๐Ÿงš RxSwift + Moya + HandyJSON + Plugins.



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๐Ÿงš . RxSwift + Moya + HandyJSON + Plugins. ๐Ÿ‘’ ๐Ÿ‘’ ๐Ÿ‘’

English | ็ฎ€ไฝ“ไธญๆ–‡

This is a set of infrastructure based on RxSwift + Moya


This module is based on the Moya encapsulated network API architecture.

  • Mainly divided into 3 parts:
    • NetworkConfig: Set the configuration information at the beginning of the program.
      • baseURL: Root path address to base URL.
      • baseParameters: Default basic parameters, like: userID, token, etc.
      • baseMethod: Default request method type.
      • updateBaseParametersWithValue: Update default base parameter value.
    • RxMoyaProvider: Add responsiveness to network requests, returning Single sequence.
    • NetworkUtil: Network related functions
      • defaultPlugin: Add default plugin.
      • transformAPISingleJSON: Transforms a Single sequence object.
      • handyConfigurationPlugin: Handles configuration plugins.
    • PluginSubType: Inherit and replace the Moya plug-in protocol to facilitate subsequent expansion.
      • configuration: After setting the network configuration information, before starting to prepare the request, this method can be used in scenarios such as key invalidation, re-acquiring the key and then automatically re-requesting the network.
      • lastNever: When the last network response is returned, this method can be used in scenarios such as key failure to re-obtain the key and then automatically re-request the network.
    • NetworkAPI: Add protocol attributes and encapsulate basic network requests based on TargetType.
      • ip: Root path address to base URL.
      • parameters: Request parameters.
      • plugins: Set network plugins.
      • stubBehavior: Whether to take the test data.
      • request: Network request method and return a Single sequence object.
    • NetworkAPIOO: OOP converter, MVP to OOP, convenient for friends who are used to OC thinking
      • cdy_ip: Root path address to base URL.
      • cdy_path: Request path.
      • cdy_parameters: Request parameters.
      • cdy_plugins: Set network plugins.
      • cdy_testJSON: Network testing json string.
      • cdy_testTime: Network test data return time, the default is half a second.
      • cdy_HTTPRequest: Network request method and return a Single sequence object.
    • NetworkX: extension function methods etc.
      • toJSON: to JSON string.
      • toDictionary: JSON string to dictionary.
      • +=: Dictionary concatenation.

๐ŸŽท - OO Example 1:

class OOViewModel: NSObject {
    let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
    let data = PublishRelay
    func loadData() {
        var api = NetworkAPIOO.init()
        api.cdy_ip = NetworkConfig.baseURL
        api.cdy_path = "/ip"
        api.cdy_method = .get
        api.cdy_plugins = [NetworkLoadingPlugin.init()]
            .compactMap{ (($0 as! NSDictionary)["origin"] as? String) }
            .bind(to: data)
            .disposed(by: disposeBag)


๐ŸŽท - MVP Example 2:

() /// Configure the loading animation plugin let APIProvider: MoyaProvider = { let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.default configuration.headers = .default configuration.timeoutIntervalForRequest = 30 let session = Moya.Session(configuration: configuration, startRequestsImmediately: false) let loading = NetworkLoadingPlugin.init() return MoyaProvider (session: session, plugins: [loading]) }() func loadData() { APIProvider.rx.request(api: LoadingAPI.test2("666")) .asObservable() .subscribe { [weak self] (event) in if let dict = event.element as? NSDictionary { self?.data.accept(dict) } }.disposed(by: disposeBag) } }">
enum LoadingAPI {
    case test2(String)

extension LoadingAPI: NetworkAPI {
    var ip: APIHost {
        return NetworkConfig.baseURL
    var path: String {
        return "/post"
    var parameters: APIParameters? {
        switch self {
        case .test2(let string): return ["key": string]

class LoadingViewModel: NSObject {
    let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
    let data = PublishRelay
    /// Configure the loading animation plugin
    let APIProvider: MoyaProvider
        = {
        let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.default
        configuration.headers = .default
        configuration.timeoutIntervalForRequest = 30
        let session = Moya.Session(configuration: configuration, startRequestsImmediately: false)
        let loading = NetworkLoadingPlugin.init()
        return MoyaProvider
        (session: session, plugins: [loading])
    func loadData() {
        APIProvider.rx.request(api: LoadingAPI.test2("666"))
            .subscribe { [weak self] (event) in
                if let dict = event.element as? NSDictionary {
            }.disposed(by: disposeBag)


