124 Repositories
Swift challenge-tests-finance Libraries
Swift client for Software-Challenge Germany 2022/2023
Swift client for Software-Challenge Germany 2022/2023 This package contains a simple client written in Swift for Software-Challenge Germany 2022/2023.
Challenge app for Moises.ai iOS Developer position
CSGOTV Description Challenge app for Moises.ai iOS Developer position For this challenge you have to implement an app to display all CS:GO matches in
Repository for the first challenge of the SwiftUI Animation Challenges. Create the likeable now playing animation from the Spotify app.
Repository for the first challenge of the SwiftUI Animation Challenges. Create the likeable now playing animation from the Spotify app.
Gauntlet is a collection of testing utility methods that aims to make writing great tests easier.
Gauntlet What is Gauntlet? Gauntlet is a collection of testing utility methods that aims to make writing great tests easier and with more helpful and
My submission for the SwiftUISeries' speed run challenge
SwiftUICameraAppSpeedrunChallenge My submission for the SwiftUISeries' speed run challenge Speedrun video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9L8XfZaIv8
Swift playground teaching basics of buffer overflow vulnerability and ARM64 assembly by exploiting vulnerable app on ARM64 emulator (WWDC22 Swift Student Challenge Winner)
Pwnground Project overview Pwnground is a project created as my submission for WWDC22 Swift Student Challenge (winner). It is an interactive Swift Pla
Accepted in WWDC22 Swift Student Challenge. This is an app dedicated to my grandfather.
WWDC22 Introduction Accepted in WWDC22 Swift Student Challenge. This is an app dedicated to my grandfather. In short, Grandpa's Farm is an app in whic
My WWDC 2022 swift student challenge submission - GradientDescend
GradientDescend Welcome to GradientDescend! This is my submission for the WWDC 2022 Swift Student Challenge. If you'd like, you can check out Gradient
'The Particle Binder' - Winning WWDC22 Swift Student Challenge submission!
The Particle Binder 'The Particle Binder' - Winning WWDC22 Swift Student Challenge submission! Welcome to The Particle Binder, the particle accelerato
ADA Mini challenge 2 team 14 OXY's repository in morning session
OXY 누구나 쉬는 시간이 필요하니까!! 📌 Features recording the degree of stress Playing with Donggle managing and relieving your stress by yourself comparing helpfu
CoreData + UI/Unit Tests + Pure Swift
What is it? 🙋🏻 It's a Todo iOS Application with offline support by the use of Core Data which has been developed as a code challenge. It's written p
Gapo challenge happy coding ^^
Gapo Challenge Implement Notification List screen Demo on simulator Development Language: IDE: Xcode (version 13.2.1) iOS Deployment target: from vers
WWDC22 Challenge: SwiftUI navigation hotdish
Challenge: SwiftUI navigation hotdish See this challenge definition at: Challenge: SwiftUI navigation hotdish Proposed solution The new SwiftUI versio
Working through Challenge: SwiftUI science fiction! 🖖🏻
Challenge: SwiftUI science fiction! 🖖🏻
An app for questioning people to try on different names and pronouns. A winner of the Swift Student Challenge 2022.
DiscoverMe is an app for questioning, trans, nonbinary, and gender-nonconforming people to try on different names and pronouns that better suit their
My submission for the SwiftUISeries' Workarounds & Hacks challenge
SwiftUISeries Workarounds & Hacks My submission for the SwiftUISeries' Workarounds & Hacks challenge Problem Description For a list in an app I'm work
Loopy Carousel: Submission to the SwiftUI Series **Workarounds** challenge
Loopy Carousel Submission to the SwiftUI Series Workarounds challenge. Workaround details In order to create the illusion of looping through the cards
PlaygroundTester enables you to easily run tests for your iPad Playgrounds 4 project.
PlaygroundTester PlaygroundTester is a package that enables you to add tests to your iPad Swift Playgrounds project. Installation Just add PlaygroundT
My WWDC22 Swift Student Challenge submission [Submitted]
WWDC22 Swift Student Challenge Submission An educational iPad app teaching some fundamental rules of typography in a fun and interactive way. Created
This is a project about Swift Student Challenge - WWDC22 [Submitted] Detailed walk through video link below.
