4527 Repositories
Swift swift-on-server Libraries
Turn your Swift data model into a working CRUD app.
Model2App is a simple library that lets you quickly generate a CRUD iOS app based on just a data model defined in Swift. (CRUD - Create Read Update De
Command line tool for exporting resources and generating code from your Figma files
Fugen Fugen is a command line tool for exporting resources and generating code from your Figma files. Currently, Fugen supports the following entities
A Collection of PropertyWrappers to make custom Serialization of Swift Codable Types easy
CodableWrappers Simplified Serialization with Property Wrappers Move your Codable and (En/De)coder customization to annotations! struct YourType: Coda
Beak 🐦 Peck into your Swift files from the command line
Beak 🐦 Peck into your Swift files from the command line Beak can take a standard Swift file and then list and run any public global functions in it v
Viper Framework for iOS using Swift
Write an iOS app following VIPER architecture. But in an easy way. Viper the easy way We all know Viper is cool. But we also know that it's hard to se
Stateful view controller containment for iOS and tvOS
StateViewController When creating rich view controllers, a single view controller class is often tasked with managing the appearance of many other vie
Spin aims to provide a versatile Feedback Loop implementation working with the three main reactive frameworks available in the Swift community (RxSwift, ReactiveSwift and Combine)
With the introduction of Combine and SwiftUI, we will face some transition periods in our code base. Our applications will use both Combine and a thir
Reactant is a reactive architecture for iOS
Reactant Reactant is a foundation for rapid and safe iOS development. It allows you to cut down your development costs by improving reusability, testa
📖 Design Patterns implemented in Swift 5.0
Design Patterns implemented in Swift 5.0 A short cheat-sheet with Xcode 10.2 Playground (Design-Patterns.playground.zip). 🇨🇳 中文版 👷 Project started
The Package Manager for the Swift Programming Language
Swift Package Manager Project The Swift Package Manager is a tool for managing distribution of source code, aimed at making it easy to share your code
A package manager that installs and runs executable Swift packages
Mint 🌱 A package manager that installs and runs Swift command line tool packages. $ mint run realm/SwiftLint@0.40.3 This would install and run SwiftL
The Cocoa Dependency Manager.
CocoaPods: The Cocoa dependency manager CocoaPods manages dependencies for your Xcode projects. You specify the dependencies for your project in a sim
A simple, decentralized dependency manager for Cocoa
Carthage Carthage is intended to be the simplest way to add frameworks to your Cocoa application. Carthage builds your dependencies and provides you w
Vim runtime files for Swift
Swift.vim Syntax and indent files for Swift If you don't have a preferred installation method check out vim-plug. Examples Syntastic Integration swift
Emacs support for Apple's Swift programming language.
swift-mode Major-mode for Apple's Swift programming language. Installation Install swift-mode package from MELPA. To install without MELPA, download l
An opinionated starting point for awesome, reusable Swift 5 modules
Swift 5 Module Template Use this template as a starting point for any Swift 5 module that you want other people to include in their projects. STATUS:
AEOTPTextField - A beautiful iOS OTP Text Field library, written in Swift with full access customization in UI.
AEOTPTextField - A beautiful iOS OTP Text Field library, written in Swift with full access customization in UI.
An Xcode playground showcasing the new features in Swift 4.0.
What’s new in Swift 4 An Xcode playground showcasing the new features in Swift 4.0. As seen in the What’s New in Swift session at WWDC 2017. Written b
A collection of Swift tips & tricks that I've shared on Twitter
⚠️ This list is no longer being updated. For my latest Swift tips, checkout the "Tips" section on Swift by Sundell. Swift tips & tricks ⚡️ One of the
Swift Featured Projects in brain Mapping
Swift 开源精选 自 2014年 WWDC 发布 Swift 语言以来,本项目 一直致力于将主流 Swift 中文学习、开发资源汇集于此,并且尽力紧密地跟踪、甄选优秀 Swift 开源项目,以方便开发者快速获得并使用。考虑 Swift 已经正式发布超过四年半(更无力管理维护海量的 Swift
A collection useful tips for the Swift language
SwiftTips The following is a collection of tips I find to be useful when working with the Swift language. More content is available on my Twitter acco
👨💻Watch the latest and greatest conference videos on your Mac
Conferences.digital is the best way to watch the latest and greatest videos from your favourite developer conferences for free on your Mac. Either sea
Explanations and samples about the Swift programming language
About Swift Contents Explanations and samples about: Swift Programming Language Swift Standard Library Target audience Developers familiar with object
A self-taught project to learn Swift.
30 Days of Swift Hi Community I am Allen Wang, a product designer and currently learning Swift. This project was totally inspired by Sam Lu's 100 Days
The Official raywenderlich.com Swift Style Guide.
The Official raywenderlich.com Swift Style Guide. Updated for Swift 5 This style guide is different from others you may see, because the focus is cent
LinkedIn's Official Swift Style Guide
Swift Style Guide Make sure to read Apple's API Design Guidelines. Specifics from these guidelines + additional remarks are mentioned below. This guid
Airbnb's Swift Style Guide.
Airbnb Swift Style Guide Goals Following this style guide should: Make it easier to read and begin understanding unfamiliar code. Make code easier to