VTMagic is a page container library for iOS.

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Table View VTMagic


VTMagic is a page container library for iOS, you can custom every page controller by different identifier if you need. It's so easy to use!(中文手册传送门


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  • If you found a bug, and can provide steps to reliably reproduce it, open an issue.
  • If you have a feature request, open an issue.
  • If you want to contribute, submit a pull request.



VTMagic is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile, and then import <VTMagic/VTMagic.h>:

pod "VTMagic"


  1. Download the project and drop VTMagic folder into your project.
  2. Import file VTMagic.h.
#import "VTMagic.h"


This library requires iOS 6.0+ and Xcode 7.0+.


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the project directory first.


- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];

    [self addChildViewController:self.magicController];
    [self.view addSubview:_magicController.view];

    [_magicController.magicView reloadData];

- (VTMagicController *)magicController {
    if (!_magicController) {
        _magicController = [[VTMagicController alloc] init];
        _magicController.magicView.navigationColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
        _magicController.magicView.sliderColor = [UIColor redColor];
        _magicController.magicView.layoutStyle = VTLayoutStyleDivide;
        _magicController.magicView.switchStyle = VTSwitchStyleDefault;
        _magicController.magicView.navigationHeight = 40.f;
        _magicController.magicView.dataSource = self;
        _magicController.magicView.delegate = self;
    return _magicController;

or like this

#import "VTMagicController.h"

@interface ViewController : VTMagicController

@implementation ViewController

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    self.magicView.navigationColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
    self.magicView.sliderColor = [UIColor redColor];
    self.magicView.layoutStyle = VTLayoutStyleDefault;
    self.magicView.switchStyle = VTSwitchStyleDefault;
    self.magicView.navigationHeight = 40.f;
    self.magicView.dataSource = self;
    self.magicView.delegate = self;
    [self.magicView reloadData];


You must conform to <VTMagicViewDataSource>. <VTMagicViewDelegate> and <VTMagicReuseProtocol> are optional.


- (NSArray<NSString *> *)menuTitlesForMagicView:(VTMagicView *)magicView {
    return _menuList;

- (UIButton *)magicView:(VTMagicView *)magicView menuItemAtIndex:(NSUInteger)itemIndex {
    static NSString *itemIdentifier = @"itemIdentifier";
    UIButton *menuItem = [magicView dequeueReusableItemWithIdentifier:itemIdentifier];
    if (!menuItem) {
        menuItem = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom];
        [menuItem setTitleColor:RGBCOLOR(50, 50, 50) forState:UIControlStateNormal];
        [menuItem setTitleColor:RGBCOLOR(169, 37, 37) forState:UIControlStateSelected];
        menuItem.titleLabel.font = [UIFont fontWithName:@"Helvetica" size:16.f];
    return menuItem;

- (UIViewController *)magicView:(VTMagicView *)magicView viewControllerAtPage:(NSUInteger)pageIndex {
    if (0 == pageIndex) {
        static NSString *recomId = @"recom.identifier";
        VTRecomViewController *recomViewController = [magicView dequeueReusablePageWithIdentifier:recomId];
        if (!recomViewController) {
            recomViewController = [[VTRecomViewController alloc] init];
        return recomViewController;

    static NSString *gridId = @"grid.identifier";
    VTGridViewController *gridViewController = [magicView dequeueReusablePageWithIdentifier:gridId];
    if (!gridViewController) {
        gridViewController = [[VTGridViewController alloc] init];
    return gridViewController;


- (void)magicView:(VTMagicView *)magicView viewDidAppear:(UIViewController *)viewController atPage:(NSUInteger)pageIndex {
    NSLog(@"pageIndex:%ld viewDidAppear:%@", (long)pageIndex, viewController.view);

- (void)magicView:(VTMagicView *)magicView viewDidDisappear:(UIViewController *)viewController atPage:(NSUInteger)pageIndex {
    NSLog(@"pageIndex:%ld viewDidDisappear:%@", (long)pageIndex, viewController.view);

- (void)magicView:(VTMagicView *)magicView didSelectItemAtIndex:(NSUInteger)itemIndex {
    NSLog(@"didSelectItemAtIndex:%ld", (long)itemIndex);


This method will be called when page is reused, you should clear old data or reset content offset in here.

- (void)vtm_prepareForReuse {
    NSLog(@"clear old data if needed:%@", self);


Appearance callbacks

VTMagic will automatically calls the appearance callbacks when user switches the page, maybe you should do something in here, e.g. refresh page info.

- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
    [super viewDidAppear:animated];

    // do something...

