4156 Repositories
Swift ios-bootcamp-project-2021 Libraries
Cards - A SharePlay enabled card game for iOS & macOS
Deal ♣️ Overview A simple demo app showing the implementation of a card game acr
SwiftUI Slideoutmenu - Sample Project for slideout menu
SwiftUI_Slideoutmenu This is a sample code project for a slideout menu. Simulato
DGPreview - Make UIKit project enable preview feature of SwiftUI
DGPreview Make UIKit project enable preview feature of SwiftUI Requirements iOS
TaskManager-CoreData - Swift IOS Application created primarily to familiarize with the CoreData framework and gain knowledge to work with it
TaskManager-CoreData Swift IOS Application The application was created primarily
IOS mobile application that uses URLSession and Firebase
DogApp IOS mobile application that uses URLSession and Firebase. First a dog ima
IOS Swift : Explain Higher-order Function Examples
IOS Swift : Explain Higher-order Function Examples
LottieUI - A library developed to make Lottie easy to implement. It supports iOS and macOS
LottieUI It is a library developed to make Lottie easy to implement. It supports
Fineride - An iOS application for managing one's vehicles and their associated maintenance
FineRide An iOS application for managing one's vehicles and their associated mai
MyNews-iOS - A simple iOS mobile application for reading news articles
MyNews A simple iOS mobile application for reading news articles. This app uses
PitchPerfect - A simple iOS app for the Udacity Nanodegree which explores AVFoundation to record a short sound
PitchPerfect App A simple iOS app for the Udacity Nanodegree which explores AVFo
SGS Last Punch - SGS 2021 Dev Camp 2nd Team Last Punch
Snack 여러 협업 툴을 사용하면서 새 창을 키거나 알트탭은 그만! Slack과 Notion의 기능을 합친 Snack으로 쾌적한 협업을 경험해
ProteGO Safe iOS App
ProteGO Safe iOS App Project overview This is an iOS application for ProteGO Safe project and it implements two main features: User daily triage Conta
iOS application to help fight COVID-19
iOS application to help fight COVID-19 This app is aiming at helping fight COVID-19 spread by collecting anonymous data about people meeting each othe
Native iOS implementation of RadarCOVID tracing client using DP3T iOS SDK
RadarCOVID iOS App Introduction Native iOS implementation of RadarCOVID tracing client using DP3T iOS SDK Prerequisites These are the tools used to bu
SwissCovid is the official contact tracing app of Switzerland
SwissCovid is the official contact tracing app of Switzerland. The app can be installed from the App Store. The app design, UX and implementation was done by Ubique.
An app using Apple’s ExposureNotification API to detect contacts with other users of the app that may have had COVID-19.
NHS COVID-19 AG An app using Apple’s ExposureNotification API to detect contacts with other users of the app that may have had COVID-19. Dependencies
OpenCovidTrace iOS App – Fully Private Open Source Contact Tracing
OpenCovidTrace iOS App Visit https://opencovidtrace.org to learn more. WARNING: Issue with DP3T SDK DP3T switched to Exposure Notification Framework o
OutRun is an iOS app for recording and viewing your outdoor workouts
OutRun is an iOS app for recording and viewing your outdoor workouts. Despite the name it supports not just running, but also walking, hiking, cycling and skating.
rTracker is a complete iOS application for creating local on-device databases ('trackers') to log data with timestamps.
rTracker is a complete iOS application for creating local on-device databases ('trackers') to log data with timestamps. Trackers can use a va
An open source walk tracking iOS App written in Swift
Swift-Walk-Tracker An open source walk tracking iOS App written in Swift About The walk tracking application was intended to be incredibly simplistic.
Home Assistant uses Bundler, Homebrew and Cocoapods to manage build dependencies
Home Assistant for Apple Platforms Getting Started Home Assistant uses Bundler, Homebrew and Cocoapods to manage build dependencies. You'll need Xcode
This app is a native client for openHAB which allows easy access to your sitemaps
openHAB client for iOS Introduction This app is a native client for openHAB which allows easy access to your sitemaps. Beta releases are available on
Record your position and export your trip in GPX with GPS Stone on iOS.
GPS Stone Register your trips and export them as GPX files. Notes We currently have included a UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities with a location-services v
TICE – Locate Friends & Meet Up
TICE is a secure app for meeting up, sharing locations and locating friends and family in real-time. TICE allows live location sharing on iOS, Android and the Web. Privacy by Design and modern end-to-end-encryption protect the sensitive location data from others.
