SwiftEmailValidator - A Swift implementation of an international email address syntax validator based on RFC5321 & RFC5322


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A Swift implementation of an international email address syntax validator based on RFC5321 & RFC5322. Since email addresses are local @ remote the validator also includes IPAddressSyntaxValidator and EmailHostSyntaxValidator classes. This Swift Package does not require an Internet connection at runtime and is entirely self contained.

RFC5321 - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5321

RFC5322 - Internet Message Format https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322

Domains are validated against the Public Suffix List at https://publicsuffix.org . To update the built-in suffix list (PublicSuffixRulesRegistry.swift) use the Utilities/update-suffix.swift script.

Public Suffix List last updated on 2022-01-22 10:48:00 EST


if EmailSyntaxValidator.match("email@example.com") {
    print("email@example.com respects Email syntax rules")


if IPAddressSyntaxValidator.matchIPv6("::1") {
    print("::1 is a valid IPv6 address")

if IPAddressSyntaxValidator.matchIPv4("") {
    print(" is a valid IPv4 address")

if IPAddressSyntaxValidator.match("") {
    print(" is a valid IP address")

if IPAddressSyntaxValidator.match("fe80::1") {
    print("fe80::1 is a valid IP address")


Validates if the email's host name is following expected syntax rules and whether it is part of a known public suffix. Does NOT validate if the domain actually exists or even allowed by the registrar.

if EmailHostSyntaxValidator.match("yahoo.com") {
    print("yahoo.com has valid email host syntax")
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    After installing the SwiftEmailValidator package via the Xcode's package dependency tool, I get the following error: The package product 'SwiftPublicSuffixList' requires minimum platform version 11.0 for the iOS platform, but this target supports 9.0

    My iOS Deployment Target is 15.0, the SwiftPublicSuffixList Package.swift file shows the iOS requirement of v11.

    Am I missing something here?

    Thanks, Ron Dyck

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    Source code(zip)
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    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.9(Jan 28, 2022)

    Version 0.9 of the library brings full international email validation support for SMTP server validation. Missing to reach the 1.0 milestone are .userInterface validation strategy support to allow some automatic reformatting of the email before using the strict validator.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.6(Jan 27, 2022)

  • 0.5(Jan 23, 2022)

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    Source code(zip)
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