- (void)viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)animated {
    [super viewWillDisappear:animated];
    // do something...

Get magicController

You can get the nearest magicController in any child view controller which is conforms to <VTMagicProtocol>, after you import file VTMagic.h.

NSInteger currentPage = self.magicController.currentPage;
UIViewController *viewController = self.magicController.currentViewController;

Switch to specified page

You can switch to some specified page.

[self.magicView switchToPage:3 animated:YES];
[self.magicController switchToPage:3 animated:YES];

Get specified view controller

You can get any page controller by page index, it will return nil if the page is not on the screen.

UIViewController *viewController = [self.magicView viewControllerAtPage:3];
UIViewController *viewController = [self.magicController viewControllerAtPage:3];


VictorTian email: tianzhuo112@163.com


VTMagic is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

  • UIColor+Magic.h VTColorZero编译问题

    UIColor+Magic.h VTColorZero编译问题


    我发现VTColorZero只有一个地方在用,是否可以将static const VTColor VTColorZero;这句代码移动到VTColorIsZero函数里面呢?如下所示。

    VTColorIsZero(VTColor aColor)
        static const VTColor VTColorZero;
        return VTColorIsEqual(VTColorZero, aColor);

    snip20160809_6 snip20160809_7

    opened by henshao 12
  • 滑动的时候pageIndex不准确


    • (UIViewController *)magicView:(VTMagicView *)magicView viewControllerAtPage:(NSUInteger)pageIndex { NSLog(@"Index = %zi",pageIndex); static NSString *gridId = @"grid.identifier"; VTGridViewController *viewController = [magicView dequeueReusablePageWithIdentifier:gridId]; if (!viewController) { viewController = [[VTGridViewController alloc] init]; } viewController.menuInfo = menuInfo; return viewController; }


    opened by qqcc1388 2
  • VTMagicController生命周期 统计问题

    VTMagicController生命周期 统计问题

    当在外层VTMagicView里的子VC(VC1,不与currentPage相邻)嵌套一个里层VTMagicView(需要切换到VC2,不与currentPage相邻,且位于靠后的位置)时,通过click Menu的方式,先点击VC1(防止preload),再滑动Menu到最后,此时会触发VTMagicController的viewWillDisappear方法,导致appearanceState = VTAppearanceStateWillDisappear,然后再通过click Menu的方式,点击VC2,发现VC2的viewDidAppear方法不会执行,原因VTMagicView的shouldForwardAppearanceMethods方法里,只有在appearanceState为VTAppearanceStateDidAppear或者VTAppearanceStateWillAppear才会触发。希望能及时修复这个问题,非常感谢!!! Xcode版本14.0,iOS版本16.0。

    opened by witwql 0
  • 在 VTMagic 控制器中 修改 navigationBar 的 BarTintColor 无效

    在 VTMagic 控制器中 修改 navigationBar 的 BarTintColor 无效

    在 push 到 VTMagic 控制器中的 修改 navigationBar 的 BarTintColor 如下

    • (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated { [super viewWillAppear: animated]; [self.navigationController.navigationBar setBarTintColor: [UIColor blueColor]]; } 并没有改变 在 viewDidAppear 中可以改变,但是颜色的切换变得生硬。 请问这个问题是如何产生的,如何处理,谢谢
    opened by qyfeng009 1
  • Xcode 11.3 UITableView:Warning once only: UITableView was told to layout its visible cells and other contents without being in the view hierarchy

    Xcode 11.3 UITableView:Warning once only: UITableView was told to layout its visible cells and other contents without being in the view hierarchy

    VTMagic[6333:1035842] [TableView] Warning once only: UITableView was told to layout its visible cells and other contents without being in the view hierarchy (the table view or one of its superviews has not been added to a window). This may cause bugs by forcing views inside the table view to load and perform layout without accurate information (e.g. table view bounds, trait collection, layout margins, safe area insets, etc), and will also cause unnecessary performance overhead due to extra layout passes. Make a symbolic breakpoint at UITableViewAlertForLayoutOutsideViewHierarchy to catch this in the debugger and see what caused this to occur, so you can avoid this action altogether if possible, or defer it until the table view has been added to a window. Table view: <UITableView: 0x1060be200; frame = (0 0; 375 603); clipsToBounds = YES; autoresize = W+H; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x282a10f30>; layer = <CALayer: 0x2824449c0>; contentOffset: {0, 0}; contentSize: {375, 2200}; adjustedContentInset: {0, 0, 49, 0}; dataSource: <_UIFilteredDataSource: 0x282a17e40>>

    opened by include11 2
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