620 Repositories
Swift open-source-project Libraries
Secret Messenger - a free and open source Jabber (XMPP) messaging client for Apple
Secret Messenger is a free and open source Jabber (XMPP) messaging client for Apple and Android devices focused on Privacy and Security with full OMEMO encrypted messaging support.
This is a clone project of Wordle. The app is made using SwiftUI
Wordle This is a clone project of Wordle. The app is made using SwiftUI. You can
A project to practice the Platzi course, Curso de Desarrollo de Aplicaciones iOS con SwiftUI
A project to practice the Platzi course, Curso de Desarrollo de Aplicaciones iOS con SwiftUI
COVID Safe Paths (based on Private Kit) is an open and privacy preserving system to use personal information to battle COVID
COVID Safe Paths is a mobile app for digital contract tracing (DCT) sponsored by Path Check a nonprofit and developed by a growing global community of engineers, designers, and contributors. Safe Paths is based on research originally conducted at the MIT Media Lab.
MiniVendingMachine - SwiftUI demo Apple Watch app to open a mini vending machine via bluetooth
Mini Vending Machine Use Apple Watch to open vending machine cells. Note: This a
KIEM - Open Source Library, converting mistyped Korean string into English string
KIEM Open Source Library, converting misspelled Korean string into English strin
ListViewSwiftUI - A project for creating a vertical list using the Swift UI.This project include topic,ListView to show list of movies,Tabbar
ListViewSwiftUI OverView A project for creating a vertical list using the Swift
GesturesSwiftUI - A simple project to demonstrate how gestures works in SwiftUI
GesturesSwiftUI - A simple project to demonstrate how gestures works in SwiftUI
NetworkIcom - Project using Swift and SwiftUI to access Icom 7610 via Ethernet
Background This repository is an upload of a local Git repository from an Apple
SwiftUI Slideoutmenu - Sample Project for slideout menu
SwiftUI_Slideoutmenu This is a sample code project for a slideout menu. Simulato
DGPreview - Make UIKit project enable preview feature of SwiftUI
DGPreview Make UIKit project enable preview feature of SwiftUI Requirements iOS
OpenCovidTrace iOS App – Fully Private Open Source Contact Tracing
OpenCovidTrace iOS App Visit https://opencovidtrace.org to learn more. WARNING: Issue with DP3T SDK DP3T switched to Exposure Notification Framework o
An open source walk tracking iOS App written in Swift
Swift-Walk-Tracker An open source walk tracking iOS App written in Swift About The walk tracking application was intended to be incredibly simplistic.
Home Assistant uses Bundler, Homebrew and Cocoapods to manage build dependencies
Home Assistant for Apple Platforms Getting Started Home Assistant uses Bundler, Homebrew and Cocoapods to manage build dependencies. You'll need Xcode
TouchEncryptedJson - Simple project that accepts an input and encrypts it with the TouchID on a Mac
TouchEncryptedJson Simple project that accepts an input and encrypts it with the
A project for studying of UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout
UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout A project for studying of UICollectionViewCo
Protoyping-Project WallAngle - With this App, you can measure the angle without searching for tools and calculations
Protoyping-Project_WallAngle This is the App that I made for the Prototyping Pro
Share-sheet-example - A sample project that reproduces an issue with Share Sheets
Hello, DTS! This project demonstrates the issue I'm having with the Share Sheet.
Open source Clips-inspired app.
AlohaGIF Website Funny moments? Want to share it as a GIF, but you are worried that you will lose speech from video? Aloha will scan sound and attach
Giphy is an open source iOS app based on MVVM (Model–view–viewmodel) software architectural pattern.
Giphy(Search and display gifs) - MVVM Description Giphy is an open source iOS app based on MVVM (Model–view–viewmodel) software architectural pattern.
Open source Reddit client for iOS built entirely in Swift
Area51 Area51 is an open source Reddit client for iOS built entirely in Swift! Get the public beta on TestFlight Join the public Slack channel to coll
Beam: the open source Reddit client for iOS
Beam for Reddit An open source Reddit client for iOS. Introduction Hi, we're Awkward. In 2014, we started working on a Reddit client called Beam. In t
An open source Instapaper clone that features apps and extensions that use native UI Components for Mac and iOS.
TODO: Screenshot outdated Hipstapaper - iOS and Mac Reading List App A macOS, iOS, and iPadOS app written 100% in SwiftUI. Hipstapaper is an app that
An original project making use of custom UITableViewCells, date formatting, json parsing, and handling user location.
