A way to quickly add a notification badge icon to any view. Make any view of a full-fledged animated notification center.



A way to quickly add a notification badge icon to any view.

Version License Platform

Blink Bump Pop Custom setCircle showCount mix hideCount


For demo:

$ pod try BadgeHub

To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.

$ cd Example
$ pod install

If you don't have CocoaPods installed, grab it with [sudo] gem install cocoapods.

$ open BadgeHub.xcworkspace


  • iOS 10.0 or later
  • Swift 5+
  • Xcode 10+



BadgeHub is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'BadgeHub'

Manual Installation

Just drag the BadgeHub.swift files into your project.



let hub = BadgeHub(view: yourView) // Initially count set to 0

Initializer for setting badge to bar button items.

let hub = BadgeHub(barButtonItem: UIBarButtonItem)

Increase count value by 1.


Increase count by some int value.

hub.increment(by: Int)

Decrease count value by 1.


Decrease count by some int value.

hub.decrement(by: Int)

Set count to static integer value.

hub.setCount(newCount: Int)

Get value of current count on badge.

hub.getCurrentCount() // returns Int value of current count.

Combine actions



Don't forget to import BadgeHub


Change the color of the notification circle, also the text color of count label.


hub.setCircleColor(_ circleColor: UIColor?, label labelColor: UIColor?)

Change the border color and border width of the circle


hub.setCircleBorderColor(_ color: UIColor?, borderWidth width: CGFloat)

Set the frame of the notification badge circle relative to the view.


hub.setCircleAtFrame(_ frame: CGRect)

Move the circle (left/right or up/down).

hub.moveCircleBy(x: CGFloat, y: CGFloat)

Changes the size of the circle. setting a scale of 1 has no effect.

hub.scaleCircleSize(by scale: CGFloat)

Hide the count (Blank Badge). Keep in mind that this method is for hiding just count, not the badge.



Show count again on the badge.



Hide the badge from your view.


Show again the badge. Badge will staye hidden even after calling this method, if current count on badge is <= 0.


Set max count which can be displayed. This method can be used to restrict the maximum count can be set on the badge. Default value for max count is 100000. If you increase current count to more than max count, badge will display it like 500+ (if max count is 500).

hub.setMaxCount(to: Int)

Set the font of the count label.

hub.setCountLabelFont(_ font: UIFont?)

Get the current font set on the count label.


Set alpha to badge.

hub.setAlpha(alpha: CGFloat)


Pop out and pop in the badge.



Make badge blinking.



Animation that jumps similar to macOS dock icons.




Notification isn't showing up!

  • If the hub value is < 1, the circle hides. Try calling increment().
  • Make sure the view you set the hub to is visible (i.e. did you call self.view.addSubview(yourView)?).
  • Make sure you didn't call hideCount() anywhere. Call showCount() to counter this.

Badge is not hiding even after setting value to 0

  • Make sure you are setting zero count on correct BadgeHub instance.
  • Try calling checkZero() method after setting count to 0.
  • Varify if current count is <= 0 by calling getCurrentCount() method.
  • Keep in mind that hideCount() method is for hiding just count, not the badge. To hide the badge, simply call hide().

It isn't incrementing / decrementing properly!

  • Any count < 1 doesn't show up. If you need help customizing this, reach out to me!

The circle is in a weird place

  • If you want to resize the circle, use scaleCircleSize(by scale: CGFloat). 0.5 will give you half the size, 2 will give you double.
  • If the circle is just a few pixels off, use moveCircleBy(x: CGFloat, y: CGFloat). This shifts the circle by the number of pixels given.
  • If you want to manually set the circle, call setCircleAtFrame(_ frame: CGRect) and give it your own CGRect.

Something else isn't working properly

  • Use GitHub's issue reporter to submit a new issue.
  • If you think you fix that, feel free to open a pull request fixing the same.
  • Shoot me an email at jogendra.iitbhu@gmail.com.


