Infix operators for monadic functions in Swift


Indecipherable symbols that some people claim have actual meaning.

pod Carthage compatible Swift Package Manager compatible

Please see the documentation for installation instructions.

What's included?

Importing Runes introduces several new operators and one global function that correspond to common Haskell typeclasses:


  • <^> (pronounced "map")

Applicative Functor

  • <*> (pronounced "apply")
  • <* (pronounced "left sequence")
  • *> (pronounced "right sequence")
  • pure (pronounced "pure")


  • <|> (pronounced "alternate")
  • empty (pronounced "empty")


  • >>- (pronounced "flatMap") (left associative)
  • -<< (pronounced "flatMap") (right associative)
  • >-> (pronounced "Monadic compose") (left associative)
  • <-< (pronounced "Monadic compose") (right associative)


We also include default implementations for Optional and Array with the following type signatures:

// Optional+Functor:
public func <^> <T, U>(f: T -> U, x: T?) -> U?

// Optional+Applicative:
public func <*> <T, U>(f: (T -> U)?, x: T?) -> U?
public func <* <T, U>(lhs: T?, rhs: U?) -> T?
public func *> <T, U>(lhs: T?, rhs: U?) -> U?
public func pure<T>(x: T) -> T?

// Optional+Alternative:
public func <|> <T>(lhs: T?, rhs: T?) -> T?
public func empty<T>() -> T?

// Optional+Monad:
public func >>- <T, U>(x: T?, f: T -> U?) -> U?
public func -<< <T, U>(f: T -> U?, x: T?) -> U?
public func >-> <T, U, V>(f: T -> U?, g: U -> V?) -> T -> V?
public func <-< <T, U, V>(f: U -> V?, g: T -> U?) -> T -> V?

// Array+Functor:
public func <^> <T, U>(f: T -> U, x: [T]) -> [U]

// Array+Applicative:
public func <*> <T, U>(fs: [T -> U], x: [T]) -> [U]
public func <* <T, U>(lhs: [T], rhs: [U]) -> [T]
public func *> <T, U>(lhs: [T], rhs: [U]) -> [U]
public func pure<T>(x: T) -> [T]

// Array+Alternative:
public func <|> <T>(lhs: [T], rhs: [T]) -> [T]
public func empty<T>() -> [T]

// Array+Monad:
public func >>- <T, U>(x: [T], f: T -> [U]) -> [U]
public func -<< <T, U>(f: T -> [U], x: [T]) -> [U]
public func >-> <T, U, V>(f: T -> [U], g: U -> [V]) -> T -> [V]
public func <-< <T, U, V>(f: U -> [V], g: T -> [U]) -> T -> [V]

// Result+Functor:
public func <^> <T, U, E>(f: (T) -> U, a: Result<T, E>) -> Result<U, E>

// Result+Applicative:
public func <*> <T, U, E>(f: Result<(T) -> U, E>, a: Result<T, E>) -> Result<U, E>
public func <* <T, U, E>(lhs: Result<T, E>, rhs: Result<U, E>) -> Result<T, E>
public func *> <T, U, E>(lhs: Result<T, E>, rhs: Result<U, E>) -> Result<U, E>
public func pure<T, E>(_ a: T) -> Result<T, E>

// Result+Alternative:
public func <|> <T, E>(lhs: Result<T, E>, rhs: @autoclosure () -> Result<T, E>) -> Result<T, E>

// Result+Monad:
public func >>- <T, U, E>(a: Result<T, E>, f: (T) -> Result<U, E>) -> Result<U, E>
public func -<< <T, U, E>(f: (T) -> Result<U, E>, a: Result<T, E>) -> Result<U, E>
public func >-> <T, U, V, E>(f: @escaping (T) -> Result<U, E>, g: @escaping (U) -> Result<V, E>) -> (T) -> Result<V, E>
public func <-< <T, U, V, E>(f: @escaping (U) -> Result<V, E>, g: @escaping (T) -> Result<U, E>) -> (T) -> Result<V, E>


See the CONTRIBUTING document. Thank you, contributors!