Oh My Flag The App Oh My Flag helps students get familiar with flags. It is both educating and entertaining with the design of multi-module and intera
Apple Developer Academy @ POSTECH, Afternoon Session 17 team's Mini Challenge Project
📱 NatureUp Apple Developer Academy @ POSTECH, Afternoon Session 17 team's MC1 Project 사회가 발전하며 환경이 파괴되는 속도가 가속화되고 그 영향이 서서히 드러나며, 사람들의 환경에 대한 관심도는 점점
A super easy way to check if the installed app has an update available. It is built with simplicity and customisability in mind and comes with pre-written tests.
UpdateAvailableKit This is UpdateAvailableKit: a super easy way to check if the installed app has an update available. It is built with simplicity and
It's a pet project which has been developed as a code challenge
What is it ❓ It's a pet project which has been developed as a code challenge. It's written purely in Swift without using 3rd party frameworks. You can
Detailed explanations and implementations of various maths concepts for writing high performance code/algorithms backed with Unit tests.
Detailed explanations and implementations of various maths concepts which can help software Engineers write high performance code/algorithms backed with Unit tests.
This is the main repo for the coding challenge for the FoxBox iOS devs.
Code Challenge Given an already existing response from a MovieDatabase API Call: Fill the movies property with the (almost) parsed response. Create a
Projeto utilizado nos Dev Sprints da Devpass.
Real Estate Challenge Vamos integrar com uma API e implementar funcionalidades e testes de um aplicativo de anúncios imobiliários. Iniciando os trabal
Tests Challenge - Finance App
Tests Challenge - Finance App 💰 No Desafio Testes, temos apenas tarefas de implementação de testes em uma aplicação iOS. Nosso objetivo é implementar
Finance App written in Swift and SwiftUI
Finance App written in Swift and SwiftUI. Modular MVVM architecture (SPM) with Composition Root.
Projeto utilizado nas Sprints de ViewCode da Devpass.
ViewCode Challenge - Delivery App 🍕 No Desafio ViewCode, temos apenas tarefas de implementação de interfaces via código (ViewCode). Nosso objetivo é
DiceChallenge - Hacking with SwiftUI Challenge - Dice simulator
Some Dices Hacking with SwiftUI challenge turned into a real app available at th
Rick and Morty Challenge With Swift
Rick-and-Morty-Challenge A Branch mais atualizada é a main. Tecnologias Modo cla
Marvel - Marvel Characters App using MVVM, and including unit tests
Marvel About The purpose of this project is to develop a app using MVVM, and inc
Ios Lead Essentials Image Comments Challenge Public
The Image Comments Challenge - iOSLeadEssentials.com It’s time to put your development skills to the test! You are called to add a new feature to the
TakeHomeChallenge - iOS Tech Challenge - Take Home Challenge
iOS Tech Challenge - Take Home Challenge Thank you for your interest in taking t
Challenge-viper-finance - Project for VIPER Architecture Dev Sprints on Devpass
VIPER Challenge - Finance App 💰 Neste desafio, aplicaremos conceitos da arquite
College-catche - Developed an iPhone application that provides access to real-time college statistics as part of The Congressional App Challenge
college-catche Developed an iPhone application that provides access to real-time
Tipsy - Bill splitting and tip calculating App developed during iOS & Swift classes - The Complete App Development Bootcamp
Tipsy 💵 Bill splitting and tip calculating App developed during iOS & Swift cla
Challenge-M2Y-TM4 - A challenge provided by Mobile2You, with the purpose of analyzing knowledge about UI, API consumption
Challenge-M2Y-TM4 Um desafio proporcionado pela Mobile2You, com proposito de ana
TestSchedulerDemo - Demonstration code for iOS Unit Tests and Asynchronous
TestSchedulerDemo This repository contains demonstration code for my Medium arti
KataClub - An extracurricular coding challenge area
KataClub Welcome to the Kata Club! This is an extracurricular coding challenge a
Freezer is a library that allows your Swift tests to travel through time by mocking NSDate class.
