Ten Elephants is the modern cooking app for iPhone.


Ten Elephants

Ваш персональный гастро-ассистент на iPhone.

build-status lint-status Contributor Covenant

  • Поиск по названию/ингредиентам
  • Поиск блюд по ингредиентам
  • Что популярно сегодня
  • Случайное блюдо
  • Ваш личный топ
  • Информация об ингредиентах


Экран блюда

  • Рецепт
  • Список игредиентов
  • Добавить в избранное


  • Не ломайте голову что приготовить вечером
  • То, что готовят по всему миру
  • Это пользуется популярностью


  • По ингредиентам
  • По названиям
  • Это пользуется популярность


  • Получите справку
  • Узнайте происхождение
  • Тренируйте насмотренность


  • Запоминать понравившиеся рецепты
  • Вернуться с интересным рецептом

Случайное блюдо

  • Выберем случайное блюдо за Вас
  • Обновление по shuffle и pull to refresh


Ten Elephants в настоящее время разрабатывается и поддерживается @kirilldenisov, @daria25D, @alexxingplus, @bypolinafox и @aldonin.

Содействие Ten Elephants

Мы приветствуем и приветствуем вклад в Ten Elephants! Пожалуйста, посмотрите руководство по содействию.

Чтобы стать действительно отличным сообществом, Ten Elephants должен приветствовать разработчиков из всех слоев общества, с разным опытом и широким кругозором диапазон опыта. В разнообразном и дружелюбном сообществе будет больше прекрасных идеи, более уникальные перспективы и создание более качественного кода. Мы будем работать старательно делать сообщество Ten Elephants гостеприимным для всех.

Чтобы прояснить, что ожидается от наших участников, Ten Elephants принял кодекс поведения, определенный соглашением для авторов. Этот документ используется во многих сообществах с открытым исходным кодом, и мы думаем, что это формулирует наши ценности.


Ten Elephants выпущен под лицензией MIT.

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  • Add loading of data from network

    Add loading of data from network

    Instead of stub data load data from network. While data is not loaded, show loading indicator for vertical section and label animation for horizontal section. Close #37 , close #40 .

    opened by daria25D 2
  • ✨ navigation bars

    ✨ navigation bars

    I've added navigation bars to Trends, Search and Ingredients pages. As for me, it looks miles better now. Hope you like it too! Also I've changed a bit Ingredients page - now it looks a bit cleaner, as for me navBars

    opened by alexxingplus 1
  • Add compositional layout with two sections

    Add compositional layout with two sections

    Compositional layout for trends page consists of two sections: - with horizontal scroll - with vertical scroll The horizontal one should use wide cells as collection view cell. Closes #13

    opened by daria25D 1
  • Fix some refactoring to-do's

    Fix some refactoring to-do's

    • [ ] Present data provider as protocol (not as realization)
    • [ ] Make properties of cell classes private, only configure should be used to access properties
    opened by daria25D 0
  • v2.0.0(Dec 18, 2021)

    What's Changed

    • Single load by @alexxingplus in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/109
    • close #90: Ingredients tab by @bypolinafox in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/121
    • Changed order by @bypolinafox in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/124
    • close #94: update readme 📄 by @kirilldenisov in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/125
    • close #58: 🔀 shuffling in search page by @kirilldenisov in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/126
    • close #31: query via operations by @bypolinafox in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/127
    • Add single ingredient page controller by @daria25D in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/128
    • Favourites page by @alexxingplus in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/123
    • Fix constraints and layout for single ingredient page by @daria25D in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/130
    • Fix typos by @aldonin in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/133
    • close #134: update badges and code of conduct by @kirilldenisov in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/135
    • favourites page layout update by @alexxingplus in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/132

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/compare/v1.0.2-alpha...v2.0.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.0.2-alpha(Dec 17, 2021)

    What's Changed

    • Update issue templates (suggestions) by @daria25D in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/110
    • close #63, #74: random meal page by @alexxingplus in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/81
    • close #31: query via operations by @bypolinafox in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/76
    • Revert "close #31: query via operations" by @aldonin in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/117
    • Rework image fetcher by @daria25D in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/115
    • trend page layout by @alexxingplus in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/113
    • Fix blinking images on like page load by @daria25D in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/120

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/compare/v1.0.1-alpha...v1.0.2-alpha

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.0.1-alpha(Dec 17, 2021)

    What's Changed

    • close #5: add tabbar controller, mock controllers for pages by @kirilldenisov in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/10
    • close #1: Add Unit Tests and actions by @kirilldenisov in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/12
    • close #7, #8: Initial model introduction, deserialization by @daria25D in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/14
    • close #18: Fix of typo that could cause crash on parsing by @daria25D in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/19
    • Close #25 : Make name and thumbnail of meal optional by @daria25D in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/29
    • close #21: Remove trailing white spaces in ingredients data by @daria25D in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/24
    • close #16: Initial data provider and stub by @daria25D in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/28
    • close #6: single meal controller layout by @alexxingplus in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/17
    • close #34: custom buttons by @alexxingplus in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/35
    • close #30: create big cell with placeholder image by @kirilldenisov in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/33
    • close #2: Network layer by @bypolinafox in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/23
    • close #26: image fetching and caching by @kirilldenisov in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/38
    • Add compositional layout with two sections by @daria25D in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/36
    • close #43: added parsing ingredients list by @bypolinafox in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/61
    • Restrict number of cells in sections by @daria25D in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/64
    • Fix sticky header on trends page by @daria25D in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/65
    • Add second data fetch for vertical section of trends page by @daria25D in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/68
    • Fix wrong number of cells by @daria25D in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/67
    • close: #42: Add liked meal id storing by @kirilldenisov in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/50
    • Add loading of data from network by @daria25D in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/51
    • close #46: exponential backoff by @bypolinafox in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/52
    • close #32: search page 🔎 by @alexxingplus in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/62
    • Implement swiftlint by @aldonin in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/80
    • close #73: nothing found view by @alexxingplus in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/82
    • Nothing found stack by @alexxingplus in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/84
    • close #42: add page of liked meals by @kirilldenisov in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/71
    • Avoid race conditions on loading images for reusable cells by @daria25D in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/70
    • shadow fix by @alexxingplus in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/85
    • Add cocktail parsing by @daria25D in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/86
    • Refactor meals data provider to be used for fetching data in all controllers by @daria25D in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/92
    • Make Green main branch workflow by @aldonin in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/96
    • Fix loading of images by @daria25D in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/93
    • Add UICocktail by @daria25D in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/98
    • close #94: update readme by @kirilldenisov in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/95
    • Refactor cells-related code by @daria25D in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/102
    • Create CONTRIBUTING.md by @aldonin in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/106
    • Create CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md by @aldonin in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/105
    • close #99: fix filters by @alexxingplus in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/104
    • Update issue templates by @aldonin in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/107

    New Contributors

    • @kirilldenisov made their first contribution in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/10
    • @daria25D made their first contribution in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/14
    • @alexxingplus made their first contribution in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/17
    • @bypolinafox made their first contribution in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/23
    • @aldonin made their first contribution in https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/pull/80

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/bypolinafox/10-elephants/commits/v1.0.1-alpha

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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