319 Repositories
Swift real-time-video-streaming Libraries
⏲ A tiny package to measure code execution time. Only 20 lines of code.
Measure ⏲ A tiny package to measure code execution time. Measure.start("create-user") let user = User() Measure.finish("create-user") Console // ⏲ Mea
NextEvent is a countdown widget for your Mac menu bar. It displays the time until the next event in your calendar or task list.
NextEvent NextEvent is a countdown widget for your Mac menu bar. It displays the time until the next event in your calendar or reminders. Choose the n
Loop video using Optical Flow on iOS/Mac
Perfect-Loop-Maker Loop video using Optical Flow and Metal on iOS Description The app loops video to make an effect like it is endless, it uses optica
Real-time communication application form Google Jacquard tag to macOS
Jacquard RTC Real-time communication application form Google Jacquard tag to macOS Abstract Want to use your Google Jacquard equipped product with you
OBSwiftSocket is a Swift library to be used for communication with OBS Studio via obs-websocket (v5).
OBSwiftSocket OBSwiftSocket is a Swift library to be used for communication with OBS Studio via obs-websocket (v5). obs-websocket v5 specification: ht
Compile-time-checked URLs
SafeURL Tool for avoiding using the URL(string:) initializer with optional result, instead introducing a compile time URL validity check. Note, this d
Generating OTP one-time passwords in Swift.
One Time Password Navigate Installation Swift Package Manager CocoaPods Manually Usage Apps Using Installation Ready to use on iOS 13+, tvOS 13+ & wat
NV_MVVM-C is a template file generator. This can reduce the time taken to write the boilerplate code and create the files.
NV_MVVM-C Template, is an MVVM-C Boilerplate generator which will help you generate all the necessary files for your project architected in MVVM-C.
Fridax enables you to read variables and intercept/hook functions in Xamarin/Mono JIT and AOT compiled iOS/Android applications.
Fridax is a Node package for dealing with Xamarin applications while using the Frida API. Goal • Installation • Usage • Examples • Issues • License Bu
Enable WebSocket in OPC DA/AE Server with JSON return, first time ever
WebSocket4OPC Enable WebSocket in OPC DA/AE Server with JSON return, first time ever DCOM was developed more than 2 decades ago, wich was the pillar o
MuVis is a macOS, iOS, iPadOS app for real-time music visualization.
MuVis MuVis is an open-source multi-platform app (using SwiftUI, Swift, and Xcode) for music visualization. It renders informative (and musically usef
A full stack real time messenger clone. Frontend is written in swift, and the backend is written in javascript.
FullStack-Messenger-Project A full stack real time messenger clone. Frontend is written in swift, and the backend is written in javascript. The Fronte
A SwiftUI framework which makes it easy to integrate Video Call and Chat within a few lines of code.
Welcome to iStream! This SwiftUI Framework allows you to add Video Call and Chat to your project within a few lines of code. To use this Framework, yo
Hide the "Latest Video Performance" tab in YouTube Studio
Hide Latest Video Performance - YT Studio Extension that hides the stupid YouTube Studio "Latest Video Performance" / "Latest YouTube Short Performanc
App desenvolvido do zero em Swift pelo time iOS na formação da Digital House
App desenvolvido do zero em Swift pelo time iOS na formação da Digital House. O App tem por objetivo mostrar o filme da API que deu match de acordo com a escolha do usuário após clicar no botão Roletar. Foi usado o padrão de projeto MVVM.
SwiftUI iOS app which applies CoreML Video Matting (background removal) model to the front camera stream
CoreML Camera Video Matting This is a simple iOS app which applies Video Matting (background removal) model to the front camera stream. Video Matting
NYT360Video plays 360-degree video streamed from an AVPlayer on iOS.
NYT360Video 360º video playback from The New York Times NYT360Video plays spherical 360º video, allowing the user to explore the video via pan gesture
Youtube-like double tap to forward/rewind animation with ripple effect.
VideoQuickSeeking Youtube-like double tap to forward/rewind animation with ripple effect. Please feel free to make pull requests. Example To run the e
Which contacts changed outside your iOS app? Better CNContactStoreDidChange notification: get real changes, without the noise.