Freezer Freezer is a library that allows your Swift tests to travel through time by mocking NSDate class. Usage Once Freezer.start() has been invoked,
Challenge-swiftui-space - Project for SwiftUI Dev Sprints on Devpass
SwiftUI Challenge - Space App 🚀 Neste desafio, desenvolveremos a interface de u
Challenge-vip-delivery - Project for VIP (Clean Swift) Architecture Dev Sprints on Devpass
VIP (Clean Swift) - Delivery App 🍕 Neste desafio, aplicaremos conceitos da arquitetura VIP para finalizar a implementação de um aplicativo. Desenvolv
FaceLibrary - Challenge on day 77/78, creating an application where you can name a photo from library so, you wont forget the peoples name
FaceLibrary Challenge on day 77/78, creating an application where you can name a
Execute tests in parallel on multiple iOS Simulators
Deprecation Warning Xcode 9 perfectly supports executing tests in parallel without any 3rd party tool like pxctest. We suggest moving to xcodebuild fo
Restaurant Menu Project - Trio.dev Code Challenge
Restaurant Menu Project - Trio.dev Code Challenge Description Get ready! You'll be creating a screen that fetches data from a restaurant API and displ
My Bootcamp ; 100 days challenge swift with swiftui
References : https://gelecegiyazanlar.turkcell.com.tr/konu/swift (free) https://gelecegiyazanlar.turkcell.com.tr/konu/swift-ile-ios-programlama (free)
Retos semanales de la comunidad MoureDev para practicar Swift & iOS
Code Weekly Challenge Swift/iOS 2022 Proyecto de retos semanales de la comunidad MoureDev para practicar Swift e iOS. Existen repositorios de código t
Code challenge iOS - Movies app
Code challenge iOS - Movies app Project structure The Common folder contains sha
Track your multiple investment or portfolios in one place
Portfolio Returns Portfolio Returns is a financial app for macOS that helps you
Coding challenge for hiring process of Sicredi company
Coding Challenge of Sicredi Screen Shots
A Code challenge I solved leveraging a lot on Composite collection view layout...written in swift
Space44 Code Challenge Space44 Code Challenge iOS application for Space 44 hiring process, it leverages on Image download and composite collection vie
A Code challenge I solved leveraging a lot on Composite collection view layout written in swift
AsthmApp Mobile app designed as a support aid for people with Asthma Accounts Google and Firebase asthmp.app@gmail.com dICerytiMPSI Facebook asthmp.ap
A Swift playgrounds with solutions of the Advent of Code 2021 challenge.
🎄 Advent of Code 2021 🎅 A Swift playgrounds with solutions of the Advent of Code 2021. How to run Clone the repo and open the Playground in Xcode. S
iOS's Stocks App clone written in React Native for demo purpose (available both iOS and Android).
FinanceReactNative iOS's Stocks App clone written in React Native for demo purpose (available both iOS and Android). Data is pulled from Yahoo Finance
Starter project for the iOS code challenge
iOS Base Project for Podium Take-Home Challenge Introduction We have provided two version of this base project: one using UIKit, one using SwiftUI. Th
Coding Challenge using NYC JSON data
Coding Challenge using NYC JSON data This was my submission to JPMorgan's code challenge prior to an interview. It represents my solution to asyncrono
An application where users can simulate trading stocks with a starting balance of fake money.
Eighth Wonder Finance Table of Contents Overview Product Spec Video Walkthrough Wireframes Schema Overview Description An application where users can
Snapshot view unit tests for iOS
iOSSnapshotTestCase (previously FBSnapshotTestCase) What it does A "snapshot test case" takes a configured UIView or CALayer and uses the necessary UI
A collection of useful test helpers designed to ease the burden of writing tests for iOS applications.