Small utility to import PDF slides as vector images into Keynote for iOS.
Small utility to import PDF files into Keynote for iOS. This utility is especially helpful when presenting slideshows created by LaTeX
🐵Fooling around with Apples private framework AvatarKit
Fooling around with Apples private framework AvatarKit, the framework used in Messages.app for recording Animoji videos. If you are looking to create your own Animoji, take a look at SBSCustomAnimoji.
TouchEncryptedJson - Simple project that accepts an input and encrypts it with the TouchID on a Mac
TouchEncryptedJson Simple project that accepts an input and encrypts it with the
A project for studying of UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout
UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout A project for studying of UICollectionViewCo
Awesome-ios-app - Suitable for beginners iOS development small app
awesome-ios-app Suitable for beginners iOS development small app. Table of Conte
Protoyping-Project WallAngle - With this App, you can measure the angle without searching for tools and calculations
Protoyping-Project_WallAngle This is the App that I made for the Prototyping Pro
Share-sheet-example - A sample project that reproduces an issue with Share Sheets
Hello, DTS! This project demonstrates the issue I'm having with the Share Sheet.
Giphy is an open source iOS app based on MVVM (Model–view–viewmodel) software architectural pattern.
Giphy(Search and display gifs) - MVVM Description Giphy is an open source iOS app based on MVVM (Model–view–viewmodel) software architectural pattern.
iOS client for Giphy written in Swift with ReactiveCocoa
Giraffe iOS client for Giphy written in Swift with ReactiveCocoa Requirements iOS 10.0 Beta Xcode 8 Beta 2 Swift 2.3 Carthage Why S
An app show your Live Photo and export as GIF.
LivelyGIFs Show your Live Photo and export as GIF. Demo HighLights Do not use Pod or Cathage to install 3rd party library Simple logic, new learner fr
SharedImages Screen grabs Main Features Private & self-owned social media Users store their images in their own cloud storage (Dropbox or Google Drive
SharedImages Screen grabs Main Features Private & self-owned social media Users store their images in their own cloud storage (Dropbox or Google Drive
Open source Reddit client for iOS built entirely in Swift
Area51 Area51 is an open source Reddit client for iOS built entirely in Swift! Get the public beta on TestFlight Join the public Slack channel to coll
Beam: the open source Reddit client for iOS
Beam for Reddit An open source Reddit client for iOS. Introduction Hi, we're Awkward. In 2014, we started working on a Reddit client called Beam. In t
An open source Instapaper clone that features apps and extensions that use native UI Components for Mac and iOS.
TODO: Screenshot outdated Hipstapaper - iOS and Mac Reading List App A macOS, iOS, and iPadOS app written 100% in SwiftUI. Hipstapaper is an app that
This was built during my bootcamp using SwiftUI, WebKit and an API from Hacker News
HackerNewsReader This was built during my bootcamp using SwiftUI, WebKit and an API from Hacker News. This was programmed from scratch with SwiftUI. I
Wordle Türkçe - iOS - Swift
Wordle-Turkce-iOS Xcode üzerinde derleyerek telefonunuza yükleyebilirsiniz 😊 Günlük bir limit eklemedim istediğiniz kadar oynayabilirsiniz. Oyun sonu
Lightweight library helping to embed Mercuryo Widget into their mobile apps
Mercuryo-Widget Mercuryo Widget Wrapper is a lightweight library for developers of apps who embed Mercuryo Widget into their mobile UX. Solely purpose
An original project making use of custom UITableViewCells, date formatting, json parsing, and handling user location.
SunTimes An original project making use of custom UITableViewCells, date formatting, json parsing, date and time formatting based on the json data, an
Ready use service for Firebase. Included interface, recored devices and notifications.
SPProfiling Ready use service with using Firebase. Included interface, manage auth process, recored devices and profile data. Installation Ready for u
How to handle HelaPay links inside UIWebView and WKWebView
Handling හෙළPay Links Setup Clone this repo. git clone https://github.com/PayHereDevs/helapay-link-handler.git To properly handle හෙළPay Links in you
The new iOS video player for CLI Studio
CLIPlayer Description The new iOS video player for CLI Studio Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example
Impelemented native Crisp chat sdk on android and ios
crisp_chat_sdk Impelemented native Crisp chat sdk on android and ios Preview Simulator.Screen.Recording.-.iPhone.13.mini.-.2022-02-07.at.18.24.56.mp4
Ios Lead Essentials Image Comments Challenge Public
The Image Comments Challenge - iOSLeadEssentials.com It’s time to put your development skills to the test! You are called to add a new feature to the
NY Times is an Minimal News 🗞 iOS application built to describe the use of SwiftSoup and CoreData with SwiftUI.