Jogendra Kumar


BadgeHub is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Badge hiding behind view.

    Badge hiding behind view.

    I am trying to append badgehub onto a UIImageView. The badge is appearing however when it reaches the corner; it stays behind the imageview or view and just hides away.

    I tried setting the z-index however that doesn't seem to be affecting anything. Anyone else having this issue? Or found a solution. Cheers

    let hub = BadgeHub(view: cell.contentView) // Initially count set to 0
    hub.hubView?.layer.zPosition = 10000
    good first issue Hacktoberfest hacktoberfest-accepted 
    opened by Harryjeffs 6
  • Fixing implied internals

    Fixing implied internals

    Fixes the following:

    • #6 (Initializer not specifically marked public)
    • Several methods that were implicitly interpreted as internal

    Also bumps podspec to 0.1.1

    Note to @jogendra: anything not explicitly marked public or private is interpreted by the compiler as internal :)

    opened by MatrixSenpai 4
  • SetCount to 0 and checkZero not removing red dot

    SetCount to 0 and checkZero not removing red dot

    When setting my count to 0 the red dot stays as 1 and does not disappear.

    I have tried to call checkZero( ), decrement the count from one to zero instead of set to zero, and even refresh the views but nothing has worked.

    Is there a way to remove the hub from the view it is attached to? I looked around for removing subviews from views but I could not find anything.

    badgehub screen shot.pdf

    good first issue Hacktoberfest hacktoberfest-accepted 
    opened by JakeEllis 1
  • maxCount is not taken into account when calling the increment method

    maxCount is not taken into account when calling the increment method

    Hello everybody!

    I've found out that maxCount is taken into account only when we call the setCount method, unfortunately, this constant doesn't apply for calls of increment. Example:

    hub.increment(by: 150)
    // count == 150

    Compare their implementations to each other. increment:

        /// Increases count by 1
        public func increment() {
            increment(by: 1)
        /// Increases count by amount.
        /// - Parameter amount: Increment count.
        public func increment(by amount: Int) {
            count += amount


        /// Set the count yourself.
        /// - Parameter newCount: New count to be set to badge.
        public func setCount(_ newCount: Int) {
            self.count = newCount
            let labelText = count > maxCount ? "\(maxCount)+" : "\(count)"
            countLabel?.text = labelText
    opened by oleg-samoylov-ext-orion 0
  • Hide Count hiding wrong object?

    Hide Count hiding wrong object?

    Shouldn't Hide Count hide the label and not the badge? (it currently hides the badge and leaves the number)

    /// Hide the count (Blank Badge). /// Remember this only hide count, /// and not the red dot. public func hideCount() { countLabel?.isHidden = true }

    opened by justdan0227 0
  • UITableViewCell


    how to you set the badge to be upper left corner in the text of a UITableViewCell.textLabel ? I tried setCircleAtFrame and it shows up left but cut off and when I scroll then it shows up left and a second one on the right? With dequeue do I have to do something to use it in a UITableViewCell?

    opened by justdan0227 2
  • init?(barButtonItem: UIBarButtonItem) create nil BadgeHub

    init?(barButtonItem: UIBarButtonItem) create nil BadgeHub

    When the barButtonItem create by storyboard, init?(barButtonItem: UIBarButtonItem) create not nil BadgeHub.

    But when the barButtonItem create by code in viewDidLoad function, init?(barButtonItem: UIBarButtonItem) create a nil BadgeHub, but barButtonItem is not nil.

        let hub = BadgeHub(barButtonItem: testItem)
        let leftItem = UIBarButtonItem(title: "Badge", style: .plain, target: self, action: nil)
        navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = leftItem
        let itemHub = BadgeHub(barButtonItem: leftItem)
        itemHub?.increment(by: 10)

    hub create by Storyboard's UIBarButtonItem ,itemHub create by code UIBarButtonItem: leftItem

    hub is not nil, itemHub is nil

    opened by pekanchuan 2
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