0)
                    }, onComplete: { error in
                        if let error = error {
                            log.error("fetch failed: \((error as NSError).localizedDescription)")
                        } else {
                            log.debug("connection successful")
                        log.debug("fetch complete.")
                case .failure(let error):
                    log.error("connection failed: \((error as NSError).localizedDescription)")
            log.debug("init finished.")


    Problem: The last message I see is "fetching messages now.". Then nothing happens any more. What's happening here? Where is my mistake? The credentials I use work with using mailcode2 without a problem.

    Some more questions:

    • How can I debug the IMAP requests?
    • Where can I find a documentation of the API?
    • Can I manipulate message, especially add custom headers to a message (or take a message, add custom headers, write it as a new message to the server and delete the old one...)?
    opened by ikemuc 8
  • fetchMessages attempts to fetch 1 additional message (fetchLast fails with .undefined)

    fetchMessages attempts to fetch 1 additional message (fetchLast fails with .undefined)

    It appears that giving an IndexSet to fetchMessages() with a single index actually tries to fetch 2 messages. This also means that fetchLast() fails.


       let indexset = IndexSet(integer: 2750)
       postal.fetchMessages("INBOX", uids: indexset, flags: [ .fullHeaders ], ...

    actually tries to fetch messages 2750 and 2751.

    opened by matadan 6
  • Question: How do you get the message text?

    Question: How do you get the message text?

    I'm struggling to find the right API to use to retrieve the message body. If I take the raw data from a message part, I can convert it to a String but it has extraneous characters. Is there an API to use to get the contents of a message?

    opened by matadan 3
  • Clean up from Xcode 10.2 changes

    Clean up from Xcode 10.2 changes

    As mentioned in the recent XCode 10.2 PR thread:

    • Result module was removed but is still referenced in Postal.podspec. I don't use pods in my project so I'm not sure what issues this may cause.

    • Postal-iOS framework has 7 swift language-related warnings:

    Screen Shot 2019-04-22 at 5 39 00 PM
    opened by ktkopone 2
  • "Use of extraneous '&'" error when building for iOS 12

    When compiling a project with Postal installed via CocoaPods, the build fails in Extensions+Parsing.swift with error Use of extraneous '&' in lines 51, 55, 60 and 64

    opened by henrik-dmg 2
  • Circle CI can't find libetpan

    Circle CI can't find libetpan

    Breaks here

    ❌  /Users/distiller/theios/Pods/Postal/dependencies/module.modulemap:2:12: header 'build/ios/include/libetpan/libetpan.h' not found
        header "build/ios/include/libetpan/libetpan.h"
    ❌  /Users/distiller/theios/Pods/Postal/Postal/Address+Parsing.swift:26:8: could not build Objective-C module 'libetpan'
    import libetpan

    Any ideas how to fix, it works locally.

    opened by dai-cb 2
  • Compatibility with ReactiveCocoa 6.0.0 / ReactiveSwift 2.0.0

    Compatibility with ReactiveCocoa 6.0.0 / ReactiveSwift 2.0.0


    I'd like to use ReactiveCocoa 6.0.0 (using ReactiveSwift 2.0.0) in my application, but found out (by a dependency problem with Result 3.1 vs. 3.2), that Postal uses ReactiveSwift 1.

    Is there any chance, that Postal works with ReactiveSwift 2 / ReactiveCocoa 6 / Result 3.2.3 ?

    Regards, Eike

    opened by ikemuc 2
  • Optimization of NSIndexSet.enumerate(batchSize: Int)

    Optimization of NSIndexSet.enumerate(batchSize: Int)

    Problem: We have to optimize the NSIndexSet.enumerate(batchSize: Int) because of too much complexity in it -> O(n)

    Example: If we try to fetch all emails we would do something like:

    let range = NSRange(location: 1, length: Int.max - 1)
    let indexSet = NSIndexSet(indexesInRange: range)
    var results = [FetchResult]()
    try imapSession.fetchMessages("INBOX", set: IMAPIndexes.indexes(indexSet), flags: [ .fullHeaders ]) { _ in }

    Current result: It takes too much time for a provider that have a batchSize == Int.max to create the only one indexset needed for the fetch.

    Expected result: Instant fetch

    Possible solution: We could try to use the Strideable protocol instead or simply optimize inside the method.

    opened by klefevre 2
  • What is the API to get the text content of an email?

