Swift-VIPER-Module - Xcode template for VIPER Architecture written in Swift 4


No Maintenance Intended

⚠️ Deprecated ⚠️

This library is deprecated.

When you decide to use VIPER architecture in your project, it is very tired create new modules, because you need create at least 5 files for each. Imagine that you need to create 6 modules...I was suffering this problem, and this is the raison why I've created this template. It's very useful for me and I hope that for you too.

How to install

Using script (easy)

Only need execute this command in terminal:

sudo swift install.swift

You should be this output message:

If all it's ok you now could find your template in Xcode.


Go to Application folder, browse to the Xcode application icon. Right-click it and choose 'Show Package Contents'. Then browse to: Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/Xcode/Templates/Project Templates/iOS/Application and add "Module VIPER.xctemplate" file. Now you can find your template in Xcode.

Easy to use

Generated code

This template generates all files that you need to create a new VIPER module. All generated code is Swift 3.

This is an example, we're creating a Login module:

VIPER diagram overview



After using VIPER, I've found it to be very beneficial in many ways. Let’s get back to the list of things we set out to accomplish when architecting our app to see if VIPER addresses them.

  • Easy to iterate on
  • Collaboration friendly
  • Separated out concerns
  • Spec-ability

Next steps

Would you like decide what will be the next feature? now, you can do it here

  • Create bash script to install more easy
  • Divide Interactor protocol (Input & Output) (NEW! Version 1.1)
  • Swift 4 & XCode 9 (NEW! Version 1.2)
  • Add Dependency Injection Framework
  • Customize name of components
  • Create groups in template (Only available for Project templates)



This is an open source project, so feel free to contribute. How?

  • Open an issue.
  • Send feedback via email.
  • Propose your own fixes, suggestions and open a pull request with the changes.


  • error installing with Swift 4

    error installing with Swift 4

    sudo swift install.swift Password: install.swift:58:16: error: subscripts returning String were obsoleted in Swift 4; explicitly construct a String from subscripted result return output[output.startIndex ..< lastIndex] ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ String( )

    opened by jorgifumi 4
  • Simple example

    Simple example

    Hi it would be very nice to have a very simple example using it. i.e. just 2 modules that do nothing but show how to load the root one from the app delegate and load another one from it. I'm new to viper and every source have a way to do it so I'd like to know your way because i'm gonna use your template :)

    opened by Alex293 3
  • Error Swift 4

    Error Swift 4

    install.swift:58:16: error: subscripts returning String were obsoleted in Swift 4; explicitly construct a String from subscripted result return output[output.startIndex ..< lastIndex]

    opened by infinitystar78 2
  • About Xocde9

    About Xocde9

    In Xcode8 ModuleAProtocols.swift file will creat code “protocol ModuleAWireframeProtocol: class { }” but in Xcode9 it will be “protocol ModuleAProtocolsWireframeProtocol: class { }” How do you modify this?

    opened by xijiangyueal 1
  • Can't install ViperModule

    Can't install ViperModule

    Hi i tried to install the viper module with the below line of code in Terminal , but it is throwing an error, can you tell me the process how to install screen shot 2017-07-30 at 1 10 11 am

    duplicate question 
    opened by kishore4a2 1
  • Simple thoughts on naming

    Simple thoughts on naming

    Hi, I've been testing others viper generator and some use __moduleName__Contracts for the protocol file. I think that nice as this file represent how to interact with the module. Also the protocols name is kinda too generic and could have other uses into projects like the delegate of the module.

    opened by Alex293 1
  • Add method to create module in router

    Add method to create module in router

    • Added a create module method in the router that returns the next view controller
    • This eliminates more redundant code that is necessary when creating new modules
    • Makes it more clear how the entities interact with each other for someone new to viper
    opened by bleedsy 1
  • - Using xcode-select to identify real Xcode path

    - Using xcode-select to identify real Xcode path

    There is a problem with install.swift script - if you have Xcode installed in different folder than default or if you have multiple Xcode versions it either fails or installs templates in wrong Xcode version.

    To fix this problem I suggest to use "xcode-select --print-path" command to get active Xcode path dynamically instead of hardcoded "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer".

    opened by grzegorzkrukowski 1
  • Process and Pipe

    Process and Pipe

    Hi Juanpe, this is not an issue. I just came across this repo and wanted to study your code and understand how you decided to come up the code for installation and other files. I also tried reading about process and pipe on apple documentation on swift but found it to be an abridged version hence couldn't understand your logic.

    Please mail me on adityanand3@gmail.com. Thanks :)

    opened by born-confused 0
  • Adds Dependency Injection mechanism and change protocol conformance

    Adds Dependency Injection mechanism and change protocol conformance

    This pull request aims to achieve a mechanism to provide dependencies to VIPER modules.

    The createModule method of Router class receives a ServiceLocator object as argument. This object provides all the dependencies of the app and will be used to provides dependencies of the module.

    In this way, the service locator object is passed between modules.

    An example of ServiceLocator implementation can be found here

    Apart from these modifications, I have moved the implementation of some protocols to extensions in order to improve legibility (https://github.com/raywenderlich/swift-style-guide#protocol-conformance)

    I understand that this pull request tie the user to use the proposed dependency injection mechanism, so I will understand that the PR will be rejected. Anyway, I hope it will be useful for someone.


    opened by JesusMartinAlonso 0
Juanpe Catalán
iOS Developer at Domestika
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