the missing support tool for building safe UIStoryboard code



Travis Build Status

seguecode is a support tool to use alongside UIStoryboard development. It provides compile-time safeties around building with UIStoryboards in an effort to create an error free workflow so you can focus on the important things.

This include exposing:

  • Storyboard Scene Identifiers
  • Segue Identifiers
  • Table View Cell Prototype Identifiers
  • Collection View Cell Prototype Identifiers

Xcode Plugin




The easiest way to get and use seguecode is through the wonderful Xcode plugin manager Alcatraz. The seguecode plugin, when enabled for a storyboard, will detect when you save your storyboard and automatically regenerate your seguecode source code.


  1. Clone the repo
  2. Run git submodule init ; git submodule update
  3. Run pod install
  4. Open seguecode.xcworkspace and build the seguecodePlugin scheme
  5. Close and reopen Xcode


To enable the seguecode plugin for a storyboard:

  1. Open the storyboard in Xcode
  2. Pull down Xcode's Edit menu and select the seguecode option

Plugin Screenshot

This will generate a file alongside your storyboard called <Storyboard Name>.seguecode.json which contains configuration information you can change to define how the automatic regeneration works.

The seguecode plugin looks for this json file to see if it should be enabled for a particular storyboard file, deleting it, or unchecking the seguecode option in the Edit menu, will disable the automatic regeneration.

Command Line

You can download the latest release


You can make your own build:

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Install the appropriate cocoapods with pod install
  3. Build the binary
  4. Place it in your favorite location for easy access.

It is recommended that you include a run of seguecode in your project as a Run Script Build Phase or as an External Build Target.


For an accurate list of parameters run seguecode --help or seguecode -h

The most common usage is

seguecode -o OutputFolder/ ExportMe.storyboard

The resulting header and source files will be exported with the same name as your storyboard file. To use them they should be included in your project and your target.

Note: at minimum seguecode expects an output location and at least one storyboard file

Exporting Customization

To further customize your export use the following parameters:

  • -c or --combine - Export the View Controllers combined in one file
  • -p or --projectName NAME - Name to use as project in source file header comment
  • -l or --verbose - Output verbose logging
  • -v or --version - Display seguecode's version
  • -h or --help - Display help

Preparing your Storyboard

To ensure a proper export please make sure:

  • the segue you wish to use has an Identifier

For extra clarity and reduced conflicts please make sure:

  • the source and destination view controllers have Storyboard IDs


Storyboard Identifier


Segue Identifier

Your exported header and source files will contain categories with selectors that describe your segue as well as optionally constants that can be used in your view controller ala self.performSegueWithIdentifier(..., sender: ...) call.

The resulting selectors and constants will depend on the segue Identifier and Storyboard IDs you used in your UIStoryboard.

For example, if you give your segue the Identifier MyHead, the source view controller's Storyboard ID Down and the destination view controller's MyToes the results will be:

Easy method calls:

extension MyViewController {
    @IBAction func performDownFromMyHead(sender : AnyObject? = nil)

Easy constants:

extension MyViewController {
    struct Segues {
        static let DownFromMyHead

To use the constant directly from your view controller call:

    self.performSegue(MyViewController.Segues.DownFromMyHead, sender: sender)

Table View Cell Prototype Identifiers


Collection View Cell Prototype Identifiers



seguecode is a new project that will hopefully continue to grow in usefulness. If you have any ideas or suggestions on how it can better serve you please create an issue labeled feature (check to see if the issue exists first please!). Or suggest a pull request!


Props to mogenerator for pointing out ddcli. And being a CoreData savior. And the kick in the butt to start seguecode.

  • cant create binary

    cant create binary

    How do you create the seguecode binary ?

    I tried installing the plugin from alcatraz, and from source code, building the project seguecodePlugin scheme does not create the binary, and building seguecode scheme gives too many errors on my computer. Can you simply upload a binary i can use ?

    opened by pikaboo 6
  • same name for a SegueID or TableCellPrototypeID in two different instances should be handled safely

    same name for a SegueID or TableCellPrototypeID in two different instances should be handled safely

    will cause both to export with the same name and cause compilation error should just export one, perhaps include annotation comments saying that it came from both

    opened by yoiang 1
  • I finally got it to work and was so disappointed with the result

    I finally got it to work and was so disappointed with the result


    After lots of messing around I finally got seguecode to work with a runscript build phase however, I was very disappointed with the result.

    My entire project is written in objectiveC and I do not want to start switching to swift right now The result came in swift, when i expected it to be in objectiveC can you add a flag or something to get the result in objectiveC ?

    your entire help file shows that the generated code is in objective c

    and i did not want nor expect it to be in swift :(

    opened by pikaboo 1
  • how to create a build phase

    how to create a build phase

    I wrote this build phase in my project

    echo $(${SRCROOT}/../devtools/seguecode.bundle/Contents/MacOS/seguecode -v)

    yet it still tells me that it cant find seguecode

    opened by pikaboo 0
  • Plugin running should be for specified storyboard files

    Plugin running should be for specified storyboard files

    Currently runs on any storyboard file, should have a way to say "run on this one".

    Perhaps option to create config on current file, only run if saved storyboard has config.

    opened by yoiang 0
  • Badge Badge

    Merge this to receive a badge indicating the number of issues in the ready column on your board at

    This was requested by a real person (user yoiang) on, we're not trying to spam you.

    opened by waffle-iron 0
  • Same View Controller used twice in a Storyboard with the same identifiers will cause identifiers to be exported twice and result in non-compiling code

    Same View Controller used twice in a Storyboard with the same identifiers will cause identifiers to be exported twice and result in non-compiling code

    should recognize the duplicate names and only export once, completely safe since they aren't specifically tied to instances yet

    perhaps include annotation comments saying that it came from both

    opened by yoiang 0
  • README should include how Plugin Json works and how to configure it

    README should include how Plugin Json works and how to configure it

    i dont know how we can use it

    i have genrated .json file but how it will automatically called and how configuration is actually works

    Also how to integrate with Build phrase using runscript

    opened by hardikdevios 1
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