Runes is Copyright (c) 2015 thoughtbot, inc. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.



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  • Move from Fox to SwiftCheck

    Move from Fox to SwiftCheck

    I really like SwiftCheck's syntax more then Fox. And this removes a metric fuckload of overhead, since it becomes the only dependency.

    Right now, this is pointed at master, because I need a new release of SwiftCheck that doesn't conflict with the operators we define.

    See for more info.

    opened by gfontenot 14
  • Add Applicative `*>`, `<*`, and Alternative `<|>` operators

    Add Applicative `*>`, `<*`, and Alternative `<|>` operators

    This pull request adds new Applicative *>, <*, and Alternative <|> operators, which are needed feature in and all other functional libraries :sparkles: (See also: #65)

    By the way, Argo is currently using the same <|> operator in Alternative.swift#L13 with precedence 140, but this causes continuous monadic operations not working nicely. For example, m1 *> m2 <|> m3 *> m4 doesn't work and must use parenthesis to work around like (m1 *> m2) <|> (m3 *> m4), which is very cumbersome. Since Haskell uses lower precedence for <|>, I have dropped it down to precedence 120 (or, precedence 125 might be a better choice as discussed in

    I also added comments about Haskell's infix operator precedences for comparison with Runes :eyes:

    opened by inamiy 8
  • Curried functions to be removed in a later version of Swift

    Curried functions to be removed in a later version of Swift


    Presently, I'm implementing Runes like so in my app:

    import Argo
    import Runes
    public struct Product {
        public let name: String
        public let price: NSDecimalNumber
        public let code: String
        public let balanceIncrease: Double?
        public let discount: NSDecimalNumber?
        public init(name: String, price: NSDecimalNumber, code: String, balanceIncrease: Double?, discount: NSDecimalNumber?) {
   = name
            self.price = price
            self.code = code
            self.balanceIncrease = balanceIncrease
   = discount
    extension Product: Decodable {
        private static func create(name: String)(price: NSDecimalNumber)(code: String)(balanceIncrease: Double?)(discount: NSDecimalNumber?) -> Product {
            return Product(name: name, price: price, code: code, balanceIncrease: balanceIncrease, discount: discount)
        public static func decode(json: JSON) -> Decoded<Product> {
            return Product.create
                <^> json <| "name"
                <*> json <| "price"
                <*> json <| "code"
                <*> json <|? "balance_increase"
                <*> json <|? "discount"
    extension Product: Equatable { }
    public func ==(lhs: Product, rhs: Product) -> Bool {
        return == && lhs.price == rhs.price && lhs.code == rhs.code && lhs.balanceIncrease == rhs.balanceIncrease
    extension Product: CustomStringConvertible {
        public var description: String {
            return "Product <name: \(, price: \(self.price), code: \(code), balanceIncrease: \(balanceIncrease)>"

    But in extension Product: Decodable I am making use of curried functions to achieve what I need. Apparently curried syntax is being removed, so going forward, would you have any suggestions on how I would achieve similar results without function currying?

    opened by asowers1 7
  • Various fixes

    Various fixes

    This includes a few things. Some minor (formatting, SwiftCheck update), some larger (Extension API across all targets, updates for newest version of Swift 3)

    Don't know how I feel about these precedence groups, tbh. I don't think I feel super great about them. Our tests are also completely broken, since it's apparently impossible to resolve the differences between how we're choosing to define these operators and how SwiftCheck defines them. No idea what to do about this.

    Fixes #59 Fixes #78

    opened by gfontenot 6
  • Monadic composition

    Monadic composition

    Monadic composition

    Here's how I'm using this with Result and RAC:

    request(.GET, "/myendpoint")
      .flatMap(.Concat, transform: SignalProducer.init  (parseJSON >-> decodeSomething))

    Basically, this really helps to avoid explicit closures everywhere, which I value for both readability and the avoidance of capturing strong references to self.