MetovaTestKit is a collection of useful test helpers designed to ease the burden of writing tests for iOS applications. Requirements Installation Usag
Tool for generating Acceptance Tests in Xcode, inspired by Fitnesse
AcceptanceMark is a tool for generating Acceptance Tests in Xcode, inspired by Fitnesse. Read this blog post for a full introduction to AcceptanceMark
Upload failing iOS snapshot tests cases to S3
Second Curtain If you're using the cool FBSnapshotTestCase to test your iOS view logic, awesome! Even better if you have continuous integration, like
Swift framework containing a set of helpful XCTest extensions for writing UI automation tests
AutoMate • AppBuddy • Templates • ModelGenie AutoMate AutoMate is a Swift framework containing a set of helpful XCTest extensions for writing UI autom
UITest helper library for creating readable and maintainable tests
UITestHelper General information When creating UI tests you will see that you are often repeating the same pieces of code. The UITestHelper library wi
Bluepill is a reliable iOS testing tool that runs UI tests using multiple simulators on a single machine
Bluepill is a tool to run iOS tests in parallel using multiple simulators. Motivation LinkedIn created Bluepill to run its large iOS test suite in a r
iOS UI Automation Test Framework
Deprecation: EarlGrey 1.0 is deprecated in favor of EarlGrey 2.0 which integrates it with XCUITest. Please look at the earlgrey2 branch. EarlGrey 1.0
Write unit tests which test the layout of a view in multiple configurations
Overview This library enables you to write unit tests which test the layout of a view in multiple configurations. It tests the view with different dat
My winning contribution to Apple's Swift Student Challenge 2021
SynthApp My winning contribution to Apple's Swift Student Challenge 2021 This repository contains an Xcode project and the final Swift Playgrounds fil
Small library to easily run your tests directly within a Playground
[] (https://developer.apple.com/swift/) Build Status Branch Status master develop About PlaygroundTDD enables you to use TDD directly on Xcode Playgro
Challenge... counting game for kids... should be entertaining, educational and fun... o_O
MultiTainment Simple multiplication game for kids. Possible to choose how many questions they want to answer and how hard shoud it be. Simple funny in
iOS application for CA Tech Challenge ONLINE ACE created by @KS1019 and @techiro
インターン後改善したところ RepositoryのMock化を行って、ViewModelのテストを可能にした RepositoryやViewModelをコンストラクタインジェクションを使ってDI Repository自体のテストを実装できるように、URLSessionのAdapterを定義してスケジ
A coding challenge done for Blinq
QuickText This is a coding challenge done for Blinq Launch Screen Add message screen Message List screen Edit Messsage screen Message Delete screen iM
iOS NBA Challenge Based on Xcode 12.4, PR2S Project By: Oscar Pastás
iOS NBA Challenge Based on Xcode 12.4, PR2S Project By: Oscar Pastás iOS This test app consists of a list of users Considerations This test should be
An Elegant Financial Markets Library Written in Swift
Notice As of May 20th, 2017, it appears that Yahoo is dropping support for a few features that BigBoard supports or there is an outage on their end ca
Birthdays App Challenge set by Chalkboard
Chalkboard Birthdays App Challange This is an app that utilises a web api to provide the user an ordered list of birthdays youngest to oldest How to i
Flipgrid Challenge
FlipgridChallenge Overview The project follows MVVM-FlowViewController architecture that scales nicely as more screens/flows are added. I have added c
US bank coding exercise challenge
USBankcodingexercise US bank coding exercise challenge This repo has two projects Project to demo MVVM design pattern problem statement - read data fr
RetroVisor helps you with inspecting UIViews in your unit tests.
RetroVisor RetroVisor helps you with inspecting UIViews in your unit tests. You do test views in unit tests, right? Right? Usually, I mark subview pro
Uses Firestore to remotely store books that are sorted by genre locally.
Uses Firestore to remotely store books that are sorted by genre locally. Books can be added, removed, or edited from within the app or on Firebase.
Code Challenge - Using Alamofire is a Swift-based, HTTP networking library, also Codable for Data Model and Combine Framework .
Code Challenge ##Using Alamofire is a Swift-based, HTTP networking library, also Codable for Data Model and Combine Framework . Alamofire is one of th
Catching fatal errors in unit tests
Precondition Catching When running tests which hit fatal errors, often preconditions the built-in support with XCTest. One package which supports cach
Client that retrieves specific information about stocks.
