319 Repositories
Swift real-time-video-streaming Libraries
GPUImage 3 is a BSD-licensed Swift framework for GPU-accelerated video and image processing using Metal.
GPUImage 3 Janie Clayton http://redqueengraphics.com @RedQueenCoder Brad Larson http://www.sunsetlakesoftware.com @bradlarson contact@sunsetlakesoftwa
GPUImage 2 is a BSD-licensed Swift framework for GPU-accelerated video and image processing.
GPUImage 2 Brad Larson http://www.sunsetlakesoftware.com @bradlarson contact@sunsetlakesoftware.com Overview GPUImage 2 is the second generation of th
FMPhotoPicker is a modern, simple and zero-dependency photo picker with an elegant and customizable image editor
FMPhotoPicker is a modern, simple and zero-dependency photo picker with an elegant and customizable image editor Quick demo Batch select/deselect Smoo
NextLevel is a Swift camera system designed for easy integration, customized media capture, and image streaming in iOS
NextLevel is a Swift camera system designed for easy integration, customized media capture, and image streaming in iOS. Integration can optionally leverage AVFoundation or ARKit.
Instagram-like photo browser and a camera feature with a few line of code in Swift.
Fusuma is a Swift library that provides an Instagram-like photo browser with a camera feature using only a few lines of code.
Easily take a photo or video or choose from library
FDTake Easily take a photo or video or choose from library πΊ Author's tip jar: https://amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/EE78A23EEGQB Usage To run the exampl
Open source implementation of Apple's Combine framework for processing values over time.
OpenCombine Open-source implementation of Apple's Combine framework for processing values over time. The main goal of this project is to provide a com
NTP library for Swift and Objective-C. Get the true time impervious to device clock changes.
TrueTime for Swift Make sure to check out our counterpart too: TrueTime, an NTP library for Android. NTP client for Swift. Calculate the time "now" im
π° Type-safe time calculations in Swift
Time This micro-library is made for you if: You have ever written something like this: let interval: TimeInterval = 10 * 60 To represent 10 minutes. U
SwiftMoment - A time and calendar manipulation library for iOS 9+, macOS 10.11+, tvOS 9+, watchOS 2+ written in Swift 4.
SwiftMoment This framework is inspired by Moment.js. Its objectives are the following: Simplify the manipulation and readability of date and interval
SwiftDate π Toolkit to parse, validate, manipulate, compare and display dates, time & timezones in Swift.
Toolkit to parse, validate, manipulate, compare and display dates, time & timezones in Swift. What's This? SwiftDate is the definitive toolchain to ma
NVDate is an extension of NSDate class (Swift4), created to make date and time manipulation easier.
NVDate is an extension of NSDate class (Swift4), created to make date and time manipulation easier. NVDate is testable and robust, we wrote intensive test to make sure everything is safe.
Time is a Swift package that makes dealing with calendar values a natural and straight-forward process.
Time Time is a Swift package that makes dealing with calendar values a natural and straight-forward process. Working with calendars can be extremely c
Swifty Date & Time API inspired from Java 8 DateTime API.
AnyDate Swifty Date & Time API inspired from Java 8 DateTime API. Background I think that date & time API should be easy and accurate. Previous dates,
SQLite.swift provides compile-time confidence in SQL statement syntax and intent.
SQLite.swift A type-safe, Swift-language layer over SQLite3. SQLite.swift provides compile-time confidence in SQL statement syntax and intent. Feature
Unleashing the real power of Core Data with the elegance and safety of Swift
Unleashing the real power of Core Data with the elegance and safety of Swift Dependency managers Contact Swift 5.4: iOS 11+ / macOS 10.13+ / watchOS 4
Messenger Clone - Real-time iOS Chat with Firebase Firestore written in Swift
Real time Swift iOS Chat with Firebase - Messenger Clone This is an extremely simple chat app source code of an iOS Swift Chat app. It leverages Messa
SwiftAudioPlayer - Swift-based audio player with AVAudioEngine as its base
SwiftAudioPlayer Swift-based audio player with AVAudioEngine as its base. Allows for: streaming online audio, playing local file, changing audio speed
π¨βπ»Watch the latest and greatest conference videos on your Mac
Conferences.digital is the best way to watch the latest and greatest videos from your favourite developer conferences for free on your Mac. Either sea