SunTimes An original project making use of custom UITableViewCells, date formatting, json parsing, date and time formatting based on the json data, an
LibreSDK - Open FreeStyle Libre
LibreSDK - Open FreeStyle Libre Since there are a dozen of repositories floating around on github trying to decode the contents of a FreeStyle Libre.
NY Times is an Minimal News 🗞 iOS application built to describe the use of SwiftSoup and CoreData with SwiftUI.
🗽 NY Times is an Minimal News 🗞 iOS app 📱 built to describe the use of SwiftSoup and CoreData with SwiftUI🔥
The source code to How to build a news app with react native 📰
Royal News · The source code to How to build a news app with react native article on NimreyCode, medium, and dev.to. Requirements: Android Studio or X
DesafioMobile2You - This project consists of creating a replica of a TodoMovies screen
DesafioMobile2You Swift IOS Este projeto consiste na criação da réplica de uma t
NetNewsWire-Themes - A crowd-source themes directory for the NetNewsWire RSS Reader
Unofficial Official NetNewsWire Themes Directory This is a theme directory for t
VRTracerSample - Learning project in Metal Ray Tracing and Swift
VRTracer This is a personal project for learning Metal's Ray Tracing API with sw
Infowind - An Open Graph Metadata extension for iOS, iPadOS & MacOS
Infowind 💨 InfoWind is an Open Graph Protocol based Safari extension for iOS, i
PhotoCatalog - PhotoCatalog Project Using Swift
PhotoCatalog Project Setup Clone the project from this link git@github.com:islam
Save-the-dot-project-swift - Save the dot project with swift
Save the Dot Apple introduced UIViewPropertyAnimator for iOS 10. We can use this
Xylophone-iOS13 - Training project / sound, buttons, constraints
Xylophone-iOS13 Training project / sound, buttons, constraints Simulator.Screen.
Flixster-iOS - Flixster iOS Project for CodePath iOS Course
Flixster-iOS Flixster iOS Project for CodePath iOS Course Flix Flix is an app th
TQIBank - Project developed for iOS Acceleration in partnership with DIO (Digital Innovation One)
Projeto TQIBank Projeto desenvolvido para Aceleração iOS em parceria com a DIO (
ProductListSwiftUI - SwiftUI Project to fetch product list using the fakestoreapi and the MVVM architectural pattern
ProductListSwiftUI SwiftUI Project to fetch product list using the fakestoreapi
Login-screen-using-Swift - Firebase Apple Open Source Development
Firebase Apple Open Source Development This repository contains all Apple platfo
NewsAPI-Project - News API Project For iOS
NewsAPI-Project Es necesario descargar y realizar un pod install para ejecutar e
CodePath-iOS-Prework - Prework project for Intro to Mobile App Development course on CodePath
CodePath iOS Prework App Description This app has an input field, text, and seve
Magic-8-Ball-iOS13 - Training project /Working with View
Magic-8-Ball-iOS13 Training project /Working with View Simulator.Screen.Recordin
DrumPadPlayground - Starter Project and Final Project for AudioKit DrumPad Playground App built using Apple's Swift Playgrounds on the iPad
AudioKit DrumPad Playground Starter Project and Final Project for AudioKit DrumP
Rabble Wabble - This is small Project implemented with respected design patterns
Rabble_Wabble This is small Project implemented with respected design patterns D
Challenge-viper-finance - Project for VIPER Architecture Dev Sprints on Devpass
VIPER Challenge - Finance App 💰 Neste desafio, aplicaremos conceitos da arquite
Countries - Simple iOS Project for search on Countries
Do like Countries 🏴☠️ Simple iOS Project for search on Countries The project c
Nextcloud Talk is a fully on-premises audio/video and chat communication service
Nextcloud Talk iOS app Video & audio calls and chat through Nextcloud on iOS Nextcloud Talk is a fully on-premises audio/video and chat communication
A CLI utility to check or uncheck Open Using Rosetta preference for Apple Silicon macs.
SetArchPrefForURL A CLI utility to "check" or "uncheck" "Open Using Rosetta" preference for Apple Silicon macs. Usage: SetArchPrefForURL path-to-the-
In this project I chose MVVM architectural pattern in order to design applications structure.
SwinjectExample In this project I chose MVVM architectural pattern in order to design applications structure. Also I used "Swinject" framework for con
Weather - Use Open weather APIs to fetch live weather data
Weather 🌤️ Use Open weather APIs to fetch live weather data Use Core Location p
Lockdown is an open source firewall that blocks trackers, ads, and badware in all apps
Lockdown Privacy (iOS) Lockdown is an open source firewall that blocks trackers, ads, and badware in all apps. Product details at lockdownprivacy.com.