    The composition operator

    In the example above I'm using as the composition operator (which can be typed on US keyboards with Opt-8). I threw this into the specs for this PR, because I think it really helps their clarity.

    I'd love your feedback on:

    • Whether you agree about the improvement to the specs
    • What you think about adding this to the public API of Runes in a subsequent commit
    opened by sharplet 6
  • Prevent incorrect use of `flatMap`

    Prevent incorrect use of `flatMap`

    Swift will happily coerce functions of the type A -> B into functions of the type A -> B?. That means that using flatMap with a function that doesn't return an optional will compile. But then at runtime, you will run into weird behaviour that you don't expect, or worse, Swift will segfault.

    In order to prevent these problems from happening in the future, we're going to throw errors ourselves if flatMap is used incorrectly with a message letting the user know that the type of the function isn't correct. Using a default (but ultimately unused) implementation of map will push people in the right direction if they go digging.

    Credit to @mattrubin for the idea:

    opened by gfontenot 6
  • What about default implementations for SequenceType?

    What about default implementations for SequenceType?

    Notes regarding <*>: It doesn't seem possible to create a generic type constraint over a sequence of A -> B, so this version uses [A -> B] as a workaround (which is no problem when combined with <^>, which returns an Array). i.e., Swift borks at this:

    func <*> <F: SequenceType, S: SequenceType, A, B where F.Generator.Element == A -> B, S.Generator.Element == A> (fs: F, source: S) -> [B] {
                                                                                  ^^^^^^ NOPE

    I didn't think too hard about style, naming, etc., that's all up for grabs! Just keen to know if you're into this idea.

    opened by sharplet 6
  • Adding tvOS support

    Adding tvOS support

    Rebased against your master branch. Built all schemes of Runes from a dependent library (Argo) to test, and that was successful.

    I recognize this will require developers to use Xcode 7.1, so just let me know if you've got different ideas about where this might want to go.

    opened by bruceflowers 5
  • Remove guards for `flatMap`

    Remove guards for `flatMap`

    Looks like Apple fixed the automatic coercion of T -> U into T -> U? that was causing us issues with flatMap. Since the compiler no longer allows this, we don't need to guard against it manually.

    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by gfontenot 5
  • Change SwiftCheck dependency as private

    Change SwiftCheck dependency as private

    It seems SwiftCheck has been introduced since v4.2.2, and it is affecting end users to always pull its unnecessary repository via Swift Package Manager:

    $ cd my-project-using-runes/
    $ swift build

    I have tried both Xcode 10 (Swift 5.0) and Xcode 11 Beta (Swift 5.1), but result was the same. It's probably due to Swift Package Manager still not able to handle test dependencies nicely.

    I think there needs some workaround e.g. . What do you think?

    opened by inamiy 4
  • @autoclosure in Swift 5

    @autoclosure in Swift 5

    In Sources/Runes/Optional/Optional+Alternative.swift:14 an @autclosure block is passed as an argument. This is forbidden in Swift 5.

    From Swift 5 release notes:

    In Swift 5 mode, @autoclosure parameters can no longer be forwarded to @autoclosure arguments in another function call. Instead, you must explicitly call the function value with parentheses: (); the call itself is wrapped inside an implicit closure, guaranteeing the same behavior as in Swift 4 mode. (SR-5719) (37321597)

    Is there any solution for this?

    opened by madcato 4
  • Add a release script

    Add a release script

    I'd like to be able to automate the release of this lib, so that we don't forget to do things like add tags, release to CocoaPods, etc. We should script this.

    opened by gfontenot 0
  • v5.1.0(May 22, 2020)

    This small release adds support for Swift 5.2 tooling, which means that if you're using Swift 5.2 you'll no longer see our test dependencies downloaded locally when you're just trying to annoy your coworkers with illegible code like a normal person.

    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v5.0.0(Jun 1, 2019)

    This release adds operator definitions for the new Result<T, E> type in Swift 5's stdlib. Accordingly, Runes 5.0 drops support for Swift versions lower than 5.0.

