Functional programming tools and experiments in Swift.



The documentation (courtesy of realm/jazzy) is available here:

Master branch is currently compatible with: Swift 2.2.

Funky is a bunch of functional programming stuff for Swift. I intend to de-jankify this README + repo in the near future, so bear with me.

This is my way of learning about FP and really shouldn't be considered safe for production. I haven't finished writing tests for all of the included functions, and I would gladly welcome pull requests.

README coming soon. (Honestly it's just a shitload of basic functions for basic types, collections (including strings), for LlamaKit's Result type, etc. Use whatever seems useful.)


Make sure you have the latest pre-release version of CocoaPods (gem install cocoapods --pre), which has Swift support. At the time of this writing, that would be 0.36.0.beta.1.

Add to your Podfile:

pod 'Funky'

And then from the shell:

$ pod install

contributors / authors

bryn austin bellomy < >

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