Periodum: An Interactive Periodic Table Project
Periodum: An Interactive Periodic Table Project This project started as a Turkis
This is the ninth project from Hacking With Swift 100 days of Swift course.
Petitions Viewer This is the ninth project from Hacking With Swift 100 days of S
AirPodsMotionAPI - Test Swift's AirPods Motion API in this sample project
AirPods Motion API Overview Swift provides an AirPods motion API that works on s
100-days-swift-project-8 - The eighth project from 100 days of Swift course
7 Swifty Words This is the eighth project from Hacking With Swift 100 days of Sw
SampleProjectMVVM - Sample project using MVVM parsing data from Giphy.com
iOS Take Home Create an iOS app with two views, MainViewController and DetailVie
An easy-to-use, open-source two-factor authentication app designed specifically for iOS.
Tofu An easy-to-use, open-source two-factor authentication app designed specifically for iOS. Tofu generates one-time passwords to help you protect yo
The minimalistic, secure and open-source two-factor authentication app.
Einmal /ˈainmaːl/ German: once The minimalistic, secure and open-source two-factor authentication app. Features ♻️ Cross-platform — available on Andro
🛍 Create shopping lists with emojis!
Mojilist 🛍 Create shopping lists with emojis! About Read more about this project at my blog post. License Copyright 2018 (c) Thiago Ricieri Licensed
Ello's open source iOS app
Ello iOS App Open source, but not open API Our API requires an application key and secret, which are currently being kept private. You can browse the
Metatext A free, open-source iOS Mastodon client.
Metatext A free, open-source iOS Mastodon client. Contributing Bug Reports GitHub is used for bug tracking. Please search existing issues and create a
Joplin - an open source note taking and to-do application with synchronization capabilities for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS. Forum: https://discourse.joplinapp.org/
Joplin® is a free, open source note taking and to-do application, which can handle a large number of notes organised into notebooks. The notes are sea
Watchos-navlink-swiftui-bug - Example Project to demonstrate bug in SwiftUI when NavigationLink is activated inside a TabView
SwiftUI Bug using NavigationLink inside a TabView on watchOS 8.1+ When a Navigat
Codepath-intro-prework - Hello World iOS App | Prework Project for CodePath Intro to Mobile App Development
Hello World iOS App App Description Prework Project for CodePath Intro to Mobile
CleanArchitecture - Helping project to learn Clean Architecture using iOS (Swift)
Clean Architecture Helping project to learn Clean Architecture using iOS (Swift)
Third Prize for Uber Hackathon China 2016. Source code for iOS client of UberGuide Project.
Smart Traveller Intro It's the project we did for Uber Hackathon China 2016. This is the repo for iOS client. Using swift and Objective-C. The project
Nextflix - Integrating project of the IOS development course by Digital House
nextflix Projeto integrador do curso de desenvolvimento IOS pela Digital House A
ARQuickLook - AR project to explore QuickLook
ARQuickLook This is my second AR project 🎉 . The more I do projects, the more I
Sample iOS App - A collection of examples and patterns for Unit Testing, UI Testing, handling Result/Optionals, writing documentation
Sample iOS App - A collection of examples and patterns for Unit Testing, UI Testing, handling Result/Optionals, writing documentation, and more
iOS Open Source Application written in Swift. App to manage borrowed books at UFRGS using SABI.
RenovaLivrosUFRGS iOS Open Source Application written in Swift. App to manage borrowed books at UFRGS using SABI. App in portuguese, code and comments
This app has always been open source! It began with the Big Brain Hackathon and now during Hacktoberfest
Brain Marks This app has always been open source! It began with the Big Brain Hackathon and now during Hacktoberfest. It is available for free on the
TinyToyTank - Tiny Toy Tank AR project
TinyToyTank This is my very first AR project so far 🎉 . It is really fun to pla
IOS-Bootcamp-Examples - Learn to Swift while building apps - With IOS Development Bootcamp
IOS-Bootcamp-Examples Learn to Swift while building apps - With IOS Development
The App Brewery Complete App Development course project
Destini The App Brewery Complete App Development course project. "A Choose Your
FMobile Série 3 est désormais open source !
FMobile for iOS FMobile Series 1, 2 and 3 are now open source. FMobile Series 1/2/3 are no longer supported, if you are interested in this app to be u
Kotlin Multiplatform project that gets network data from Food2Fork.ca
Food2Fork Recipe App This is the codebase for a Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile course. Watch the course List to Detail screen Searching Architecture Shar
Open Source Project of LOST Locations iOS app.
LOST Location Description: LOST Location is a fan made app designed for people visiting Honolulu, Hawaii. This app lists different locations used to s
This is the public repository of the MADBike app for iOS. Public bike rental service for BiciMAD.
