Tutorials are available at sparrowcode.io/en & sparrowcode.io/ru. Here you can add a new tutorial, translate or correct typos in existing tutorials. If you want to help the project, take a look at the todo list.
Choose the language in which you want to write. Then your tutorial may be translated into another language with an indication of the author. Now available in Russian ru
and English en
. Create a file with the name of the path where the page will be accessible, for example, a new file /en/tutorials/edge-insets-uibutton.md.
You can set text, pictures, and video. I offer my hosting, but you can use any other. Try not to use large videos - users don't like long loading times. If you want to use my hosting, simply send me an archive with files and the path of the tutorial - I will add it shortly.
Basic markdown functions are supported, like title, subtitle, and paragraph. Also available are links, images, and video. Here provided list:
## Title
### Subtitle
[Link Name](url)
// Bold Text
// Higlight quote in orange area
>Some important info.
Image and Video

[Video Description](https://cdn.sparrowcode.io/tutorials/drag-and-drop-part-1/drag-delegate.mov)
For highlight link to the grey area with title and subtitle, use this custom formatting:
[title](url): description
Example here.
Fill in the details of the article for file /en/meta/articles.json. If the article already exists, set the date of the last change and indicate yourself as editor or translator. All fields are listed here, some of them are optional.
- Title of your tutorial.description
- Description of tutorial.category
- Category ID, read next section.author
- Author ID, read next section.keywords
- Array of relative keys for your article.updated_date
- Date of last updating article. Format01.01.2022
- Date of created article. Format01.01.2022
- An array of author IDs. If you fix some typos, add your username here.translator
- Author ID.
List of categories available at /en/meta/categories.json. If you need an additional category, add it. Make sure none of the existing ones fit.
Authors available at /en/meta/authors.json. Fill in short information about yourself, you can add buttons to the GitHub or your page in the App Store.
Choose the language in which you want to write. If you want add app to en
, navigate to file en/meta/apps.json. If your app supported en
and ru
, make changes for both files.
Fill with example data:
"developer_name" : "Ivan Vorobei",
"github_username" : "ivanvorobei",
"apps" : [
"id" : "1570676244",
"name" : "Debts - Debt Tracker",
"added_date" : "06.02.2022"
And open Pull Request after.