ContactsChangeNotifier Which contacts changed outside your iOS app? Better CNContactStoreDidChange notification: Get real changes, without the noise.
A list of Mac devices with easy-to-use API. Updates itself each time an Apple Event can take place.
MacModels A list of Mac devices with easy-to-use API. This project is using MacModelDump's code for the internal Apple Support website scraper, to pow
An application focused on managing men's haircuts. It has never been so easy to keep the cut on time
An application focused on managing men's haircuts. It has never been so easy to keep the cut on time
Snapchat-like filters, AR lenses, and real-time facial animations.
react-native-deepar Snapchat-like filters, AR lenses, and real-time facial animations. React-Native wrapper for DeepAR. Table of Contents What is Deep
Swift/UIKit app for time measurment
TimerApp _ About Swift/UIKit app for time measurment Features: Start/pause time count Reset timer Long press gesture on time label to reset timer Time
Observable Object Debugger - Watch for ObservableObject in real time
Observable Object Debugger Watch for ObservableObject in real time. (This is the Alpha version) Quick Start Add package to you project.
Date and time manager for iOS/OSX written in Swift
Tempo was designed to work both in OSX and in iOS (7.0+). Work with the time or dates can be cumbersome, iOS development. Tempo allows you to deal easly with date and time. Basics manipulations are already implemented in Tempo.
A calendar based heatmap which presenting a time series of data points in colors.
Calendar Heatmap Introduction CalendarHeatmap is a calendar based heatmap which presenting a time series of data points in colors, inspired by Github
Alter SDK is a cross-platform SDK consisting of a real-time 3D avatar system, facial motion capture, and an Avatar Designer component built from scratch for web3 interoperability and the open metaverse.
Alter SDK is a cross-platform SDK consisting of a real-time 3D avatar system, facial motion capture, and an Avatar Designer component built from scratch for web3 interoperability and the open metaverse.
Media view which subclasses UIImageView, and can display & load images, videos, GIFs, and audio and from the web, and has functionality to minimize from fullscreen, as well as show GIF previews for videos.
I've built out the Swift version of this library! Screenshots Description ABMediaView can display images, videos, as well as now GIFs and Audio! It su
Paging Video UI, and some control components is available.
VideoPager [](https://travis-ci.org/Takuya Okamoto/VideoPager) Demo
React Native utility library around image and video files for getting metadata like MIME type, timestamp, duration, and dimensions. Works on iOS and Android using Java and Obj-C, instead of Node 🚀.
Qeepsake React Native File Utils Extracts information from image and video files including MIME type, duration (video), dimensions, and timestamp. The
A video decoder built on ffmpeg which allows libpag to use ffmpeg as its software decoder for h264 decoding.
ffavc ffavc is a video decoder built on ffmpeg which allows libpag to use ffmpeg as its software decoder for h264 decoding. Build ffmpeg First, make s
Real-time Apps the SwiftUI way
Sync Sync is a proof of concept for expanding on the Magic of ObservableObject, and making it work over the network. This let's you create real-time A
Save development time! Respresso automatically transforms and delivers your digital assets into your projects
Respresso iOS client Respresso is a centralized resource manager for shared Android, iOS and Web frontend projects. It allows you to simply import the
High-quality Interactive Audio/Video Unity SDK
简体中文 | English TRTC Unity SDK Overview Leveraging Tencent's many years of experience in network and audio/video technologies, Tencent Real-Time Commun
A simplest & base on protocol & swifty way to browse photo or video with hero animation.
JFHeroBrowser Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements Installation JFHe
This is a project about Swift Student Challenge - WWDC22 [Submitted] Detailed walk through video link below.
Oh My Flag The App Oh My Flag helps students get familiar with flags. It is both educating and entertaining with the design of multi-module and intera
Pomodoro is a macOS status bar application written in SwiftUI, which allows you to control your work and break time, exploiting the pomodoro-technique.
Pomodoro Pomodoro is a macOS status bar application which allows you to control your work and break time. Through this application you will be able to
Toledo - a dependency injection library for Swift that statically generates resolvers at compile-time.