MADBike Requirements iOS 10.3+ Xcode 10.3+ Swift 4+ Installation Copy BiciMAD/Supporting Files/GoogleService-Info-Sample.plist to BiciMAD/Supporting F
OctoPod is a free open source iPhone/iPad app for OctoPrint
OctoPod OctoPod is a free open source iPhone/iPad app for OctoPrint. Build Instructions Download Xcode You will need to install Swift 5.0 and Xcode 11
OONI Probe is free and open source software designed to measure internet censorship and other forms of network interference.
OONI Probe iOS OONI Probe is free and open source software designed to measure internet censorship and other forms of network interference. Click here
Open-source platform that raises awareness of the injustice and often forgotten names of racial inequality.
Welcome to the Say Their Names project. Our aim is to build an open-source platform that raises awareness of the injustice and often forgotten names of racial inequality at the hands of law enforcement. We strive to identify and amplify verified organizations to ensure donations are reaching those who can make the most impact with it.
Slidden is an open source, customizable, iOS 8 keyboard, written in Swift
Slidden is an open source, customizable, iOS 8 keyboard, written in Swift. iOS 8 brought us the ability to create fully customizable keyboards, but do
Development of the TUM Campus App for iOS devices - for and from students at Technical University of Munich.
Development of the TUM Campus App for iOS devices - for and from students at Technical University of Munich.
Simple yet powerful, open-source SpaceX launch tracker
SpaceX GO! Simple yet powerful, open-source SpaceX launch tracker About the project The purpose of this project is to develop the ultimate SpaceX expe
Demo project using React Native technology to create a simple iOS app to find music in iTunes
React Native, native iOS apps with JavaScript iTunesCatalog is a demo app that aims to show the React Native platform potential. There are included th
A sample project exploring MVVM pattern with SwiftUI/Combine, using Unsplash API (via Picsum.photos API)
CombineUnsplash A sample project exploring MVVM pattern with SwiftUI/Combine, using Unsplash API (via Picsum.photos API) with detail example. Resource
SwiftUI project to show ActivityIndicator above Image while loading
ImageWithActivityIndicatorDemo SwiftUI project to show ActivityIndicator above Image while loading ImageWithActivityIndicatorDemo is a demo app that s
Recreation of calculator-checklist project in SwiftUI
Calculator Checklist A project created out of curiosity to test the waters of SwiftUI, Apple's new UI Framework. The caculator-checklist concept was o
🚀 This demo is very simple project, which designed to understand SwiftUI
🚀 This demo is very simple project, which designed to understand SwiftUI. It includes Main screen, DayList screen and detail screen.
AZS - There are two frameworks in the pod file, you need to install them to work with the project
AZS There are two frameworks in the pod file, you need to install them to work w
Example project for the DeDuplicatingEntity Protocol
DeDuplicatingEntity-Sample-Project Example project for the DeDuplicatingEntity Swift Package Clone this repo and build the sample project or use it in
TextDetection-CoreML - This project is Text Detection on iOS using Vision built-in model
This project is Text Detection on iOS using Vision built-in model. If you are interested in iOS + Machine Learning, visit here yo
The example project of inferencing Pose Estimation using Core ML
This project is Pose Estimation on iOS with Core ML. If you are interested in iOS + Machine Learning, visit here you can see various DEMOs. 한국어 README
This project is Text Recognition using Firebase built-in model on iOS
TextRecognition-MLKit This project is Text Recognition using Firebase built-in model on iOS. If you are interested in iOS + Machine Learning, visit he
The example project of inferencing Semantic Segementation using Core ML
SemanticSegmentation-CoreML This project is Object Segmentation on iOS with Core ML. If you are interested in iOS + Machine Learning, visit here you c
This is an example project of SwiftUI and Combine using GitHub API.
SwiftUI-Combine-Example This is an example project of SwiftUI and Combine using GitHub GET /search/users API. 📋 Requirements Swift5.1 Beta Xcode11.0
A open source Swift app for iOS 13 that allows you to check your NFC transit card information. Written with SwiftUI.
ABANDONED Metrodroid, which TransitPal was heavily inspired by, now has its own fully functional iOS app! It should be in the App Store "soon". I stro
Open-source implementation of Apple's Combine for processing values over time
CombineX 简体中文 Open-source implementation of Apple's Combine for processing values over time. Though CombineX have implemented all the Combine interfac
Codepath prework project (Hello World app)
Hello World App Description TODO:// A Hello World App App Walk-though TODO:// Add the URL to your animated app walk-though gif in the image tag below.