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  • v4.2.2(May 30, 2019)

    This is a bug fix release to fix a compiler error that occured under Swift 5.0 when we tried to pass an autoclosure directly to another argument expecting an autoclosure, which is now disallowed. (Thanks @madcato!) This change should be backwards compatible with previous Swift versions.

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  • v4.2.1(Mar 19, 2019)

  • v4.2.0(Mar 15, 2019)

  • v4.1.1(Apr 15, 2018)

    This updates the Xcode project (and some internal dependencies) so that no warnings are thrown by the Xcode project.

    This will almost certainly mean nothing to you, unless you import this project into your project, in which case this will mean everything

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  • v4.1.0(Jun 7, 2017)

    This release fleshes out the rest of the Applicative implementations for Optional and Array. This adds two new operators to the mix for each type:

    • <* performs an applicative operation, discarding the right hand value
    • *> performs an applicative operation, discarding the left hand value

    We're also adding full implementations for Alternative for both types:

    • <|> performs an alternative operation
    • empty constructs an empty value (basically the dual of pure)
    • Optional now has an .or instance method that acts as a named version of <|>.
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v4.0.1(Nov 5, 2016)

    4.0.1 fixes issues with building Runes via Swift Package Manager that were caused by a change in the way SPM expected test directories to be structured.

    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v4.0.0(Oct 12, 2016)

  • v3.2.1(Jul 22, 2016)

    3.2.1 adds better support for Xcode 8 and Swift 2.3 by recording these preferences in the project file. This will be the last release to support Swift 2.X, and master will move forward with Swift 3.0 support.

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  • v3.2.0(Jan 15, 2016)

  • v3.1.0(Oct 30, 2015)

  • v3.0.0(Sep 18, 2015)

    • [NEW]: Swift 2.0 support
    • [NEW]: watchOS targets for Carthage and CocoaPods
    • [NEW]: Optional.apply and Array.apply are now publicly available instance methods
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v3.0.0-rc.2(Jul 15, 2015)

    This makes it easier to add Runes to your framework as a light weight internal dependency for introducing the operators for your own types.

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  • v3.0.0-rc.1(Jul 15, 2015)

  • v2.0.0(May 4, 2015)

    This release refines the precedence for our operators to bring them in line with Haskell's implementation.

    • The map (<^>) and apply (<*>) operators now have a precedence of 130. This gives them an equal precedence with Swift's built in equality operator (==)
    • The flatMap operators (>>- and -<<) now have a precedence of 100. This gives them a precedence higher than the assignment operator (=), but lower than the or operator (||).

    Note that this change flips the precedence of these operators. Previous releases gave flatMap a higher precedence than map and apply. Updating to 2.0.0 might require the addition/removal of parenthesis in your code to return to the intended behavior.

    Huge thanks to @sharplet for the research (and implementation) behind this change.

    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v1.2.2(Mar 13, 2015)

  • v1.2.1(Mar 13, 2015)

    This release removes the implementations of flatMap for Optionals and Arrays. flatMap is now included in the standard library for both of these types, so we don't need to duplicate their implementations here.

    This release also adds a flipped operator for flatMap (-<<) and removes the guards around improper use of flatMap. These guards were needed to avoid segfaults in the compiler, but the compiler is now preventing the improper use of this operator itself.

    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v1.1.2(Mar 13, 2015)

  • v1.2.0(Feb 16, 2015)

    This release is intended to be used with Swift 1.2. There are no actual changes since Runes 1.1.1, but the attached binary has been built with the Swift 1.2 compiler.

    This release will not work with Swift versions 1.2 beta 3 and beyond due to the introduction of flatMap into the standard library

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.1.1(Feb 16, 2015)

    This release adds a protective ~~spell~~ compiler annotation to ensure that flatMap isn't used where map should be used. This is to prevent the Swift compiler from "helping" and coercing functions of the type A -> B to A -> B? and causing a segfault.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.1(Feb 16, 2015)

  • v1.0(Feb 16, 2015)

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