    What is the API to get the text content of an email?

    It was asked here by someone:

    Please let me know if there are any document or dev guide to start? Or how to find out?

    opened by tlkahn 1
  • postal.logger statement doesn't compile

    postal.logger statement doesn't compile

    Hi klevefre,

    you wrote about debugging Postal:

    You can set a closure on a Postal instance to have IMAP logs: let postal = Postal(configuration: ...) postal.logger { log in print(log) }

    Unfortunately this doesn't work in my code. I get the compiler error message "Cannot call value of non-function type 'logger?'

    This is my code:

    init(hostname: String, userName: String, password: String) {
        log.debug("init called...")
        configuration = Configuration(hostname: hostname, port: 993, login: userName, password: .plain(password), connectionType: .tls, checkCertificateEnabled: false)
        let postal: Postal = Postal(configuration: configuration)
        postal.logger { log in

    What's wrong with my code? It's exactly as you wrote...?

    opened by ikemuc 1
  • How know encode type when I parse content a mail?

    How know encode type when I parse content a mail?

    I have created a mail app using Postal Framework and my mail server send the message to app with different type data, so how I know a data in body is encode/decode by type? In my example I don't know data should encode with NSUTF8StringEncoding or NSISO2022JPStringEncoding :(

    msg.body?.allParts.forEach({ (singlePart) in
        let meesage = String.init(data: (!, encoding: NSUnicodeStringEncoding)
        if singlePart.mimeType == MimeType.textPlain {
            mailInfo.messageDescription = meesage?.stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet(NSCharacterSet.whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet()) ?? ""
        } else if singlePart.mimeType == MimeType.textHtml {
            mailInfo.message = meesage ?? ""

    Thanks for support!

    opened by khacdai37 1
  • Further development?

    Further development?

    Postal looks fantastic, and the approach of interfacing with libetpan directly is the way to go. However I'm saddened to see there's been no activity since 2017 - is this project still supported by its creators? MailCore stopped working recently and I'm saddened to see another great effort has stopped as well.

    opened by guidedways 4
  • Is support for push (IDLE) planned?

    Is support for push (IDLE) planned?

    I was wondering if Postal supports Push (i.e. the user's email server informing an app that uses Postal about new messages). As far as I understand, this is known under the name IDLE (

    I didn't find any traces of it in the examples or in documentation/roadmap, so I thought I would ask how big the interest is in implementing it or if there have been any plans already.

    I have also checked libetpan and it seems like it's available there. If implementing it is (in your opinion) uncomplicated enough for me to try it without substantial C experience, I'd love a tip on where to start.

    Otherwise, I would greatly appreciate any advice on what other packages I might use for that functionality in a macOS app. I'm writing it in Swift, but wouldn't mind using a package from another language, if the interop works. From what I found, MailCore or libetpan could be my only options, would be interested to find out otherwise.

    Thanks for any advice/help and to the contributors for their work.

    opened by janek 0
  • Certificate error

    Certificate error

    Whenever I try to connect to any e-mail account, I am getting a certificate error.

    error: certificate. The operation couldn’t be completed. (Postal.PostalError error 4.)

    opened by cemiltokatli 0
  • Commandline App | Postal library | postal.connect | I get nothing back (no error or else)

    Commandline App | Postal library | postal.connect | I get nothing back (no error or else)


    I am new in this library and I hope I get help here. I use Swift 5.

    When I use the following code I get only "ENDED" but nothing else back in the console. No error message. What I am doing wrong?

    A happy New Year to all.

    Greetings, Sven

    import Foundation      
    import Postal  
    let postal : Postal = Postal(configuration: Configuration(hostname: "email.none.none", port: 993, login: "none@none.none", password: .plain("test"), connectionType: .tls, checkCertificateEnabled: true, batchSize: 1000, spamFolderName: "junk"))  
    func getEmail() {  
        let indexset = IndexSet(integer: 1)  
        postal.fetchMessages("INBOX", uids: indexset, flags: [ .headers ], onMessage: { email in  
            print("new email received: \(email)")  
        }, onComplete: { error in  
            if error == error {  
                print("an error occured: \(error)")  
    postal.connect { result in  
        switch result {  
        case .success:  
        case .failure(let error):  
            print("error: \(error)")  
    opened by sm-a 0
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