Toledo Toledo is a dependency injection library for Swift that statically generates resolvers at compile-time. Index Features Installation Usage Licen
Better time picker for iOS.
TimePicker Better TimePicker for iOS Requirements Swift 5.0 iOS 10.0+ Xcode 10.2+ Installation The easiest way is through CocoaPods. Simply add the de
Save development time! Respresso automatically transforms and delivers your digital assets into your projects
Respresso Android client Respresso is a centralized resource manager for shared Android, iOS and Web frontend projects. It allows you to simply import
Save development time! Respresso automatically transforms and delivers your digital assets into your projects
Introduction Respresso is a centralized resource manager for shared Android, iOS and Web frontend projects. It allows you to simply import the latest
Sync your app's time with server's UTC time
ServerSync for iOS Apps Sometimes your app can't rely on the device's date and time settings being correct. This library will help you calibrate your
Edit images and video with async / await in Swift, powered by Metal.
AsyncGraphics The core value type in AsyncGraphics is a Graphic. It's like an image, tho it can be used with various async methods. Documentation Swif
Reusable GridView with excellent performance and customization that can be time table, spreadsheet, paging and more.
GridView GridView can tile the view while reusing it. It has an API like UIKit that works fast. Even when device rotates it smoothly relayout. Appetiz
SVPinView is a light-weight customisable library used for accepting pin numbers or one-time passwords.
SVPinView SVPinView is a light-weight customisable library used for accepting pin numbers or one-time passwords. Getting Started An example project is
Swifty Date & Time API inspired from Java 8 DateTime API.
AnyDate Swifty Date & Time API inspired from Java 8 DateTime API. Background I think that date & time API should be easy and accurate. Previous dates,
View Rails casts video on Apple TV
View Rails casts video on Apple TV To run the app locally on your TVOS or Apple TV Clone the app Enter the http://iosvideokit.com/ license details in
Telemat ist eine einfache Single-Screen-Streaming-App für tvOS
Telemat tvOS Basierend auf der ursprünglichen Idee von https://github.com/noestreich/Telemat1000_iPad ist Telemat tvOS eine tvOS APP, mit der ein schn
An *Unofficial* Uitzending Gemist application for Apple TV 4 (**deprecated, use TV Gemist ☝🏻**)
Uitzending Gemist UitzendingGemist is an unofficial native Uitzending Gemist and NPO Live application for the Apple TV 4 developed in Swift. It will a
Sample implementation of HDMI Clean out for iPhone or iPad video output.
HDMIPassThroughSample Sample implementation of HDMI Clean out for iPhone or iPad video output. "Lightning - Digital AV Adapter" can be used to output
IINA is the modern video player for macOS.
IINA IINA is the modern video player for macOS. Website · Releases · Telegram Group Features Based on mpv, which provides the best decoding capacity o
🚄ℹ️ Show current train info (speed, next station, arrival time) in macOS status bar
TrainStatusInfo This macOS application shows the current train status info in the status bar when connected to the trains hotspot. It uses the "intern
PiPifier - a macOS and iOS Safari extension that lets you use every HTML5 video in Picture in Picture mode
PiPifier is a macOS 10.12 and iOS Safari (action) extension that lets you use every HTML5 video in Picture in Picture mode macOS Download It'
Time Lines - Know when all your friends, colleagues, and family are
Time Lines Know when all your friends, colleagues, and family are. Time Lines is a practical app to know when all your friends, colleagues and family
An iOS app to make your love for Pokemon real.
An iOS app to make your love for Pokemon real.Which offers to make your pokemon cards live as if they were pokeballs. Each card has its own pokemon stored in it as a picturised but what if you had the powers of god to make it real and enjoyable. Don't worry now you do.Use our Poke3D and you're the god of pokemons.