๐ŸŽท - MVVM Example 3:

class CacheViewModel: NSObject {

    let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
    struct Input {
        let count: Int

    struct Output {
        let items: Driver<[CacheModel]>
    func transform(input: Input) -> Output {
        let elements = BehaviorRelay<[CacheModel]>(value: [])
        let output = Output(items: elements.asDriver())
            .bind(to: elements)
            .disposed(by: disposeBag)
        return output

extension CacheViewModel {
    func request(_ count: Int) -> Driver<[CacheModel]> {
            .compactMap { $0.data }
            .observe(on: MainScheduler.instance)
            .delay(.seconds(1), scheduler: MainScheduler.instance) 
            .asDriver(onErrorJustReturn: [])

๐ŸŽท - Chain Example 4:

Observable { return ChainAPI.test.request() .asObservable() .map { ($0 as! NSDictionary)["origin"] as! String } .catchAndReturn("") // Exception thrown } func requestData(_ ip: String) -> Observable { return ChainAPI.test2(ip).request() .asObservable() .map { ($0 as! NSDictionary) } .catchAndReturn(["data": "nil"]) } }">
class ChainViewModel: NSObject {
    let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
    let data = PublishRelay
    func chainLoad() {
            .subscribe(onNext: { [weak self] data in
            }, onError: {
                print("Network Failed: \($0)")
            }).disposed(by: disposeBag)

extension ChainViewModel {
    func requestIP() -> Observable
        return ChainAPI.test.request()
            .map { ($0 as! NSDictionary)["origin"] as! String }
            .catchAndReturn("") // Exception thrown
    func requestData(_ ip: String) -> Observable
        return ChainAPI.test2(ip).request()
            .map { ($0 as! NSDictionary) }
            .catchAndReturn(["data": "nil"])


๐ŸŽท - Batch Example 5:

, let data2 = $1 as? Dictionary , let data3 = $2 as? Dictionary else { return } data1 += data2 data1 += data3 self?.data.accept(data1) }, onFailure: { print("Network Failed: \($0)") }).disposed(by: disposeBag) } }">
class BatchViewModel: NSObject {
    let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
    let data = PublishRelay
    /// Configure loading animation plugin
    let APIProvider: MoyaProvider
        = {
        let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.default
        configuration.headers = .default
        configuration.timeoutIntervalForRequest = 30
        let session = Moya.Session(configuration: configuration, startRequestsImmediately: false)
        let loading = NetworkLoadingPlugin.init()
        return MoyaProvider
        (session: session, plugins: [loading])
    func batchLoad() {
            APIProvider.rx.request(api: BatchAPI.test),
            APIProvider.rx.request(api: BatchAPI.test2("666")),
            APIProvider.rx.request(api: BatchAPI.test3)
        ).subscribe(onSuccess: { [weak self] in
            guard var data1 = $0 as? Dictionary
                  let data2 = $1 as? Dictionary
          , let data3 = $2 as? Dictionary
            else { return } data1 += data2 data1 += data3 self?.data.accept(data1) }, onFailure: { print("Network Failed: \($0)") }).disposed(by: disposeBag) } } 


This module is mainly based on moya package network related plug-ins

  • At present, 4 plug-ins have been packaged for you to use:

๐Ÿ  - Simple to use, implement the protocol method in the API protocol, and then add the plugin to it:

var plugins: APIPlugins {
    let cache = NetworkCachePlugin(cacheType: .networkElseCache)
    let loading = NetworkLoadingPlugin.init(delayHideHUD: 0.5)
    return [loading, cache]


This module is based on HandyJSON package network data parsing

  • Roughly divided into the following 3 parts:
    • HandyDataModel: Network outer data model
    • HandyJSONError: Parse error related
    • RxHandyJSON: HandyJSON data parsing, currently provides two parsing solutions
      • Option 1: Combine HandyDataModel model to parse out data.
      • Option 2: Parse the data of the specified key according to keyPath, the precondition is that the json data source must be in the form of a dictionary.

๐ŸŽท - Example of use in conjunction with the network part:

func request(_ count: Int) -> Driver<[CacheModel]> {
        .compactMap { $0.data }
        .observe(on: MainScheduler.instance)
        .delay(.seconds(1), scheduler: MainScheduler.instance)
        .asDriver(onErrorJustReturn: [])

CocoaPods Install

Ex: Import Network Architecture API
- pod 'RxNetworks/MoyaNetwork'

Ex: Import Model Anslysis 
- pod 'RxNetworks/HandyJSON'

Ex: Import loading animation plugin
- pod 'RxNetworks/MoyaPlugins/Loading'


The general process is almost like this, the Demo is also written in great detail, you can check it out for yourself. ๐ŸŽท


Tip: If you find it helpful, please help me with a star. If you have any questions or needs, you can also issue.

Thanks. ๐ŸŽ‡

About the author


RxNetworks is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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