🗽 NY Times is an Minimal News 🗞 iOS app 📱 built to describe the use of SwiftSoup and CoreData with SwiftUI🔥
A NEWS app which can be used to read,share and bookmark articles of various categories
Scoop A NEWS App for iOS 14 built using Swift which allow the users to read,bookmark and share news articles. Built using MVC architecture Requirement
A powerful new way to Reddit on iOS.
Slide for Reddit Slide is a powerful open-source, ad-free, Swift-based Reddit browser for iOS. Feel free to join us on the official subreddit for disc
TabDump app for iOS
TabDump For iOS Read http://tabdump.com by Stefan Constantinescu (@WhatTheBit) on your iOS device. Download on the App Store. Features Read next: ⬇ bu
The Oakland Post iOS app, written in pure Swift
Now available on the App Store! Check it out! The Oakland Post App The mobile companion for The Oakland Post's website, written entirely in Swift! Scr
A Hacker News reader iOS app written in Swift.
HackerNews A Hacker News reader iOS app written in Swift. Features View "top", "newest", and "show" posts from Hacker News. Read posts using the SFSaf
Hackers is an elegant iOS app for reading Hacker News written in Swift.
Hackers Hackers is an iPhone and iPad app for reading Hacker News on the go. It's optimised for quickly catching up on the latest news and comments wi
HackerWeb 2: A read-only Hacker News client.
HackerWeb 2 A read-only Hacker News client. Only 30 front-page stories. No more no less. Revolutionary comments thread UI. Smart collapse and easy nav
A Hacker News client written in React Native
React Native Hacker News A modern cross-platform HackerNews client built on React Native Features The app currently has the following functionality: H
News application with 66 providers
News Description An application that let's you discover and read news. It's possible with using News API, that provides simple and easy-to-use API tha
The source code to How to build a news app with react native 📰
Royal News · The source code to How to build a news app with react native article on NimreyCode, medium, and dev.to. Requirements: Android Studio or X
Simple RSS reader app written in Swift
Feeds4U Simple RSS reader app written in Swift. Contributions All PRs should be directed to 'develop' branch. Important Note Use code as you wish. Don
DuckDuckGo iOS Application
DuckDuckGo iOS We are excited to engage the community in development! We are hiring! DuckDuckGo is growing fast and we continue to expand our fully di
A swift package(SPM) with iOS UI component that loads and displays images from remote urls or local assets and displays in a slide-show form with auto scroll feature.
MDBannersView A swift package with an iOS UI component that loads and displays images from remote urls, local assets and displays in a slide-show form
Blazing⚡️Fast BTC and ETH Wallet Generator library for React Native, Android and iOS
Blazing ⚡️ Fast BTC and ETH Wallet Generator library for React Native, Android and iOS.
This library for animating text. Developed with SwiftUI. This library supports iOS/macOS.
AnimateText This library for animating text. Developed with SwiftUI. This library supports iOS/macOS. Screenshot AnimateText.mp4 Example https://fabul
Tutorials from sparrowcode.io website. You can add new, translate or fix typos. Also you can add your apps from App Store for free.
Tutorials from sparrowcode.io website. You can add new, translate or fix typos. Also you can add your apps from App Store for free.
SwiftUI implementation of the game Wordle.
Wordle In SwiftUI This is my implementation of Wordle in SwiftUI. Explaination I know some of the code does not really make any sense, like random com
DesafioMobile2You - This project consists of creating a replica of a TodoMovies screen
DesafioMobile2You Swift IOS Este projeto consiste na criação da réplica de uma t
Ios-exercise - In this exercise applicant should implement a new feature into an existing sample app
Cooking app In this exercise applicant should implement a new feature into an ex
Assignment: iOS app in VIP Clean architecture
countries_vip_clean Assignment: iOS app in VIP Clean architecture. for countries
NewsAppTask - News App Task for iOS
NewsAppTask The application is designed to view the news for the last 7 days fro
VRTracerSample - Learning project in Metal Ray Tracing and Swift
VRTracer This is a personal project for learning Metal's Ray Tracing API with sw
Swift-HorizontalPickerView - Customizable horizontal picker view component written in Swift for UIKit/iOS
Horizontal Picker View Customizable horizontal picker view component written in
Codepath-flix - An iOS app that shows the movies currently playing in theaters
Flix App Submitted by: Luis Mora User Stories REQUIRED (10pts) (2pts) User sees
DGQR - A lightweight, pure-Swift library for rendering qr
DGQR DGQR is a lightweight, pure-Swift library for rendering qr. It provides you
EdvoraTask - Edvora Task App For iOS
edvoraTask my linkedin profile : https://www.linkedin.com/in/ziad-ali
Infowind - An Open Graph Metadata extension for iOS, iPadOS & MacOS
Infowind 💨 InfoWind is an Open Graph Protocol based Safari extension for iOS, i
CRUD - A simple iOS App to manage tasks
CRUD App ⭐ The App 💡 A simple iOS App to manage tasks Setup 👨💻 Clone the rep
IOS Spin Game - A simple spin game using SwiftUI
IOS_Spin_Game A simple spin game using Swift UI.
