Marshaling the typeless wild west of [String: Any]


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In Swift, we all deal with JSON, plists, and various forms of [String: Any]. Marshal believes you don't need a Ph.D. in monads or magic mirrors to deal with these in an expressive and type safe way. Marshal will help you write declarative, performant, error handled code using the power of Protocol Oriented Programming™.


Extracting values from [String: Any] using Marshal is as easy as

let name: String = try json.value(for: "name")
let url: URL = try json.value(for: "") // extract from nested objects!

Converting to Models

Unmarshaling is the process of taking an intermediary data format (the marshaled object) and tranforming it into a local representation. Think of marshaling as serialization and unmarshaling as deserialization, or coding and decoding, respectively.

Often we want to take a marshaled object (like [String: Any]) and unmarshal it into one of our local models—for example we may want to take some JSON and initialize one of our local models with it:

struct User: Unmarshaling {
    var id: Int
    var name: String
    var email: String

    init(object: MarshaledObject) throws {
        id = try object.value(for: "id")
        name = try object.value(for: "name")
        email = try object.value(for: "email")

Now, just by virtue of supplying a simple initializer you can pull your models directly out of [String: Any]!

let users: [User] = try json.value(for: "users")

That was easy! Thanks, Protocol Oriented Programming™!

Error Handling

Are you the shoot-from-the-hip type that doesn't care about errors? Use try? to give yourself an optional value. Otherwise, join us law-abiding folks and wrap your code in a do-catch to get all the juicy details when things go wrong.

Add Your Own Values

Out of the box, Marshal supports extracting native Swift types like String, Int, etc., as well as URL, anything conforming to Unmarshaling, and arrays of all the aforementioned types. It does not support extraction of more complex types such as Date due to the wide variety of date formats, etc.

However, Marshal doesn't just leave you up the creek without a paddle! Adding your own Marshal value type is as easy as extending your type with ValueType.

extension Date : ValueType {
    public static func value(from object: Any) throws -> Date {
        guard let dateString = object as? String else {
            throw MarshalError.typeMismatch(expected: String.self, actual: type(of: object))
        // assuming you have a Date.fromISO8601String implemented...
        guard let date = Date.fromISO8601String(dateString) else {
            throw MarshalError.typeMismatch(expected: "ISO8601 date string", actual: dateString)
        return date

By simply implementing value(from:), Marshal allows you to immediately do this:

let birthDate: Date = json.value(for: "user.dob")

Protocol Oriented Programming™ strikes again!

Back to the Marshaled Object

We've looked at going from our [String: Any] into our local models, but what about the other way around?

extension User: Marshaling {
    func marshaled() -> [String: Any] {
        return {
            "id": id,
            "name" : name,
            "email": email

Now, you might be thinking "but couldn't I use reflection to do this for me automagically?" You could. And if you're into that, there are some other great frameworks for you to use. But Marshal believes mirrors can lead down the road to a world of hurt. Marshal lives in a world where What You See Is What You Get™, and you can easily adapt to APIs that snake case, camel case, or whatever case your backend developers are into. Marshal code is explicit and declarative. But don't just take Marshal's word for it—read the good word towards the end here on the official Swift blog.


Of course, Marshal wouldn't be the Marshal if it didn't have some of the fastest guns in the West. You should always take benchmarks with a grain of salt, but chew on these benchmarks for a bit anyway.


Marshal began as a blog series on JSON parsing by Jason Larsen, but quickly evolved into a community project. A special thanks to the many people who have contributed at one point or another to varying degrees with ideas and code. A few of them, in alphabetical order:

  • Bart Whiteley
  • Brian Mullen
  • Derrick Hathaway
  • Dave DeLong
  • Jason Larsen
  • Mark Schultz
  • Nate Bird
  • Tim Shadel
  • convert core to protocol.

    convert core to protocol.

    This allows any object, that conforms to the protocol, the ability to extract values like a dictionary. The only thing that is required is for the object to implement the subscript method: subscript(key: KeyType)

    opened by brianmullen 42
  • Optionals in arrays

    Optionals in arrays

    Addresses &

    The use case is when you have an array of objects but not all the objects successfully initialize. Instead of throwing out all the objects, only throw out the ones that didn't succeed.

    opened by jgrandelli 27
  • How to marshal array of arrays?

    How to marshal array of arrays?

    I'm trying to marshal a property like:

    var arrayOfArrayOfThings: [[Thing]]? 
    // ... later on ...
    arrayOfArray = try object.value(for: "arrayOfArrayOfThings") 

    Where Thing is a Unmarshaling. But I get a No 'value' candidates produce the expected contextual result type '[[Thing]]?'. I tried defining extensions to MarshableObject.value that return [[A]] but got stuck. It seems like for Array<Array<A>> Swift doesn't recognize the inner Array<A> type as a ValueType?

    opened by jlyonsmith 14
  • Core Data and NSManagedObject

    Core Data and NSManagedObject

    Hi, I really like your approach with Marshal and I wanted to implement it in my project. However, I'm currently using core Data and my objects are NSManagedObjects.