High-quality Interactive Audio/Video iOS SDK
腾讯云实时音视频 TRTC SDK 产品介绍 腾讯实时音视频(Tencent Real-Time Communication,TRTC),将腾讯多年来在网络与音视频技术上的深度积累,以多人音视频通话和低延时互动直播两大场景化方案,通过腾讯云服务向开发者开放,致力于帮助开发者快速搭建低成本、低延时、高
Open source SDK to quickly integrate subscriptions, stop worring about code maintenance, and getting advanced real-time data. Javascript / iOS glue framework
Open source SDK to quickly integrate subscriptions, stop worring about code maintenance, and getting advanced real-time data. Javascript / iOS glue framework
This app will hlep you realize if the job you are doing, truly is worth your time
Worth Your Time Is working for your current pay really worth your time? This app will hlep you realize if the job you are doing, truly is worth your t
api.video is the video infrastructure for product builders
api.video is the video infrastructure for product builders. Lightning fast video APIs for integrating, scaling, and managing on-demand & low latency live streaming features in your app.
A simple to use iOS app with clean UI to calculate time until a specified date
A simple to use iOS app with clean UI to calculate time until a specified date.Added new feature that is now you can measure time from a specified date as well. Like time spent from the day you were born.
Draw Week Time Table on PDF using PDFKit in iOS Swift
DrawPDFTimeTable Draw Week Time Table on PDF using PDFKit in iOS Swift. Image Info This is the pdf of time table drawn using PDFKit in iOS Swift with
YHPlayer - An easy-to-use video player based on swift language
YHPlayer An easy-to-use video player based on swift language Features Plays loca
Video mp4 record save display - How to Take , Save and Display a .mp4 Video
Technicalisto How to Take , Save and Display a .mp4 Video Add your design with v
FocusSpace - A time-management tool to help you stay focus with your friends
FocusSpace 🏆 ElleHacks2022 - (Telus) First Place 👩 Developers Manyi Cheng(@man
The new iOS video player for CLI Studio
CLIPlayer Description The new iOS video player for CLI Studio Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example
Catalyst example of a grid-based video app that opens videos in secondary windows
Simple Catalyst example (Mac idiom) of a grid-based app populated with videos. On macOS, double-clicking a video opens it in a new playback window. Keyboard navigation is fully supported via the UIKit Focus Engine.
Dicee-SwiftUI - This app show random dicee every time the you make click in button roll
Dicee-SwiftUI This app show random dicee every time the you make click in button
ARVideoInSpace - A Minimal iOS AR app to play a NASA video in space
AR Video In Space A minimal iOS AR app for playing a NASA video in outer space.
Nextcloud Talk is a fully on-premises audio/video and chat communication service
Nextcloud Talk iOS app Video & audio calls and chat through Nextcloud on iOS Nextcloud Talk is a fully on-premises audio/video and chat communication
The goal is a simple iOS app that draws an analog clock of the current time
Qrono This is a work-in-progress. The goal is a simple iOS app that draws an analog clock of the current time (as well as displaying a digital readout
DelayStream - A swift version to stream a file or stdin one line at a time with a delay
DelayStream A swift version to stream a file or stdin one line at a time with a
College-catche - Developed an iPhone application that provides access to real-time college statistics as part of The Congressional App Challenge
college-catche Developed an iPhone application that provides access to real-time
Synco - Synco uses Firebase's Realtime Database to synchronize data across multiple devices, in real time
Synco Synco uses Firebase's Realtime Database to synchronize a color across mult
ImagePicker - selecting images from the photo albums, with allowed permissions /on real device accesing the camera
ImagePicker - selecting images from the photo albums, with allowed permissions /on real device accesing the camera, permission also needed/after picking an image it has the possibility to rename it
Two-Factor Authentication Client for iOS
Authenticator Two-Factor Authentication Client for iOS. Authenticator is a simple, free, and open source two-factor authentication app. It helps keep
FreeOTP is a two-factor authentication application for systems utilizing one-time password protocols
FreeOTP FreeOTP is a two-factor authentication application for systems utilizing one-time password protocols. Tokens can be added easily by scanning a
A native, lightweight and secure time-based (TOTP) & counter-based (HOTP) password client built for iOS
A native, lightweight and secure time-based (TOTP) & counter-based (HOTP) password client built for iOS Built by Tijme Gommers – Buy me a coffee via P
Allows users to pull in new song releases from their favorite artists and provides users with important metrics like their top tracks, top artists, and recently played tracks, queryable by time range.