PhotoCatalog - PhotoCatalog Project Using Swift
PhotoCatalog Project Setup Clone the project from this link git@github.com:islam
IOSAnimationSample-master - An iOS Animation playground to exercise different iOS Animations
iOS Animation Sample This app is an iOS Animation playground to exercise differe
SwiftLanguageWeather-master - Swift Language Weather is an iOS weather app developed in Swift 4
Swift Language Weather SwiftWeather has renamed to Swift Language Weather. Becau
Save-the-dot-project-swift - Save the dot project with swift
Save the Dot Apple introduced UIViewPropertyAnimator for iOS 10. We can use this
TodoList-iOS-master - DailyCheck makes it easy to manage your to-dos by date
Daily Check DailyCheck makes it easy to manage your to-dos by date. App Store Do
Wiggles-iOS - Beautiful Puppy adoption app built to Demonstrate the SwiftUI and MVVM Architecture
Wiggles 🐶 Beautiful Puppy adoption app built to Demonstrate the use of SwiftUI
PagecallSDK - Integrate Pagecall for your iOS Application
Integrate Pagecall for your iOS Application [!] Bitcode is not supported, becaus
LinkedIn-Profile - UI of Android LinkedIn App Profile Page in iOS SwiftUI
LinkedIn-Profile UI of Android LinkedIn App Profile Page in iOS SwiftUI Sample I
IOS Card Game - A simple card game using SwiftUI
IOS_Card_Game A simple card game using Swift UI.
Xylophone-iOS13 - Training project / sound, buttons, constraints
Xylophone-iOS13 Training project / sound, buttons, constraints Simulator.Screen.
Zee5iOS - ZEE5 iOS Monorepo
ZEE5 iOS Monorepo Build guide You need to do all the steps in prerequisites just
Flixster-iOS - Flixster iOS Project for CodePath iOS Course
Flixster-iOS Flixster iOS Project for CodePath iOS Course Flix Flix is an app th
TQIBank - Project developed for iOS Acceleration in partnership with DIO (Digital Innovation One)
Projeto TQIBank Projeto desenvolvido para Aceleração iOS em parceria com a DIO (
ARVideoInSpace - A Minimal iOS AR app to play a NASA video in space
AR Video In Space A minimal iOS AR app for playing a NASA video in outer space.
DBZ-Legends - A SwiftUI based app for all the DBZ peeps out there
DBZ-Legends Just a simple UI based app for all the DBZ fans. You can tap on the
ProductListSwiftUI - SwiftUI Project to fetch product list using the fakestoreapi and the MVVM architectural pattern
ProductListSwiftUI SwiftUI Project to fetch product list using the fakestoreapi
Login-screen-UI - A simple iOS login screen written in Swift 5
This project has been updated to Swift 5 and Xcode 11.2 About This is a simple i
IdleTimerState - Control the idle timer for the SwiftUI app
IdleTimerState Control the idle timer for the SwiftUI app. import SwiftUI import
NewsAPI-Project - News API Project For iOS
NewsAPI-Project Es necesario descargar y realizar un pod install para ejecutar e
IOS-application-using-swift - An iOS calculator app reverse-engineered from the native iOS version and redesigned with a light-theme oriented UI
Swift Calculator An iOS calculator app reverse-engineered from the native iOS ve
IOS-Application-3 - A basic calculator app for iOS compatible to any layout and screen size
Calculator It is a basic calculator app for iOS compatible to any layout and scr
Analytics-connector-ios - Analytics connector library for seamless integration between Amplitude Analytics and Experiment SDKs
analytics-connector-ios Connector library for seamless integration between Ampli