    I'm trying to find a way to coexist Marshal and Core Data, but I haven't found any working solution yet. Did you already tried something similar?

    Thanks a lot

    opened by Tibb 8
  • Cocoapods (Actually pushing to Trunk)

    Cocoapods (Actually pushing to Trunk)


    I see a lot of issues around Cocoapods right now, and it stems from people not actually being able to access the podspec, without specifying the git url. In order to fix this then @psychoticidiot needs to run pod trunk push Marshal.podspec.

    This will release version 1.2.3 to, and can then be found with a simple `pod 'Marshal', '~> 1.2'.

    Right now you have to do: pod 'Marshal', :git => ''.

    I hope this clarifies things. If you want, you can add me as a maintainer of the pod, and I'll make sure it gets updated on Trunk.

    opened by bjarkehs 6
  • Handling JSON where top level structure is an array not a dictionary

    Handling JSON where top level structure is an array not a dictionary


    Very interested in using Marshal however I'm not sure how best to handle JSON where the top level structure is an array rather than a dictionary.

    We have some JSON that looks like this:

      "id": "111",
      "surname": "Doe"
      }, {
      "id": "222",
      "surname": "Doe"

    We would like to be able to map this directly into say an array of Users where User conforms to Unmarshaling i.e.

    struct User: Unmarshaling {
        var id: Int
        var firstname: String
        var surname: String
        init(object: MarshaledObject) throws {
            id = try object.value(for: "id")
            firstname = try object.value(for: "firstname")
            surname = try object.value(for: "surname")

    However the library seems to always need a key in order to create the unmarshaled object. The only way I can see to do this now is to have something like:

    var jsonObjects: [JSONObject] = try! JSONParser.JSONArrayWithData(data)
        for obj in jsonObjects {
             let user = User()
    = try obj.value("id")
             user.firstname = try obj.value("firstname")
            user.surname = try obj.value("surname")

    This does not seem as elegant as being able to create the array of users directly i.e.

    let users: [User] = try json.value("users")

    What is the best way of handling this kind of JSON format using Marshal?


    opened by tomasebrennan 5
  • Decode value with leading-dot key

    Decode value with leading-dot key

    How to get value for key ".tag" from this JSON:

        ".tag": "test"
        "name": "something"

    Marshal splits the key by ., so object.value(for: ".tag") returns nil because tag key is not found.

    help wanted 
    opened by dispatchqueue 5
  • Expected type Date for key...

    Expected type Date for key...

    Sometimes I get into a situation where Date parsing doesn't seem to work.


    self.createdAt = try json.value(for: "created_at")

    Throws this:

    Type mismatch. Expected type Date for key: created_at. Got '__NSCFString'

    I can work around this by transforming to a string first, then to Date:

    let s: String = try json.value(for: "created_at")
    self.createdAt = try Date.value(for: s)

    My Date support looks like so:

    extension Date {
        @nonobjc static let ISO8601SecondFormatter:DateFormatter = {
            let formatter = DateFormatter()
            formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ";
            formatter.timeZone = TimeZone(abbreviation:"GMT")
            return formatter
        static func fromISO8601String(_ dateString:String) -> Date? {
            if let date = dateString) {
                return date
            return .none
    extension Date : ValueType {
        public static func value(_ object: Any) throws -> Date {
            guard let dateString = object as? String else {
                throw MarshalError.typeMismatch(expected: String.self, actual: type(of: object))
            guard let date = Date.fromISO8601String(dateString) else {
                throw MarshalError.typeMismatch(expected: "ISO8601 date string", actual: dateString)
            return date
    opened by pepasflo 5
  • Only return `nil` for the same key

    Only return `nil` for the same key

    This is needed in order to prevent errors further down the tree from being swallowed into the nil.

    Using stringValue for comparison, since KeyType doesn't conform to Equatable.

    opened by brentleyjones 5
  • Abiguous use of operator/function with enum

    Abiguous use of operator/function with enum


    I experienced a small problem when using enums as ValueTypes. I have an enum in a project defined as the following:

    enum Week: Int {
        case all = 0, even, odd

    I implemented the ValueType extension as the following:

    extension Week: ValueType {
        public static func value(from object: Any) throws -> Week {
            guard let raw = object as? RawValue else {
                throw MarshalError.typeMismatch(expected: RawValue.self, actual: type(of: object))
            guard let week = Week(rawValue: raw) else {
                throw Error.outOfBounds(raw)
            return week

    When using this in a type that has a Week property, I get the compiler error 'ambiguous use of X' where X is either <| or value(for:).