Spotify Radar Spotify Radar is an iOS application that allows users to pull in new song releases from their favorite artists and provides users with i
Todo is an iOS App written in Swift. This app is used for an online video training course. This app demonstrates how to use UITableViewController.
Todo Todo is an iOS App written in Swift. This app is used for an online video training course. This app demonstrates how to use UITableViewController
AREarthObservatory - A minimal iOS AR app that visualizes time-series changes in the global environment based on data from NASA satellites
A minimal iOS AR app that visualizes time-series changes in the global environment based on data from NASA satellites
VideoDetect - Video Detect With Swift
videoDetect Main flow: start from setUpAssetVideoCapture() Thread 1:setUpAssetVi
MetricTime is designed to be one universal timekeeping system that eliminates the hassle of calculating time since most of its convertions as simple as converting meters to centimeters
MetricTime MetricTime is designed to be one universal timekeeping system that eliminates the hassle of calculating time since most of its convertions
ARVideoPortal - A Minimal iOS AR app to display 360 / video in sphere space
AR Video Portal A minimal iOS AR app to display 360 / video in sphere space. Xco
ARSpaceStation - A minimal AR iOS App that shows the International Space Station (ISS) in real scale
AR Space Station This is a minimal AR iOS app that shows the International Space
Realm RxSwift - This application was written in order to use Realm, RxSwift frameworks in real example
Realm_RxSwift This simple app was written to introduce basic operations of some
CameraButton - A simple camera button that can be used for photo and video capturing
CameraButton A simple camera button that can be used for photo and video capturi
VideoBackgroundSwiftUI - Video Background loop made with SwiftUI
VideoBackgroundSwiftUI (Updated) Video Background loop made with SwiftUI Video N
Jitsi Meet - Secure, Simple and Scalable Video Conferences that you use as a standalone app or embed in your web application.
Jitsi Meet is a set of Open Source projects which empower users to use and deploy video conferencing platforms with state-of-the-art video quality and features.
WLPhotoPicker - A multifunction photo picker for iOS
WLPhotoPicker Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod in
Flixtor-iOS - iOS streaming app inspired by Netflix that allows you to watch any film and series
Flixtor-iOS iOS streaming app inspired by Netflix that allows you to watch any f
An experimental time traveling state store for SwiftUI
SwiftUI Time Travel A SwiftUI state store and view that allow you to scrub through an application's state. This is a super rough prototype: it's only
SwiftUI Clock Time Picker
SwiftUI Clock Time Picker example An exampe of using ClockTimePicker library. Clock with hands ClockTimePicker is a SwiftUI view that displays a clock
Exclude files from Time Machine backups
tmexclude A small macOS command-line tool to flag a file/folder to be excluded from Time Machine backups by setting the com.apple.metadata:com_apple_b
Pretty iOS mobile screens + AVPlayer video view ––– made in SwiftUI
UrbanVillageProjectScreens Recreated UI screens from the conceptual Urban Village Project. Read more about the project here. Please open an issue if y
Real-time single person pose estimation for Android and iOS.
This repository currently implemented the CPM and Hourglass model using TensorFlow. Instead of normal convolution, inverted residuals (also known as M
Open-source implementation of Apple's Combine for processing values over time
CombineX 简体中文 Open-source implementation of Apple's Combine for processing values over time. Though CombineX have implemented all the Combine interfac
iOS Core ML implementation of waifu2x
waifu2x on iOS Introduction This is a Core ML implementation of waifu2x. The target of this project is to run waifu2x models right on iOS devices even
OrderManagementSystem - A real-time system that simulates the fulfillment of delivery orders for a kitchen
This project showcases the implementation of an order management system used for
Command line utility to profile compilation time of Swift project.
xcprofiler Command line utility to profile compilation time of Swift project. This tool is developed in working time for Cookpad. Installation gem ins
The best way to record your AR experience!
SCNRecorder SCNRecorder allows you to record videos and to capture images from ARSCNView, SCNView and ARView (RealityKit) without sacrificing performa