Client that retrieves specific information about stocks. This app is used as training to develop design pattern skills, in this case: the Coordinator Pattern
Erik is an headless browser based on WebKit. An headless browser allow to run functional tests, to access and manipulate webpages using javascript.
Erik Erik is a headless browser based on WebKit and HTML parser Kanna. An headless browser allow to run functional tests, to access and manipulate web
Sdk for Heap challenge
Heap SDK challenge how to: Introduction I developed Heap SDK with two test applications I built as a challenge for two companies ( Fleetio & Divvy ) d
Library that holds multiple books loaded from json in a scroll view where each book can be tapped on, favorited, rated, and opened to read
Library that holds multiple books loaded from json in a scroll view where each book can be tapped on, favorited, rated, and opened to read. If a book is a favorite, an orange star appears on the book's cover. Page number, favorites, and ratings are saved for each session of the app.
My accepted playground for the WWDC20 Swift Student Challenge!
WWDC20 Badge Creator 👀 Overview Submission Status: Accepted! Hello, and thank you for your interest in my project! This is my accepted playground pro
Currency Converter - Free and Quick Converter calculates money quick and easy way to see live foreign exchange rates.
Currency Converter - Free and Quick Converter calculates money quick and easy way to see live foreign exchange rates. This app is available in the App
A repository that demonstrates the difficulty to run async tests with Xcode 13.2 beta on pre iOS-15 simulators
A repository that demonstrates the difficulty to run async tests with Xcode 13.2 beta on pre iOS-15 simulators This demonstration uses an iOS 13.7 sim
Neste desafio, aplicaremos conceitos da arquitetura MVVM para finalizar a implementação de um aplicativo.
MVVM Challenge - Delivery App 🍕 Neste desafio, aplicaremos conceitos da arquitetura MVVM para finalizar a implementação de um aplicativo. Desenvolver
Utility to run the SPI-Server tests as a benchmark
spi-benchmark This package comprises a simple tool to run the SwiftPackageIndex-Server tests in a loop, logging the run times. The purpose is to colle
Projeto utilizado nas Sprints de Arquitetura da Devpass.
MVVM Challenge - Delivery App 🍕 Neste desafio, aplicaremos conceitos da arquitetura MVVM para finalizar a implementação de um aplicativo. Desenvolver
Projeto base de uma app de Delivery utilizado nas Sprints da Devpass.
Delivery App Challenge 🍕 Neste desafio, implementaremos uma app de Delivery em equipe, dividindo tarefas e seguindo todas as boas práticos de desenvo
The Feed API challenge with swift
The Feed API challenge - iOSLeadEssentials.com It's time to put your skills to the test! You are called to implement the RemoteFeedLoader to load a co
Traeger Coding Challenge With Swift
Traeger Coding Challenge Notes and things I would do differently with more time Add animated progress UI for downloads Make the image caching smarter
A simple self-development challenge application that aimed to learn
Movie List Challenge A simple self-development challenge application that aimed to learn "The Composable Architecture" basics and build a reactive str
Library for unifying the approach to network mocking in iOS unit- & UI-tests.
TinkoffMockStrapping Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements Installati
Trying to implement Unit Tests for @Binding properties in a ViewModel
BindingTester Trying to implement Unit Tests for @Binding properties in a ViewModel ViewModel to be tested class SheetViewModel: ObservableObject {
Creating a simple selectable tag view in SwiftUI is quite a challenge. here is a simple & elegant example of it.
SwiftUI TagView Creating a simple selectable tag view in SwiftUI is quite a challenge. here is a simple & elegant example of it. Usage: Just copy the
iOS Tech Challenge - Take Home Challenge
iOS Tech Challenge - Take Home Challenge Thank you for your interest in taking the iOS Tech Challenge. Preparation Please, compile the project in Xcod
Calculator Layout Boss Challenge for swift
Calculator Layout Boss Challenge No knowledge is your own until you put it into practice. Using what you've learnt about auto layout, stack views and