    I fixed it by using this code in my type that is using Week, but the solution is not that satisfiying. Do you have any other ideas?

    let rawWeek: Int = try object <| "week"
    guard let week = Week(rawValue: rawWeek) else {
        throw Week.Error.outOfBounds(rawWeek)
    self.week = week

    Thanks in advance!

    opened by BenchR267 4
  • Bug fix operator expansion

    Bug fix operator expansion

    Hey @jarsen -- this PR may fix #54. It also fixes a scary bug where I thought the function had a local variable any, but it resolved as the function as type Any, which then fails to cast into anything useful. Oops.

    I added some tests so this shouldn't regress.

    opened by KingOfBrian 4
  • Expected type MarshaledObject for key: node. Got 'Optional<Any>'

    Expected type MarshaledObject for key: node. Got 'Optional'

    I love Marshal and I'm a bit worried that maybe it's been abandoned, but hopefully you can help me with this:

    I've lately started running into this error: Expected type MarshaledObject for key: node. Got 'Optional<Any>'. I can cast the object to [String:Any], but not to [MarshaledObject].

    The failure is happening in Unmarshaling.swift:

    extension Unmarshaling {
        public static func value(from object: Any) throws -> ConvertibleType {
            guard let convertedObject = object as? MarshaledObject else {
                throw MarshalError.typeMismatch(expected: MarshaledObject.self, actual: type(of: object))
            guard let value = try self.init(object: convertedObject) as? ConvertibleType else {
                throw MarshalError.typeMismatch(expected: ConvertibleType.self, actual: type(of: object))
            return value

    If I print the type of the object in the debugger, it's:

    (lldb) po type(of: any)

    In the debugger it looks like this:

    Screen Shot 2021-06-23 at 18 12 07

    Swift 5 in Xcode 13b, but also happens in 12.5.1


    opened by JetForMe 1
  • Looking for example of how to marshal an object to json

    Looking for example of how to marshal an object to json

    Seems like the only examples I can find on Marshal are converting JSON into an object and not the other way. I'm assuming it's easy but perhaps I'm missing something.

    Can you post a test or example of how to go from a marshaled object to a string of json?

    opened by woodmicha 0
  • Marshaling Date?

    Marshaling Date?

    So, it's clear to me how to unmarshal a Date, by extending it with the ValueType protocol. But it's not at all clear how to marshal it. I tried various forms of this:

    Date : ValueType, Marshaling
    	value(from inObj: Any)
    		-> Date
    			let timeInterval = inObj as? Double
    			throw MarshalError.typeMismatch(expected: Double.self, actual: type(of: inObj))
    		let date = Date(timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: timeInterval)
    		return date
    		-> Double
    		return self.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate

    But Xcode doesn't like it. In this case, it says Type 'Date' does not conform to protocol 'Marshaling'. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.

    opened by JetForMe 0
  • Simplify Marshal using new Swift features

    Simplify Marshal using new Swift features


    I was wondering whether it would be possible to simplify Marshal implementation using new Swift features like conditional protocol conformance. This would also simplify creating 3rd party extensions above Marshal.

    This would e.g. allow [ValueType] to conform ValueType so lot of code could be then reused/deleted.

    I'm open to implementing it but don't wanna waste time on something that wouldn't have a chance to be merged.


    opened by olejnjak 1
  • SIGABRT when accessing dot separated keypath on non-object fileds

    SIGABRT when accessing dot separated keypath on non-object fileds

    This construction

    extension NSDictionary: MarshaledObject {
        public func any(for key: KeyType) throws -> Any {
            guard let value: Any = self.value(forKeyPath: key.stringValue) else {
                throw MarshalError.keyNotFound(key: key)

    is not really safe to use in case when we try to access a field that is not an object. Say, we have this json:

    	"contact_id": "123456",
    	"type": 0,
    	"avatar": "",
    	"org": {"name": "name"},

    And this model:

    struct Test: Unmarshaling {
        let identifier: String
        let orgName: String?
        init(object: MarshaledObject) throws {
            self.identifier = try object.value(for: "contact_id")
   = try object.value(for: "org.org_name")

    Sometimes, by accident, server may return this json:

    	"contact_id": "123456",
    	"type": 0,
    	"avatar": "",
    	"org": "",

    In that case I get SIGABRT: marshaldictionary swift 2018-10-26 20-45-39

    Right now I have to workaround it by implementing a private struct for org field and map to it first, but it would be better if the code above would just return nil without crashing

    opened by Sega-Zero 0
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