309 Repositories
It's like AutoLayoutKit but written in Swift. For pure Swift projects. And it's super simple. Features concise, simple and convenient API raw AutoLayo
swiftUIViews | 👋 swiftUIviews is an online collection of beautifly designed swiftUIViews by the swift community. Feelin like contributing? Follow the
Tunely Description A basic iOS app written in Swift that displays tracks from the iTunes API. There are two tabs. The first shows a list of tracks. Cl
Lee Sojin 🍎 💻 📚 SOPT 30th THE iOS 주차 내용 세미나 과제 1주차 iOS 개발 입문 : Xcode 기본 사용법, Layout 기초, View 화면 전환 2주차 UI 설계 기초(1) : AutoLayout, StackView, TabBarC
Tootbot A multi-user Mastodon client for iOS. Getting Started Tootbot must be built with Xcode 8.3 or later. The xcode-install gem can help with multi
TifoKit A declarative UIKit for improve layout productivity when developing an iOS application Requirements Min. iOS 11 Swift 5+ Installation Currentl
DGCarouselFlowLayout A carousel flow layout for UICollectionView on iOS. Require
Swift-Underlined-Button-Bar Custom UIView class that hosts an array of UIbuttons that have an 'underline' UIView beneath them which moves from button
Flash Chat 💁🏽♂️ Overview This is a simple chat application made in Swift using send and receive interface. ⚙️ How it works The user needs to first
Façade Important Facade is no longer under active development, and as such if you create any issues or submit pull requests, it's not very likely to b
AppCircleSampleProject Installation Cocoapods AppCircleSampleProject is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to y
GiveCake Team Icon 디자이너와 개발자 - DBAL App Icon Introduction 경북 위탁가정과 기부자 사이에서 케익 기부를 위한 돈만 보내는 것이 아니라, 축하와 감사의 마음 또한 서로 보낼 수 있도록 도와주는 앱입니다. Functions 기
SPISearch An app (macOS & iOS) to explore the search results from Swift Package Index. Testflight Links: SPIIndex (iOS and macOS apps) Search Ranking
AutoLayoutPlus AutoLayoutPlus is a Swift library consisting in a set of extensions to help dealing with Auto Layout programatically. With AutoLayoutPl
E2DC Extract English text from Swift's Documentation Comment. ドキュメンテーションコメントに書かれた英語を翻訳したい場合に、便利かもしれないツールです。 (現時点では Swift のみ大雑把に対応) 2022-03-
Fastly Compute@Edge Quickstart for Swift This is an example Fastly Compute@Edge app using Andrew Barba's Swift Compute Runtime SDK. It's designed to d
NorthLayout The fast path to autolayout views in code Talks https://speakerdeck.com/banjun/auto-layout-with-an-extended-visual-format-language at AltC
UIKit Test Just a Xcode, UIKit and Swift playground (try and learning purposes).
KOTOR 1 Mod Manager Welcome to KOTOR 1 Mod Manager (K1MM for short), a tool designed to allow easy and simple installation of mods for the iOS version
RVS_UIKit_Toolbox A set of basic UIKit tools, for Swift iOS app development. Overview This package offers a few extensions of standard UIKit classes,
♫ SoundBall 🎮 Play You can set the horizontal and vertical walls with the Object Picker on the top. You can set the sound that the wall makes with th
WWCompositionalLayout A simple integrated version of iOS 13 Compositional Layout, modified into a way similar to Functional Programming to generate UI
UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout A project for studying of UICollectionViewCo
VFLToolbox Autolayout is awesome! VFL a.k.a Visual Format Language is even more awesome because it allows you to shorten constraints setting code. The
CGLayout Powerful autolayout framework, that can manage UIView(NSView), CALayer and not rendered views. Has cross-hierarchy coordinate space. Implemen
Bootcamp1000 New Challenge Practical application of a design taken from the Drib
FrameLayoutKit FrameLayout is a super fast and easy to use layout library for iOS and tvOS. For Objective-C version: NKFrameLayoutKit (Deprecated, not
SwiftBox A Swift wrapper around Facebook's implementation of CSS's flexbox. Example let parent = Node(size: CGSize(width: 300, height: 300),
Swift5 API client for OpenAPIClient Twitter API v2 available endpoints Overview This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By usi
Pets App Server Driven UI can enable faster iterations and allowing apps to instantly update on multiple platforms Steps to run Pets-Web: Download or
Title Capitalizr for iOS An iOS app that automatically capitalizes the title of your essay. Supports MLA, APA, AP, and Chicago styles. "You probably w
Composing custom layouts with SwiftUI Arrange views in your app's interface using layout tools that SwiftUI provides. Overview This sample app demonst
PizzInfo Downloading all the playgrounds Unless otherwise indicated, all playgro
ArrayDiff An efficient Swift utility to compute the difference between two arrays. Get the removedIndexes and insertedIndexes and pass them directly a
📱 ProjetoFinal - Pokedex App Projeto final do curso de Swift do programa Maria vai com as Devs realizado pela Serasa e Gama Academy para capacitar De
IMC (Índice de Massa Corporal) - View Code O objetivo desse projeto foi criar em view code o aplicativo IMC (Índice de Massa Corporal) ministrado no c
AvocadoEats About This SwiftUI app is all about my favorite mexican treat - Avocados! Recipes, nutrition facts, ideas, this app has it all. Featuring
Anchorman Do you think autolayout has to be hard? Nah. NSLayoutAnchor is pretty neat! But it's still a bit tedious of an API. Try writing .translatesA
DurationProgressBar Create a progress bar based on a duration in seconds. The view is fully customisable. Install Add this repository to your swift pa
EU Digital COVID Certificate Verifier App - iOS About • Development • Documentation • Support • Contribute • Contributors • Licensing About This repos
UIView-TapListnerCallback Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Installation UIVie
Quizzer App The app implements basic features of a quiz app using MVC pattern.
PinterestTutorial-iOS 🥺 Pinterest Layout Tutorial 이미지 크기에 따라서 동적으로 셀의 레이아웃을 설정하는 핀터레스트 레이아웃 구현해 보았다. 완성 코드 UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout 의 서브클래스
Blogman Задание 1 из 8 Пожалуйста, расскажите о своем опыте написания или использования собственных фреймворков. Какие плюсы в себе несли собственные
TicTacToe---Collection-View Game Rules A game will consist of a sequence of the following actions: Initially, the "X" marks will play first (we call h
Auto Layout Our Goal At the moment, our app only looks good on the canvas dimension that we’ve selected. If you run the app on screens with different
FlightLayout Introduction FlightLayout is a light weight, and easy to learn layout framework as an extension of the UIView. Functionally, it lives som
Basic Dependecy Injection Simple solution for DI Dependecy registration Registration strong dependency Registration weak dependency Registration with
Sonar Simple radar style view, written in Swift, pure CoreAnimation (no images). Highly adjustable. Usage Just place the UIView somewhere in your cont
VerticalFlowLayout This implementation is built using a UICollectionView and a custom flowLayout. Table of contents Requirements Installation CocoaPod
InfiniteScroller Example struct ContentView: View { @State var selected: Int = 1 var body: some View { InfiniteScroller(direction: .ve
2022_1_DreamTeam Проект команды DreamTeam по курсу "Разработка приложений на iOS" VK Group (весна 2022) meet2guide Программа для выбора экскурсии и об
FormationLayout Documentation FormationLayout is the top level layout class for one root view. FormationLayout takes a UIView as its rootView. transla
Login Screen Layout an login screen layout made with swift view Concepts used Vi