A collection of iOS architectures - MVC, MVVM, MVVM+RxSwift, VIPER, RIBs and many others




👷 🧱 🧰 🛠️
Demystifying MVC, MVVM, VIPER, RIBs and many others
A collection of simple one screen apps to showcase and discuss different architectural approaches in iOS

last commit open issues swift version platform license
Built with ❤︎ by Pawel Krawiec


Multi-screen examples Single screen examples
app-ui app-ui


This repository hosts each sample app in separate directory.

Click the title of example to see detailed README information about specific architecture.

Multiple screens app examples

🔒 ** If you want to login, use username iostest and password test.**

If you're a themoviedb user, please use your own account and API key!

Example Description
tmdb-mvvm-rxswift-pure Uses RxSwift and observables as binding mechanism between ViewController and ViewModel. Also, it uses simple navigator pattern for transitions between screens. (README in progress)

Single screen app examples

The purpose of having examples with single page applications is highlighting connection between view code and business logic code.

Example Description
mvc Standard MVC pattern recommended by Apple. Uses composition design pattern to make ViewController smaller. (README in progress)
mvp Standard MVP pattern. (README in progress)
mvvm-rxswift-pure Uses RxSwift and observables as binding mechanism between ViewController and ViewModel.
mvvm-rxswift-functions-subjects-observables Uses RxSwift and observables as outputs from ViewModel. ViewModel inputs are defined as subjects wrapped in functions.
mvvm-rxswift-subjects-observables Uses RxSwift with observables as ViewModel outputs and subjects as ViewModel inputs.
mvvm-closures Binds ViewController and ViewModel using closures and swift functions (README in progress)
rxfeedback-mvc Uses RxFeedback in MVC architecture (README in progress)
viper Uses VIPER architecture (README in progress)

Examples in progress

Example Description
reactorkit In Progress
mvvm+rxfeedback In Progress
mvvm-reactive-swift In Progress
reswift In Progress
viper-rxswift In Progress
ribs In Progress

Sample apps

Apps in this repository are split into 2 groups - single screen and multiscreen.

Simple one screen apps aim to be simple enough that you can understand crucial bits about given architecture (i.e. bindings between ViewModel and ViewController in MVVM examples). However, some other architectures require more complexity (i.e. RIBs architecture) and this is the reason of having multiscreen examples in this project.

Single screen app

Single screen app is a simple list of repositories fetched from GitHub and a text field that makes queries for new data.

Multiscreen app

Multiscreen app is a simple themoviedb client. It lets user to authenticate, view popular movies/tv shows or actors and see details about each movie. Also, it has a search screen that allows you to browse movies or actors.

Open in Xcode

Clone the repository:

git clone git@github.com:tailec/ios-architecture.git

Go to example directory, for example:

cd mvvm-pure-swift

Install pods:

pod install

Note: Some of the examples don't use external libraries so pod install is not required.



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    I removed the reposViewModel variable from:

    • func reposViewModel(_ reposViewModel: ReposViewModel, isLoading: Bool)
    • func reposViewModel(_ reposViewModel: ReposViewModel, didReceiveRepos repos:)
    • func reposViewModel(_ reposViewModel: ReposViewModel, didSelectId id: Int)

    Delegate methods

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    Could you explain more about this implementation.

    func transform(input: SearchViewModel.Input) -> SearchViewModel.Output {

    I could not understand well. The ViewModel is some sort of pipeline that for an input it generates one output?

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  • Error when Building after install/ update pods

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    Hi, I have problem when I want to build the RXswift project in this Repository. I had cloned this repository and installed / updated the pods. When I build the project, those are some error occurred. The error is: Static member 'load' cannot be used on instance of type 'AtomicInt' What should I do to fix the error?

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  • mvvm-delegates is not MVVM, actually that is MVP.

    mvvm-delegates is not MVVM, actually that is MVP.

    Hi, @tailec

    ViewModel has a reference of abstracted ViewController as Delegate in mvvm-delegation. It means that is not MVVM, actually that is MVP. @amadeu01 mentioned in https://github.com/tailec/ios-architecture/pull/2#issuecomment-459971301 , too.

    I have a doubt about https://github.com/tailec/ios-architecture/pull/2#issuecomment-460280849 .

    I think in MVP, presenter can have access to view (imports UIKit) but view models in MVVM are forbidden to do that.

    I think differences between MVP and MVVM are those have references of View directly or not.

    Presenter in MVP

    Presenter has a reference of View (or ViewController) that is abstracted as protocol in almost cases. To reflect state of Presenter, it calls method of abstructed View.

    protocol CounterView {
        func didChangeCount(_ presenter: CounterPresenter, count: Int)
    class CounterViewController: UIViewController, CounterView {
        let presenter: CounterPresenter
        let countLabel: UILabel
        override func viewDidLoad() {
            presenter.view = self
        func countUp() {
    extension CounterViewController: CounterView {
        func didChangeCount(_ presenter: CounterPresenter, count: Int) {
            countLabel?.text = "\(count)"
    class CounterPresenter {
        private(set) var count: Int = 0 {
            didSet {
                 view?.didChangeCount(self, count: count)
        weak var view: CounterView?
        func countUp() {
            count += 1

    ViewModel in MVVM

    ViewModel must not depend on View (or ViewController). Even if View is abstracted as Protocol, ViewModel must not depend on them. To reflect state of ViewModel, it notifies changes of state with closure (or RxSwift.Observable and so on). Closure is implemented outside of ViewModel, therefore ViewModel does not depend on View directly.

    class CounterViewController: UIViewController {
        let viewModel: CounterViewModel
        let countLabel: UILabel
        override func viewDidLoad() {
            viewModel.countChanged = { [weak countLabel] count in
                countLabel?.text = "\(count)"
        func countUp() {
    class CounterViewModel {
        private(set) var count: Int = 0 {
            didSet {
        var countChanged: ((Int) -> Void)?
        func countUp() {
            count += 1
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